
A few days after Li's breakthrough, a stronger breath enveloped the villa, covering several miles around the villa.

"Elder Xu Chang?"

Li Fuchen smiles at the corners of his mouth.

Elder Xu Chang used to be five times of Tiangang state, now he is six times of Tiangang state.

"Congratulations, Xu Chang."

Elder Qin Ming came to congratulate Xu Chang.

Xu Chang said with a smile: "it's not easy. It's been five years since I was in Tiangang state."

Qin Ming nodded, "now you and I are the six levels of Tiangang state. With the skill of whirlpool attack, it is not only more powerful, but also more perfect."

Whether it is the art of joint attack or sword array, the cultivation of which is in the same realm, can really play its power.

Unless it's some combo or sword array that needs to be dominated.


In Donglin, most areas are occupied by zongmen, but there are also many areas, which belong to zongmen forbidden areas.

Such as ten domains of demons.

Blood demon realm, one of the ten demons.

In the extreme east of this region, there is a plain gray plain, which is thousands of feet below the ground. It is a huge karst cave.

The cave extends in all directions. I don't know where it leads.

In the center of the cave, there is a blood pool. On the upper side of the blood pool sits a strong old man with infinite blood.

"Blood ancestor, here is a new batch of 10000 blood beads."

A middle-aged man with high cultivation level came in and said respectfully.

"How many?"

The majestic old man did not open his eyes.

The middle-aged man said: "a high-level 10000 blood beads, 180 intermediate 10000 blood beads, 1200 low-level 10000 blood beads."

If there are zongmen born here, hearing the middle-aged man's words, they will be extremely angry.

million blood beads need to absorb millions of people's blood essence to be able to be condensed successfully, the middle ten thousand blood bead is one hundred thousand people, the low level ten thousand blood bead ten thousand people.

That is to say, in order to obtain these 10000 blood beads, the evil forces killed at least 30 million people.

Although Donglin has a large population, even canglan region has nearly one billion people. In some large regions, the population reaches billions, and the total population is more than 100 billion, but the population of 30 million is still a shocking number.

It's enough to make any bloody person furious.

Moreover, this is only a group. Who knows how many people have been killed by this evil force so far, perhaps hundreds of millions. As time goes on, the number will become more and more exaggerated.

"A little less this time."

The blood of a strong old man is rolling.

Hearing the speech, the middle-aged man's body trembled.

Blood ancestor has the highest cultivation of the birth state, only one step to reach the fighting spirit state. Although he is also the cultivation of the birth state, one finger of blood ancestor is enough to make him fall into the land of eternal disaster.

"Lord Xuezu, now every clan has begun to take strict precautions against us, and the speed of obtaining 10000 blood beads is much slower."

The middle-aged man explained.

Xuezu opened his eyes and looked at the middle-aged man.

In an instant, the middle-aged man seems to fall into the sea of blood, and in the sea of blood, countless blood corpses fly out, roaring and tearing at it one by one.

"Your blood ancestor, I know my mistake."

The middle-aged man quickly knelt down, sweating profusely.

Close his eyes, blood ancestor indifferent way: "spend more snacks, or I don't mind let you become blood corpse."

"Yes, I understand."

The middle-aged man stood up and backed away.

When the middle-aged man left, the blood pool under the blood ancestor was boiling, and a bloody figure came out. At first glance, there were at least thousands of them, and several of them were bloody. Their bodies were full of fierce fluctuations of blood gas. It was clear that they had reached the birth state. The rest of the blood figures had at least the atmosphere of Tiangang state.

Open the bag, take out the ten thousand blood beads inside, and the blood ancestor throws it.


Fighting for the blood pool, the most fierce, fighting for blood.

After a while, more than ten thousand blood beads were snatched away. Immediately, these blood colored figures sank into the blood pool and seemed to be digesting the blood channel strength inside the ten thousand blood beads.

"I don't know who among you can be promoted to the top five?"

Xuezu grinned.

With that, he had another ten thousand blood beads in his hand.

This Wan Xue Zhu is a high-level Wan Xue Zhu, but he can't bear to give it to the blood corpse. This Wan Xue Zhu is used by him to increase his own blood channel strength. As for intermediate Wan Xue Zhu and low-level Wan Xue Zhu, they are useless to him.

In the center of the blood demon Kingdom, there is a group of bloody castles.

The interior of the central bloody castle is empty and deep.

First, a tall and bloody demon was standing there.The spirit of this demon is extremely strong, and seems to be stronger than the blood ancestors. There are blood prickles on his body, and his eyes are full of scarlet light.

"My son, the old man of Xuezu, has sent ten thousand blood beads here."

The blood demon asked the smaller one below.

The blood demon also had spines, but the spines were much less, and the color was much lighter. He replied, "father, not yet."

"This old guy is going to knock and knock. You can send him a message. From now on, I want 30% of all the blood beads he gets. If not, let him get out of my blood devil kingdom." Blood demon cold hum, terror of the magic sound, so that below a small number of blood demons are some can not stand.

"Yes, father."

The little one of the blood demons quickly withdrew from the hall.

"Human beings are really delicious. In Donglin, we should be in charge of demons. All human beings are just livestock." The blood color demon's right hand is full of blood. In the huge iron cage beside it, a Disha warrior is sucked in.

A click.

The bloody monster opened his mouth and bit off the head of the warrior of Disha realm, splashing blood.


Li Fuchen obviously felt that the speed of understanding the burning sky sword was faster than before. A trace of terrible power was brewing.

"The seed of burning sky sword has been born, but I don't know when it will grow into a towering tree."

If we say that the initial formation of the sword meaning is a small tree, the mature sword meaning is a big tree, and the complete sword idea is a towering tree. Before the initial formation of the sword idea, it is only the seed of the sword meaning, which can not increase the power of the sword technique.

But as long as the seed of sword meaning becomes, it is only a matter of time to understand the meaning of sword.

When Li Fuchen was guarding the city of Yunwu, a great event happened that shocked Donglin mainland.

In one month, Changhe, Baishan and Jinguang regions were occupied successively. All of them died miserably. Only a few of the others fled and joined other clans.

These six domains have one thing in common, that is, they are close to the ten domains of demons.

And occupy these six domains, it is the ten demons domain, tiger demon domain and corner demon domain.

The owner of Wanyao realm is a level five peak monster beast Zhenshan elephant. It is said that this elephant has a trace of blood of the king beast pulling up the mountain elephant, and its strength is incomparable. Five high-level warriors from the unborn world once besieged the elephant, but they were all seriously injured by the elephant. If it was not for the elephant's slow speed, it would have killed ten people.

The owner of the tiger demon domain is also a level 5 top demon beast, the demon tattooed tiger. However, the tiger did not know what kind of demon treasure he had swallowed. His body changed. At the same time, he possessed the characteristics of monster and demon. His strength was much stronger than that of ordinary level 5 top monster. In a rage, he destroyed two clans.

Different from the masters of the previous two domains, the master of the corner demon realm is a pure demon.

The strength of demons is incomparably strong.

Among the same level, there are no low-level, medium-level, high-level and peak level. The weakest level-5 demons have more strength than the level-5 top-level monsters. Only the mountain shaking elephant with a trace of the blood of the king beast or the magic tiger with a mutated body can compete with the level-5 demon.

Of course, everything has its advantages and disadvantages. The demons are extremely powerful, but it is too difficult to upgrade to a higher level.

There are a large number of level 5 monsters in Wanyao domain and tiger demon domain.

However, there are only three level five demons in the corner demon kingdom.

Once the news came out, the mainland was shaken by the news, including the top ten forces.

What's the first time? There must be a second time.

Once we don't stop the ten domains of demons, they will inevitably invade more domains.

There is a baizong mountain in Baizhan area.

There are hundreds of temples on baizong mountain.

This hall is a sacred place to gather all the patriarchs. In the past 100 years, the heads of all clans have held a meeting here, this is the second time in a hundred years.

In the main hall of baizong, there is a huge rectangular stone table. On both sides of the stone table, dozens of stone chairs are placed respectively. The heads of each clan sit in turn according to the strength of the clan.

In front of the stone table, there are ten golden stone chairs. On the golden stone chairs, the leaders of the ten top forces are sitting.

Ouyang, the patriarch of canglan sect, is also on the list. However, canglan sect is only the gate of sanliu sect, with its position at the back.

Tiansha gate is a second rate sect, so the position of Li Xie Tian is a little bit ahead.

At the moment, there was no sound in the hall of baizong. Everyone was waiting for ten people on the golden stone chair to speak.

The first person to speak was situshuo, the patriarch of the thunder god sect, who was the grandfather of situ Lei.

As a high-level martial artist, situ Shuo glanced around and said slowly: "it's good for us, but it's also a bad thing for us. In those years, a five level demon killed a disciple of the seventh martial arts master, and was killed by the seventh level wizard, which scared the ten demon regions. Now it's closed in the Qiwu secret realm. I'm afraid the ten demon regions will not live with us peacefully Of course, if they want to occupy more than one territory, they can only retreat one stepAs the leader of the thunder god sect, although situ Shuo didn't want to fight against the ten domains of the demons, he didn't want to step back again and again. He was not of our own race. His heart would be different. Once the demons got more domains, the soil for human survival would be less and less.

"Master situ is right. We can give up the six domains we occupied. This is the bottom line." The master of Sanjue Palace also spoke.

"I agree."

"I agree."

The leaders of the top ten forces all agreed.

The leaders of the major forces below naturally agreed.

As a matter of fact, they basically have no right to speak in the 100 meetings, and their role is to vote. Since the heads of the top ten forces have unanimously agreed, there is naturally nothing to vote on.

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