The array covering the courtyard is much more perfect than Li Fuchen imagined. After a week, Li Fuchen failed to find the flaw.

"After more than 2000 years, the array can't be without any flaws. It seems that the means of using consciousness is not good enough."

Li Fuzhen began to experiment step by step.

"Why, this breath?"

After a few days, another huge figure was attracted.

This is a five level high-level monster silver armor bear.

The silver armour bear has no hair, only a piece of silver armor the size of a palm. Its defense is better than the level five top monster.

Like the powerful demon cow, the silver beetle bear was completely attracted by Li Fuzhen and the smell of the monster bones in the pond, completely ignored the lawn and ran straight to it.


When the array trap is launched, silver armor will fall into it.

Sonorous, sonorous, sonorous

The silver armour bear's defense is extremely high. The grass like a sword can't cut his armor at once. It can only leave tiny cracks on it. For a time, sparks splashed and looked gorgeous.

But for a long time, the Silver Bear couldn't carry it any more.

Everything has a tipping point.

A piece of wood, countless times hit hard stone, there will be a stone broken.

His defense, not to the extent that he really ignored the cutting of grass.


A piece of armor cracked, and blood splashed, and then other severely damaged pieces of armor also cracked

"Can't you carry the five level high level monsters?"

Li Fuchen has a deeper understanding of lawn array.

Once trapped in the array, unless they can escape, the level 5 high-level monsters will be trapped and killed alive, and the high-level warriors in the unborn environment will have a shorter support time.

No longer to see the Silver Bear, Li Fuchen continued to study consciousness.

Finally, when the silver armour bear was bleeding and about to die, Li Fuchen found the flaw in the array.

He found that when the consciousness is diluted to the extreme, consciousness can penetrate into the array for a short time, so that the array can be observed more carefully.

Of course, to dilute consciousness to such a degree, first of all, consciousness must be very strong and tenacious. Ordinary people who are born out of the realm of martial arts can't dilute it at all. Moreover, even if he can dilute to this degree, his consciousness will not be able to resist the erosion of the array. If it does not penetrate, it will disappear.

After carefully observing the array, Li Fuchen can see many array flaws. These array flaws are hidden under the array surface, and there is only a thin layer of array power outside. Just pierce the thin array force to crack the array.

Not daring to be careless and waste his time, Li Fuchen pulled out the sword of killing heaven. Nine turns of purple Qi turned into bronze sword Qi, and Li Fuchen stabbed it with one sword.


A trace of invisible cracks appeared, Li Fuchen killed the sky sword in his hand, and fixed there.

"Break it for me!"

The true Qi ran wildly. Li Fuchen held the sword of killing heaven in both hands and thrust it into it.


The light flickered, and the array that enveloped the courtyard finally collapsed.

At this time, the Silver Bear screamed and was cut into pieces by countless grass. The pieces were swallowed up by the lawn and disappeared.

The five level high-level monsters eventually became the nourishment of the lawn.

There is no need to sigh for the Silver Bear. Li Fuchen pushes open the gate of the courtyard and walks in.

First of all, it is a big tree, which has fallen into the withering stage. However, on the branches of the tree, there is a yellow and white flower, faintly, and Li Fuzhen can smell a trace of fragrance.

The fragrance comes from the yellow and white flowers.

"The body is much lighter, what kind of flower is this?"

Li Fuchen was quite surprised.

In the past, he absorbed too much demon blood essence, leading to a lot of impurities in his body. He felt that his body was very heavy. But now, Just smelling the fragrance, the heavy trend seems to be alleviated a lot. How can he not be surprised.

If there is a well-informed out of this world warrior here, he will surely recognize that this big tree is a famous flying spirit tree, and the flowers on the tree are precious flying spirit flowers.

Feilinghua is not only the main material for refining the Taitai pill, but also one of the main materials for refining the reborn pill. It has the effect of removing impurities and washing the miscellaneous gas.

However, Feiling trees bloom once a hundred years, and the number of flowers per time is related to the age of the trees. When the trees are 100 years old, ten flowers will bloom. When the trees are 1000 years old, they will blossom 100 flowers. It is said that the flying spirit trees with ten thousand years old can produce ten golden flying flowers. At that time, there was also a name called feixianhua.

However, it is not a simple thing to cultivate the flying spirit tree. The flying spirit tree has high requirements for nutrition. When the nutrition can not keep up, the flying spirit tree will gradually wither. When it is completely withered, that is, when the flying spirit tree dies, at that time, unless there are treasures like life spring, otherwise, it can not be revived.

Reaching for a breath, Li Fuchen sucked the yellow and white flowers to his hand.Crash!

The next moment, the tree withered in an instant, and there was no trace of life.

Putting the yellow and white flowers into the precious jade box, Li Fuchen looked at the big tree and said in secret: has it withered? It's a pity that the bag is too small to hold such a big tree. Otherwise, if you take it out and cultivate it well, you may be able to revive.

Unfortunately, after a while, Li Fuchen swept the courtyard.

There was nothing but a big tree in the yard.

Slowly spit out a mouthful of turbid gas, Li Fuchen walks to the room.


The door of the room was pushed open, and Li Fuzhen saw the situation in the room.

There are four rooms in the room. There are bedrooms, living rooms, alchemy rooms and closed rooms.

There is nothing in the bedroom and living room. In the alchemy room, there is an alchemy stove with a small gourd hanging on the wall.

The furnace was empty, but Li Fuzhen picked up the gourd and found that there was the sound of pills rolling inside.


Li's eyes are full of dust.

All of a sudden, a kind of elixir that makes people feel light and agile is diffused out.

"It's a fertility pill."

Although he has never seen the pill, Li Fuchen has a premonition that this pill is the one that the elder Zhao endlessly dreams of.

There are three embryo elixir in the small gourd, each of them is full and round, and it exudes the breath of people's ecstasy.

Put the plug in and put it in the bag. Li Fuchen smiles on his face.

Although he didn't plan to take the pill, he was very satisfied with the value of the pill.

Donglin mainland, trapped in the Tiangang realm, martial arts practitioners do not know how many.

You know, even if it is the five-star root bone, it may not be able to step into the fetal state, let alone the four-star root bone.

Dan is enough to make a child out of the situation.

Seeing that there was nothing in the alchemy room, Li Fuchen went to the last closed room.

The closed room was empty, with nothing but a futon on the ground.

"This Futon?"

Li Fuzhen looks at futun.

Pu Tuan is light yellow and looks ordinary. However, as soon as Li Fuchen's consciousness approaches the past, he immediately finds that there is a very deep breath in the futon.

After thinking about it, Li Fuchen sat on the futon.

In an instant, a light yellow light covered Li Fuzhen.

Li Fuchen only felt that his mind was much cleaner and more stable, as if he was the only one left in the whole world.

"What a mysterious Futon."

Li Fuchen did not know that this Futon is a treasure.

It is a treasure that can make people meditate on martial arts. This kind of treasure is often of great value.

Because everyone's speed of understanding has a limit, and this Futon can make people break through the limit and reach a higher level.

"This expedition, the harvest, far beyond imagination, is the relationship between the stars."

Li Fuchen can't help but think of others.

Xingyun mountain is the place of Donglin mainland's Qi. If you can get Tiangang battle seal, you will inherit the star luck of Xingyun mountain. Li Fuchen, as the first star in the star list, has a perfect shape of Tiangang battle seal, and the star luck is undoubtedly the strongest.

Originally, Li Fuchen did not pay attention to this matter. After all, the star luck was too vague.

But now, he feels that the stars exist.

When he returned to the alchemy room, Li Fuzhen suddenly had a fancy and put away the alchemy furnace.

If he expected that, this small courtyard should be the residence of the heitianzong zhenzhuan elder, and the heitianzong zhenzhuan elder, at least, is a low-level existence in the fighting spirit realm. Most of the alchemy furnaces left by him are not ordinary products, otherwise they are not enough to refine the Taitai pill.

Out of the courtyard, Li Fuchen eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, on the lawn, there is actually a five level demon.

Level 5 demons are at their peak in Donglin mainland. They are more powerful than the level 5 top monsters. Only the magical tiger shaking mountain elephant and the petrified queen can crush them.

The grass like a sword was cut on the fifth level demon, and even the skin of the fifth level demon was not broken. This point, the silver armour bear was far inferior to the fifth level demon.

When Li Fuchen saw the level five demon, the level five demon also saw Li Fuchen. However, in his sight, Li Fuchen was in a very far away place, and his vision was confused.

The fifth level demon roared and rushed wildly. Everywhere he went, the grass that had been chopped was smashed. He could not do anything about him.

"This array is just a trap array. It is estimated that it can only trap and kill the existence below the fighting spirit state, while the level 5 demon is the peak under the fighting spirit state. I don't know if this trap array can do anything about it."

After thinking about it, Li Fuchen is ready to walk out on the stone slab.

Worried about the change of the stone slabs, Li Fuchen specially scanned them to see which ones were not covered by the trap array.

Sure enough, the position of the stone slab not covered by the trap array has changed. If Li Fuchen still returns according to the original route, he will fall into the array directly like the level 5 demon and die in a moment.In a flash, Li Fuchen stepped on the first slab, followed by the second.

During this period, Li Fuchen even passed by the fifth level demon.

Fortunately, the level five demons did not seem to be able to perceive the distance between the two sides. In addition, the Qi power of the level five demons was also isolated by the trap array, and Li Fuchen could not be hurt by mistake.

Finally, Li Fuchen went back to the road through the lawn.

As for the monster bones in the pond, Li Fuchen couldn't get them, so he had to wait for the next time.

Not long after Li Fuchen left, the level five demon was finally injured, and there were traces of blood on his body.

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