Canglan hall.

Ouyang asked the sky already waiting there.

Seeing Li Fuchen's arrival, Ouyang asked the sky to throw a jade slip to Li Fuchen and said, "this is a one-off martial arts jade slip. It records the secret method of wanjian Guizong. You should remember that the secret method of wanjian Guizong is our canglan clan's Zhenzong secret method. The total number of practitioners is no more than 20. Therefore, you should not spread it out, and you should make a martial arts oath."

The so-called oath of martial arts is supernatural. In fact, it means that a warrior swears to the future of Wudao.

Some people have broken the oath, but the future of martial arts will be full of ups and downs. Gradually, more and more people believe in it.

Wudao oath also has a name, called the heart demon oath.

If you violate the oath of martial arts, there will be heart demons in your heart. It is the heart demons that hinder the progress of martial arts.


Li Fuchen raised three fingers of his right hand and began to swear.

After leaving canglan hall, Li Fuchen immediately returned to his peak and prepared to devote himself to studying the secret method of returning ten thousand swords to Buddhism.

Three days later.

"It's worthy of the secret method of returning ten thousand swords to the sect. Unexpectedly, it can breed the sword yuan of one's own life in the sea of Qi in the elixir field, and store the sword Qi with this life sword yuan."

At the top of the mountain, the wind is blowing.

Li Fuchen stands in the wind, his clothes are hunting and dancing.

Take a deep breath, and Li Fuchen inspires the secret method of ten thousand swords.

Sharp breath, so that the wind fragmented, within a hundred steps of the body, became a windless area.

At the same time, the sword Qi was hovering around Li Fuzhen. At first glance, there were at least hundreds of them.

It is very exhausting to breed the life-long sword yuan in the sea of Qi in Dantian. It is not enough to rely on the cultivation of true Qi alone. Li Fuchen can breed the original sword yuan which can store hundreds of thousands of sword Guizong sword Qi, mainly relying on the inferior spirit stone.


Li Fuchen's consciousness moved, and a hundred sword Qi shot at the opposite boulder.

Puff, puff, puff

The huge stone was pierced into a horse's nest, and immediately exploded, leaving dust all over the sky.

"What a powerful force."

Li Fuchen raised his eyebrows.

The power of every ten thousand sword Guizong's sword Qi is far inferior to that of the Tiangang state. A heavy fighter's all-out strike does not look impressive. However, the power of more than one hundred thousand sword Guizong's sword Qi has reached three levels in Tiangang state.

You should know that this is just the sword spirit of hundreds of thousands of swords. If it is hundreds of swords, even thousands of swords, the power will be terrible.

Consciousness sinking, Li Fuchen saw his own Dantian interior.

Inside the Dantian, there is a huge red fireball, just like a red sun. This is Li Fushen's burning Qi.

And at the side of burning the sky, there is a small white sword.

This white sword is just the original sword yuan.

The stronger the life sword yuan is, the more sword Qi can be stored. At present, Li Fuchen's life sword yuan can only store hundreds of sword Qi, which has been consumed at one time.

Taking out a lower spirit stone, Li Fuchen began to absorb the spirit and pour it into the sword yuan of his life.

This life sword yuan not only can store ten thousand swords to the family's sword Qi, but also can condense the sword Qi to make the sword Qi more powerful.

It took an hour for the sword Qi to be condensed successfully.

"It takes an hour for hundreds of sword Qi to be condensed successfully. For thousands of sword Qi, it takes 10 hours, which is equivalent to one day, and it takes ten days for tens of thousands of swords. I'm afraid this is the most fatal flaw of the secret method of returning ten thousand swords."

Wanjian is one of the top ten five-star secret methods in Donglin. However, it has great weakness. Once the sword Qi is consumed completely, it needs a lot of time to refine and store the sword Qi. Unlike other secret methods, it can continue to fight.

When the sword Qi is full, Li Fuchen inspires Jianyuan of his life again.

"Come out!"

Hundreds of sword Qi emerged.

As soon as his consciousness moved, Li Fuchen began to combine his sword Qi.

Under the consciousness of Li Fuchen, hundreds of sword Qi combined into a big sword, which stabbed at another boulder on the opposite side.


The boulder exploded, destroying more thoroughly.

"Sure enough, ten thousand swords belong to the secret method, combined with spiritual consciousness, can be more powerful."

After all, the scattered sword Qi can't compare with the combined sword Qi. The power of hundreds of sword Qi combined almost doubled.

And it's just a hundred sword Qi. If it's a combination of thousands of sword Qi, the power will not double or double.

"Try to see if you can stack the sword pith secret."

Continue to absorb aura. After an hour, I will be full of sword Qi.

This time, Li Fuchen let the sword Qi pass through the bronze sword pith, and then spread out to the body.


The sound of a clear sword is heard.

Around Li Fuchen, hundreds of bronze swords emerge, each of which is like a real bronze sword with extraordinary texture.


Hundreds of thousands of swords belong to the bronze sword. They are combined into a big bronze sword, and then they fly out.Poof!

It is a huge stone made of low-grade basalt ore, which explodes instantly.

This is not over. The bronze sword is just a little dimmer and still has a strong attack power.

In other words, after adding the sword pith secret method, Li Fuchen's wanjian Guizong secret method can not only greatly increase the lethality, but also prolong the fighting time.

After practicing for another week, Li Fuchen's original sword yuan was several times stronger and could store 500 sword Qi.

The cultivation of ten thousand swords belongs to the clan and breeds the sword yuan of his own life. The requirements for spiritual consciousness are very high. The ordinary martial arts in Tiangang can not meet the requirements, and only the high-level martial arts in Tiangang can barely meet the requirements.

Li Fuchen's spiritual consciousness is naturally strong, and everyone can see it in the star list competition.

This is why Ouyang asked the sky to teach Li Fuchen the secret method of returning ten thousand swords in advance.

However, if you let Ouyang Wentian know about Li's progress, he would still be shocked. In ten days, he would have bred his own life sword yuan, which can store 500 sword Qi. This progress is simply appalling. When he first cultivated ten thousand swords, it took him three months to breed his own Jianyuan to such a level.

On the battlefield, the third world war lasted quite a long time. At every moment, there were a large number of Disha and Tiangang martial artists, and a number of those who were born out of it.

One hundred cases can not be withdrawn. Once it is withdrawn, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The demons don't want to retreat from the ten domains. They have an advantage. Why should they retreat.

Perhaps aware of the importance of the Third World War, baizong did not retreat easily this time, and some antiques that had been closed for many years had to come out and contribute their own strength.

In addition, each sect's unique joint attack array can resist the demons in the ten regions.

On a vast battlefield, Zhao endless crazy killing.

His strength is much stronger than Li Fuchen imagined.

Although he was only a four-star root, he had a chance in his early years to cultivate canglan Zhengong to the 19th level. At the same time, he also understood the meaning of canglan sword. With the help of tens of thousands of swords, few people could fight against him.

It's necessary to count him as a Tianjiao at the peak of Tiangang state.

Through the battlefield, looking thousands of miles away, between the mountains, there, a huge thing is raging, every collision, it seems that there is a mountain shadow broken.

Zhenshan elephant is the master of Wanyao domain.

Zhao endless face dew longings, secret way: I do not know if I have a life, whether to step into the state of birth.

His greatest ambition in his life was to become a martial artist.

If you are born out of the womb, your life will not exceed 150, but in fact, you will live to 100 years old.

The cultivation of martial arts is a process of squeezing the potential. If the potential is squeezed more, the life span will naturally be less. On the contrary, some ordinary martial artists with low cultivation can live longer.

However, once they have reached the stage of birth, their life expectancy will be at least 200 years old, almost doubling.

Double life span, what kind of concept is this, Zhao endless can't imagine.


Not far away, a four level demon killed.

Level 4 demons are extremely powerful. Although they can't reach the level of birth, they are also better than Zhao endlessly. Even level 4 top demons can easily be slaughtered.

Zhao endless invincible, hastily retreat.

He has been through this situation many times.

In the battlefield, the power of the demons is the strongest. Human beings and monsters have their own wins and losses.

Unless it's some mutant monsters, they can compete with demons.

Canglan sect.

After two months of practice, Li Fuchen's original sword yuan has grown to the level that it can store 3000 sword Qi, and has initially entered the state of Xiaocheng.

Ten thousand swords belong to the secret method. Storing 1000 sword Qi is the entry level, storing 3000 sword Qi is Xiaocheng state, and storing 10000 sword Qi is Dacheng state.

"It's time to go to war."

Li Fuchen's eyes flashed with a sense of war.

In the past two months, the fourth largest area of canglan region has basically no activities of evil forces, which makes him feel at ease.

He has limited energy and can't do everything. At this stage, he wants to go to the battlefield and contribute his own strength, rather than stay in the canglan area and interact with the evil forces.

Li Fuchen's request to go to the battlefield was finally agreed by Ouyang Wentian.

On that day, riding a scythe fierce bird, Li Fuchen left canglanzong and drove to Liuyu.

There are four regions behind the six regions, which are temporary bases for the hundred families.

On this day, Li Fuchen came to Cangshan region, one of the bases.

Black Mountain City in Cangshan region.

The city has become an empty city because of the demons' rampage. After the arrival of the hundred families, they occupied the city.

Therefore, there is no ordinary warrior in this city. All of them have the worst accomplishments in Disha realm. Those who are born out of Jingwu are counted by hundreds."Li Fuchen."

On the street of heishancheng, a voice called Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen followed his voice.

It's Teng Qingyun.

There are more than 20 masters stationed in Heishan City, including two top forces: Fengxue sect and Changchun valley.

With Li Fuchen's eye power, we can see at a glance that Teng Qingyun's accomplishments have reached the double peak of Tiangang. After a long period of accumulation, I believe that the strength of the other side is more than superficial.

"Teng Qingyun."

Li Fuchen said with a smile.

He had no friendship with each other, but no grudge.

"Let's report together."

Teng suggested.

After all, discipline is one of the few advantages of the hundred schools. If one swarm into the battlefield, the hundred schools will lose even worse.


Li Fuchen nodded.

After a while, they came to Heishan city.

This is now the command post, under the unified command of fengxuezong and Changchun valley.

The arrival of Li Fuchen and Teng Qingyun didn't surprise the high-level of the command post. Situ leiqiheng and other Tianjiao had already been on the battlefield. They were promoted to Tiangang realm, and most of them couldn't help it. However, Li Fuchen's promotion to the four levels of Tiangang realm surprised the senior management of the command post.

"You two elders, enter their ranks

A senior officer of the command post said to an old man.

Wang Chang was always a great elder of the sect, with the highest cultivation of Tiangang state. He nodded, and there was neither joy nor displeasure on his face.

Although the two men are Tianjiao, their combat power is limited at present. Whether they join in or not has little influence.

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