Jiang Ruo Liu, the three unique fairies, has a charming appearance and changeable temperament. Standing there seems to be a goddess.

From the present point of view, of the four fairies, it is obvious that the three immortals are slightly better.

But that's only for now.

Simple appearance, the other three fairies are not inferior to Jiang Ruo Liu, but only their accomplishments and details.

If a person with ordinary appearance can cultivate to a very high level, she will naturally show her extraordinary temperament. It can be said that with the improvement of cultivation, the temperament will also be improved, and it will be earth shaking.

With half step Tiangang cultivation, Jiang ruoluo's temperament almost reaches the level of Tiangang state, which is beyond the comparison of the other three fairies.

Of course, appearance and temperament are not the best.

Jiang Ruoyu's three unique skills are lightness skill.

The second is the palm technique.

The third is magic.

In the last star list competition, even the thunder King Star situ Lei, could not completely resist Jiang Ruoyu's magic, but was only slightly affected.

Gold whip King Xing Jin Xudong, the last star ranking third.

As one of the three King stars, he is tall, with a golden crown on his head. He is full of heroic spirit, full of unspeakable domineering spirit and vigor. He stares at him like an eagle, and his eyes are terrifying and aggressive.

If we say that Qiheng is a mountain, Wang Xingjin Xudong is a scorching sun, an Angcang and a shining light.

"Worthy of being Wang Xing!"

Li Fuchen can feel how strong the domineering spirit of Jin Xudong is.

Because of different personalities, each person's breath is different.

Some people's breath is restrained, some people's breath is strange, some people's breath is rigid, some people's breath is soft.

Jin Xudong's breath, as if the sun, constant outward eruption, domineering exposed.

In the face of such a existence, people who are not strong enough in their minds will not be able to produce a sense of war.

Night and day cannot coexist. When the sun rises, the stars retreat and there is nothing to stop them.

At this moment, Li Fuchen finally knows why there are only three Uranus and why Qi Heng and Jin Xudong can become king stars.

It's not about talent and potential.

In terms of talent potential, others may not be inferior to the three kings.

It's because of domineering.

There is a kind of domineering power that other young people don't have.

This kind of domineering is not domineering.

Domineering is a kind of King's demeanor of giving up one's own, is a kind of extreme self-confidence that despises everything.

Some people will be domineering at a certain time, which is the result of unique environment and unique emotions. However, the three King stars are just like the real king. Domineering has become a part of them.

In addition to the three King stars, the Dragon Sword childe is also domineering.

But Chiyu, the son of dragon sword, has a strong domineering spirit, forming a unique imperial spirit.

The so-called emperor's spirit is self-respect, which is higher and more extreme.

According to legend, in the era of super strong fighting, some people took the way of sword emperor and sword emperor. This kind of sword skill is extremely powerful, but it is also easy to walk into a dead end.

There was once a state in Donglin mainland, but because the emperor was too egotistical, it fell apart. Later, there were hundreds of schools, and there was no state again.

From this point, it can be explained that the way of emperor is not so easy to go, or even impossible to go.

Aware of Li Fuchen's eyes, Jin Xu's head in the East, his eyes like a flaming light, hit from across.

"What a strong will."

Li Fuchen was a little surprised.

The will of the soul is also related to character. Some characters can make the will of mind more concise and more tenacious, while others can make it more aggressive.

Jin Xudong's spiritual will is really like the sun, burning and domineering.

Of course, Li was only slightly surprised.

Surprised at Jin Xudong's mental will, he is the most powerful of the younger generation he has ever seen.

But it's not enough to shock him.

Li Fuchen was surprised, and Jin Xudong was even more surprised.

He had heard of Li Fuchen and had seen his portrait.

So he recognized Li Fuchen at a glance.

I know that Li Fuchen is the most amazing person in Donglin mainland in the past year.

After all, even though they were three Wangxing, they were not accepted as their own disciples by the first and second extraordinary martial artists, but Li Fuchen was accepted as their own disciples by the first and second extraordinary martial artists.

So just now, he did it deliberately and wanted to test Li Fuchen.

But he was very surprised by the results.

If we say that his spiritual will is the sun, Li Fuchen's will is the starry sky.

So deep, so vast.

No matter how huge the sun is, it is just a part of the sky.

"Interesting."Jin Xudong smiles at the corners of his mouth.

Li Fuchen's spiritual will surprised him very much. However, in this world, the martial arts need to consider too many qualities. The spiritual will is only part of it. As long as it is not bad, it can be said.

"Top 30 or top 20?"

Li Fuchen's cultivation, can't let Jin Xudong give too high evaluation, the first 20, perhaps is Li Fuchen's limit.

Li Fuchen didn't know Jin Xudong's idea. Even if he did, he didn't care. His eyes shifted from Jin Xudong to the last one of the most arrogant, the first king star, thunder King Star, situ Lei.

First king star, this title is extremely glorious.

To a certain extent, the first Wangxing represents the first Tianjiao and represents the king of Tianjiao.

Thunder King Star situ Lei is also very tall and incomparable in stature. He is a bit taller than Jin Xudong, and only slightly shorter than Qiqi, the immobile King Star.

Strong and strong, his upper body is like a hill, his lower body has a pair of long legs, the whole person is like a thunderbolt, quite motionless like a mountain, moving like thunder.

When we talk about Situolei, we have to talk about leishenzong.

The Raytheon sect is the first sect in the Donglin land. It has the most and the strongest martial arts.

Raytheon sect has no distinction between martial arts and Taoism, but tends to the attribute of thunder.

Most of the skills, secrets and various martial arts are of thunder attribute. Of course, the most famous one is the thunder god sect's first skill, thunder and lightning skill, five-star secret method, my heart is both thunder heart, and the first martial art is Tianlei.

Thunder attribute martial arts, extremely overbearing, extremely fierce, the same realm, the same conditions, Lei Shenzong against other people is completely crushing, regardless of the speed, or attack power, are superior to the people, but also slightly less defensive.

But in the face of absolute attack power, as long as the defense is not too bad, what does it matter.

There is a saying that the best defense is actually attack, which makes a lot of sense.

As a god of thunder, situ Lei has the root of six star thunder. He has a unique skill in cultivating thunder attribute martial arts. As long as it is thunder attribute, he can learn it quickly.

And his strength is absolutely strong among the younger generation.

There are almost no short boards.

Every aspect is the advantage of compactness.

In the last star list competition, even if it was xingqiheng and Xingjin Xudong, they didn't bring too much trouble to situ Lei.

Stu Lei's power has been completely invisible, just like the dark clouds in the sky. No one knows how many thunder and lightning and how much energy are hidden in it.

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