"Half step Tiangang state?"

Li Fuchen frowned.

Xu Lin's martial arts level is so high that she has reached the 17th level. Now even her accomplishments have entered the half step Tiangang realm. It is not too much to say that she is the fourth King Star.

I'm afraid that in addition to the three Wangxing, only Teng Qingyun, the prince of Changchun, and Jiang Ruoyu, the three Jue fairies, can compete with them.

Whether Chiyu, the son of dragon sword, can compete with it is still unknown.

With the astonishing cold wind, Xu Lin slapped Li Fuchen.

The same palm, now more powerful than one or two percent.

The roaring wind, with a faint light blue, like a light blue angry dragon, bombarded Li Fushun in the past.

Facing the strong wind and angry dragon, Li Fuchen splits out with a sword, and the red light huff and puff, and the red dragon flies.


The dazzling red light and light blue light burst out, and immediately, the vast expanse of white gas was booming.

This time, Li Fuchen is obviously in the downwind.

If the whole person was struck by lightning, it shot backward.

But Xu Lin just shook her body and didn't step back.

"Breakthrough in front of the battle is worthy of being a snow fairy."

"In fact, it's very normal. Xu Lin's level of martial arts is one of the best, and the level of martial arts is high, and the breakthrough of cultivation is also quick."

"Tut Tut, Li Fuchen's luck is really bad. Now Xu Lin, except for three Wangxing, can't win her steadily."

Xu Lin's breakthrough caused an uproar.

Outside the Tiangang formation, Ouyang Wentian and Zhao Tiantong are not very good-looking. In their opinion, Li Fuchen should be able to go further. Who could have thought that Xu Lin would break through the battle.

Feng Xue Zong, the leader of Fengxue sect, has a smile on his face. Before, he was worried, but now he has no worries.

On the platform, the situation reversed.

Before Li Fuchen forced Xu Lin to hit hard, now Xu Lin is forcing Li Fuchen.

Boom, boom

As soon as Li Fuchen retreated and retreated, he almost circled half of the platform.

"It's snowy and windy."

Xu Linjiao drinks and sends out a killing move again. As her hands are pushed out, the cold and strong wind turns into several pale blue angry dragons, sweeping over.

The majestic and icy pressure made Li Fuzhen's Qi and blood stiff, and his true Qi moved slowly.

At this moment, Li Fuchen even had the impulse to stimulate the bronze sword pith.


At the moment of Li Fuzhen's impulse, the true Qi in his body suddenly burst out, and a will to burn out the sky broke out and integrated into the true Qi.

Burning heaven skill, level 17.

At the critical moment, Li Fuchen's Kung Fu realm went up to a higher level and broke through to the 17th level.

How terrible is the burning Qi of the 17th floor. The hot breath even makes Li Fuchen appear a circle of red halo, which dispels the cold feeling in an instant. The next moment, the burning Qi of the 17th layer turns into pure Yang vigorous Qi. Li Fuchen is shrouded in the bright yellow light and splits out with a sword.


Red dragon swept, entangled with several pale blue angry dragons.

After several breaths, the red dragon and the light blue fury dragon exploded at the same time.

"The skill has broken through?"

Xu Lin eyebrows a pick, face full of surprise and shock.

"What, Li Fuchen also broke through, this is too exaggerated!"

"The 17th level is the top level skill of Xuan level. The vast majority of Tiangang martial arts are at this level. Only a few people can cultivate to the 18th or 19th level."

People's shock is no less than Xu Lin.

The two men who broke through both sides fought again, and the scene was more magnificent than before.

However, after all, Xu Lin's physical quality is not better than Li Fuchen. When her strength is almost the same, Xu Lin's reaction is much stronger than Li's. every time she tries hard, there will be a trace of anti shock force to shake her Qi and blood and Qi. It's good for a short time, but it's hard to avoid flaws.

In the past hundred moves, Xu Lin's movement has a trace of slowness.

Li Fuchen's eyes flashed, and the sword moves of the burning devil's horn were displayed.


The red one horn virtual shadow penetrates Xu Lin's body protecting Qi and pierces the other party's shoulder.


A palm smashes red one horn empty shadow, Xu Lin vomites blood to fly to retreat, pale face way: "I lost."

Injured her, more unlikely to be Li Fuchen's opponent, take the initiative to admit defeat, but also decent point.

"Let's go."

Li Fuchen nodded.

In the war with Xu Lin, he did his best except for the secret method of bronze sword pith.

However, now, with the breakthrough of the burning heaven skill to the 17th level, he has more means. After all, when the level of Kung Fu breaks through one level, his reaction will increase a lot. The reason why he fought with Xu Lin just now is to hone and consolidate the level 17 burning heaven skill.

Scene 2883, Xu Lin against Xia houchuan.With one hand, Xu Lin beat Xia houchuan out.

This is enough to prove how powerful Xu Lin is now, and Xia houchuan is not at the same level.

Li Fuchen, who can defeat Xu Lin, is undoubtedly more powerful. In addition to his weak cultivation, he has almost no shortcomings and short boards.

For a moment, people were filled with emotion.

Before the game, no one thought that Li Fuchen, the king of dark horses, would emerge.

So far, Li Fuchen has not lost a single battle.

No matter whether it is the front row of the star list or the childlike tycoon, none of them can stop his pace.

Maybe he can go further.

Scene 2992.

Li Fuchen vs. Han Yiming.

Han Yiming is under great pressure. Before Li Fuchen broke through, he still had confidence to fight Li Fuchen, but after Li Fuchen broke through, he had no confidence at all.

Shua Shua Shua

Han Yiming's speed is extremely fast. Like Li Fuchen, Han Yiming has cultivated the Xuan level medium level lightness skill to a perfect level. In terms of the lightness skill attainment, he and Li Fuchen are the real first. Jiang Ruo Liu and Luo Feiyun, the three unique fairies, are slightly inferior to the two.

However, Jiang Ruoyu's cultivation is half step Tiangang state, so generally speaking, the lightness skill is similar to Han Yiming.

Li Fuchen is similar to Luo Feiyun.

As if a gust of wind, Han Yiming whirled around Li Fuzhen, and the whole cone was his figure.

"The wind is changeable."

Han Yiming didn't even mean to try, so he broke out to kill.

This killing move is very suitable for his lightness skill. He points out that in the endless wind, there is a dense void finger shadow, which is attacking Li Fu's dust storm.

With the three changes of Xuanfeng, Li Fuchen's figure is more and more, and there are two sub bodies which are almost the same as the real body.

Maybe Li Fuchen's speed is not as fast as Han Yiming, but Li's consciousness is much higher than Han Yiming's, which makes Li Fuchen able to make the most effective movement. Every time he moves, it seems that he has carried out thousands of calculations.


On the platform, dozens of Han Yiming and dozens of Li Fuchen fight each other, and the sound of gas explosion is continuous.


A breath of real gas is about to run out of the moment, Han Yiming points to Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen's body swayed and avoided this finger. The Xuan lightsaber in his hand stabbed out from an incredible angle.

Han Yiming is shocked. The other side's sword is too mysterious. He has calculated all his retreats.


The sword Qi passes through his back, and Han Yiming flies backward.

Li Fuchen wins.

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