Those who are born out of martial arts are the real strong ones in Donglin.

They dominated the fate of the clan and the mainland.

Every born martial artist is a brilliant genius. When he was young, he was arrogant and outstanding.

Some people have calculated that in Donglin, more than 80% of the people who are born out of the world are five-star, less than half are six-star, and the last remaining are the top four-star roots and some ordinary talents with amazing opportunities.

The deterrence of those who are born out of the armed forces is very strong. The reason why it is not easy to start a war between the clans is that they are not sure to kill the other clan members except for the reason that they are restrained by the surrounding clans.

Even if it is a top-level sect, it can't be said that it can kill the ordinary clan's unborn martial arts.

There used to be a top-level sect. After strict layout, it destroyed an ordinary sect nearby. However, it was still a secret that the other side escaped an unborn martial arts man. In the next few years, the fledgling warrior retaliated wildly on the top sect, which made the top sect panic, killed and injured countless people. Finally, it paid a huge price to invite an expert The long-time trailblazer killed the other side.

Therefore, after the cultivation reaches the level of birth state, even the top sect will give you three points, which will easily not offend you. Of course, once you choose to offend you, you will be killed.

"Tianxingzong's people are coming."

I don't know who said it.

Hearing the speech, people looked at the sky.

Above the sky, three huge spirit beasts swooped down.

On the back of the three spirit beasts, there are six of them, twice as many as canglan sect. There are nearly 20 of them in the younger generation. Each of them is energetic and proud.

It is also true that tianxingzong is one of the top sects in Donglin mainland. As the disciples of Tianxing sect, their status is much higher than that of ordinary disciples.

"On the back of the second spirit beast, it should be the seven children of the stars and the little master of the stars!"

There is humanity.

On the back of the second spirit beast stood eight young men.

Each of these eight young men is very extraordinary, and has a faint and powerful temperament. After observing it, many disciples of the clan have to admit that there is only one person in his clan who can compare with the most common of the seven sons of Tianxing.

Li Fuchen's eyes also fell on the eight people, just a glance, he saw Han Feng.

As one of the seven sons of Tianxing, Han Feng is still very terrible. In canglan sect, in addition to himself, maybe only Li Xiangru can compare with Han Feng. Chen Yuanhu seems to be weaker in the gas field.

And this Han Feng is also very young, like himself, are rising star.

However, Han Feng is only one of the seven stars. In front of him, there is a young man holding an iron fan.

The young man's face is like a jade and his eyes are like stars. With the spirit beast diving to the ground, the young man's clothes are flying, the trees are facing the wind, and he looks like he is smiling at the wind. Just that calm and luxurious temperament makes many clan talents feel ashamed and feel inferior.

"This man is murongdi, the little Lord of the stars!"

Li Fuchen's secret way.

Murongdi, one of the six young masters, is called Tianxing Shaozhu or Tianxing childe. When Li Fuchen went out for training, murongdi had already achieved eight levels of Disha realm. Now, judging from his breath, he clearly reached the peak level of Disha realm. Moreover, Li Fuchen faintly realized that murongdi's breath was more pure and domineering than that of Li Xiangru.

"Ha ha, you're all right. I'm Murong batian is late."

Tianxingzong, a martial artist who was born out of the world, laughs and shakes the sky, giving people a feeling of shaking the wind and cloud.

Murong batian, the patriarch of Tianxing sect, is the father of Murong di.

It is difficult to upgrade from birth to birth. In general, there are only a few triple martial arts practitioners in the ordinary ancestral clan. For example, Tiansha sect, which has a four level martial arts practitioner, is already a slightly stronger sect.

"Brother Murong's style is still the same. We admire him."

"Brother Murong didn't come late. I came early. I can't compare with brother Murong."

Many followers of martial arts from birth praised Murong batian.

The top sects or forces can only make friends with each other, but not offend them. This is the way of common sects.

"Murong batian, you are early."

Above the sky, a strong voice, like thunder, spread down.

People are surprised, who dare to call Murong batian's name?

Soon, the identity of the comer was confirmed.

"It's the Douling family."

The Douling family is also one of the top forces in Donglin mainland, and it is a little stronger than tianxingzong. Only those born in the Douling family dare to call Murong batian's name directly and change it to other people. They dare not take advantage of his ten courage.

"Xiahoushan, you are late."

Murong batian is naturally not afraid of the Douling family. His tianxingzong is only one notch weaker than the Douling family, and he just talks about it. It is not known who will win or who will lose in a real fight.And the two top forces will basically not go to war.

You know, if the two tigers fight, there will be a wound. Why should we take advantage of other top forces.

When the wind blows, three spirit beasts land, and the people of Douling family appear in the public's sight.

Like the tianxingzong, the Douling family also had six budding martial artists. The head of the family had a strong back and a strong back. Their breath was terrible. They were not inferior to Murong batian. They were also five martial artists of the unborn state.

In addition to the six born martial artists, ten of the nearly 20 young people in the Douling family have attracted great attention, and they are also full of great momentum.

Tianxingzong has seven children of Tianxing and Tianxing Shaozhu, while Douling family has ten Douling masters.

These ten people are naturally the most outstanding members of the younger generation of Douling family.

"Xiahou stone."

Li Fuchen saw Xiahou stone at a glance.

The other side's cultivation has reached the nine levels of Disha realm. The terrible breath is more than several times stronger than the original.

However, beside the stone body of Xiahou, there is a more powerful figure.

This man is a little older than xiahoushi. His face is expressionless, and he seems to be very low-key. However, with his keen consciousness, Li Fuchen can feel that the other party is like a volcano, which usually looks lifeless. However, once it erupts, it will be absolutely earth shaking.

Xia houchuan.

The younger generation of Douling family has no six star roots, only two five-star roots against the sky. Xia Houshi is one of them, and the remaining one is the first person of Douling family, known as Duke Douling.

He is also one of the six young masters. Xia houchuan is much more senior than Murong Di, who is less than Tianxing. It is rumored that Xia houchuan may have reached half step Tiangang state.

"Xiahouchuan, interesting!"

Murong Di looked at Xia houchuan with a smile in his mouth.

Three years ago, he was still young and short of enthusiasm.

But this time, he is holding the idea of fighting for the first star list, and this Xia houchuan is undoubtedly a strong enemy.

"Li Fuchen."

Xia Houshi glanced at the remote corner of canglanzong and found Li Fuchen.

Just a look, Xiahou stone then took back his eyes.

A trace of murder, quietly hidden.

Every top Tianjiao is the target he wants to kill. If other people are too strong, Li Fuchen is undoubtedly the weakest, even if Li Fuchen is the first person to enter Qiwu seven gates.

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