"Nanlin martial arts academy is in the bottom of the 24 martial arts academies. If it wasn't for four psychic fruits as the color head, the Changqing martial arts academy would have been self degradation."

A group of eight people came down from the space platform, one of them was a dark, handsome young man.

"There are only three psychic trees in the whole purple flower kingdom. Although the value of the psychic fruit is countless times lower, it can also make us step into the birth state faster without any side effects. It's worth it." Another young woman's cool smile was on her face.

Lengjun youth is tall and tall. His eyes are like knives. It seems that they can cut people's soul. He said: "our Changqing military academy ranks fifth in the 24th martial arts academy. This tea party, you should not fall into the name of Changqing martial arts academy."

"Lengfeng, although we are not as strong as you, we are confident compared with those weak chickens." The first dark young man who spoke confidently said that at the same time, the corners of his mouth also showed scorn.

"Let's go! I've been longing for the evergreen garden of Changqing danzong for a long time. It's said that there are countless exotic flowers and plants in it. I don't know if it is worthy of its reputation. " Gorgeous woman road.

Leng Feng nodded, and his party always went in the direction of green garden.

Shortly after Leng Feng and others left, the light of the space transmission station bloomed again, and six figures appeared on the stage.

"Is this Nanlin city? It looks very prosperous. It deserves to be the top ten cities in the purple flower kingdom. I just don't know how the elite of Nanlin martial arts academy are. I hope I won't be disappointed."

The young man with flat head is incomparably strong. His muscles and every line are so clear. His hands are embracing and his expression is indifferent. He feels like a walking Tyrannosaurus Rex. His breath suppresses terror.

"Wang Jian, with your strength, it is estimated that even the elite in the front ranks of the martial arts academy are not your opponents." The other five looked at the flat headed youth with awe.

Wang Jian is the first person in the red tiger martial arts academy. In this competition, including the second in the list of people, no one can resist his move. All of them are blown away by his fist or kicked off the competition platform with one leg. His strength is amazing.

Listening to the flattery of these people, Wang Jian was indifferent. "There are people outside, there is heaven outside. Among the people who attended the tea party, there must be experts in Changqing martial arts academy. Of course, even if it is an expert, I will beat him with iron fist."


Evergreen garden, a garden covering thousands of acres.

In Nanlin City, where there are thousands of acres of gardens, its status can not be described as prominent. You should know that even the Nanlin Marquis house is not so big.

There are many warriors guarding the evergreen garden. The worst cultivation is Tiangang state, and many are born out of it.

Although there are countless arrays in Changqing Garden, these arrays are basically used to protect the medicinal fields. No one is guarding them. It is inevitable that someone will take the opportunity to sneak in and disturb the tranquility of Changqing danzong.

At the gate of Changqing Garden, two martial artists of Tiangang state guard there.

"Who are you?"

On the left hand, the martial arts man of Tiangang stopped Li Fuchen and said coldly.

Yunyue raised the token in her hand and said, "we have obtained the permission of Changqing danzong. This is the evergreen token."

The martial arts man of Tiangang Kingdom on his right hand stepped forward and took the token. After a careful induction, he found that there was indeed a breath of Changqing danzong on it. The token was true.

"Come in, please."

The two people stretched out their hands in vain, and their attitude was neither humble nor arrogant.

"Go, go in."

Yunyue takes the lead in entering evergreen garden.

As soon as they entered the evergreen garden, they were stunned by the medicinal fields in the evergreen garden.

If you look around, there are medicinal fields everywhere. In some fields, there are colorful flowers. In some fields, there are grass with strange shapes. In some fields, there are small trees full of fruits. If you look at the fluctuation of vitality from the fruits, few people don't know that this is not an ordinary tree, but a spiritual tree containing the aura of heaven and earth, with the same level of feeling Under the circumstances, the price of a spirit tree is a thousand times higher than that of herbs.

Of course, these medicine fields are covered by the array.

Li Fuchen's consciousness swept, and found that these arrays were all level five arrays, and they were not ordinary level five arrays. It was estimated that the ordinary top martial arts players would not be able to break the arrays in a short time.

In addition to the medicinal fields, there are many ornamental pavilions in the evergreen garden. These pavilions are very well located. You can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the surrounding medicinal fields and the crisscross rivers while drinking tea.

More and more deep, unconsciously, several people came to the depths of evergreen garden.

"Isn't this a low-grade herb, golden grass? There are so many here? "

Lin Chao, No. 10, was shocked.

Golden grass, a low-grade herb of prefecture level, is named for its golden color. Lin Chao will not be so surprised by ten plants and eight plants of golden grass. However, there are more than ten plants and eight plants of golden grass in this medicinal field, and there are hundreds of them.

A golden grass is worth about ten inferior spirit stones. There are hundreds of golden grass, which are thousands of inferior spirit stones. You should know that this is just a field of medicine, but there are many medicinal fields in the evergreen garden."It deserves to be the evergreen danzong and the first evergreen garden in Nanlin county."

Zhang Yunfeng is also deeply moved.

It is said that alchemists are very rich, but they have never seen them before. Now, when I see them, they are richer than they think. Ordinary people born out of martial arts can only buy a piece of herbs in the medicine field.

Yunyue introduced: "Changqing danzong, but I am richer than Nanlin Houfu."

As we walked on, a mist blocked the crowd.

Holding the evergreen token, Yunyue is familiar with the way into the fog, and everyone follows closely.

Through the fog, people came to a very rich aura of the open area.

"The concentration of vitality here is at least ten times higher than that outside." Li Fuchen was shocked.

The concentration of vitality in the seven color continent is high. What is the concept of ten times concentration? It is like soaking in the ocean of vitality. Between breath and inhalation, strands of vitality are inhaled into the body. At the same time, the pores open and absorb the vitality.

Although the spirit stone cultivation, the effect is also very good.

But there are some differences between the two.

One is to soak in the vitality, the body is tempered by the vitality, the other is to use the true Qi to absorb the vitality in the spirit stone, the body can not get the refining of the vitality, perhaps in a short period of time can not see anything, but in the long run, people living in the place with strong vitality will certainly have much better physical quality, and the children born will be more likely to have high-level roots and bones.

Soon, people know why the vitality here is very strong.

In addition to the Juyuan array, the main reason is that there is a big tree with a height of tens of meters and a canopy covering a radius of 100 meters.

The trees also bear pink fruits the size of human heads.

The medium level spirit tree of the prefecture level is the psychic tree.

At the same level, the value of a spirit tree is about 1000 times that of herbs. The value of a medium level herb at a prefecture level ranges from 100 to hundreds of inferior spirit stones, while the value of a medium level spirit tree at a prefecture level ranges from 100000 to hundreds of thousands of inferior spirit stones.

PS: Happy New Year.

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