"No return of gold knife."

In the void, the sharp gold knife shadows all over the world, with a trace of tragic breath, crazy cut to the opposite Guo Ming.

"Cloud sky god palm!"

When Guo Ming's Kung Fu was pushed to the limit, he produced a lot of palms that seemed flexible but actually very domineering.


Electric current is produced in the void, and the chaotic Qi force is mixed together, venting and erupting in all directions.

"A knife without regret!"

A shadow of a man broke his Qi, holding a knife in both hands, and a knife cleaved to Guo Ming.

This knife is not only fast, but also contains the tragic charm of no regret.

"White clouds are long."

In the face of Zhang Yunfeng's powerful knife and fast one, Guo Ming roared. His hands clapped countless palms at a speed hard to see with the naked eye. Each palm seemed slow, but in fact it was as fast as lightning. Each palm seemed soft, but it was just fierce to the extreme. It was just like the white clouds in the sky. Under the strong wind, it would not dissipate, but would change and become more and more intense.


There was a loud noise in the void, and they both flew back and forth.


Zhang Yunfeng coughs up blood in his mouth. Guo Ming's strength is much stronger than he expected. He has already broken the opponent's palm technique just now, but the opponent's palm power has not dissipated. He still gathers together and bombards him. Fortunately, the other party's palms are not successful. If not, this one is enough to kill him.

"This set of palms is very powerful."

Li Fuchen also saw the power of the cloud God palm.

This set of palms is soft to the extreme, and soft to the extreme, it will naturally produce a strong force, just as the so-called anode Yin Sheng, cathode Yang Sheng, everything to the extreme, will produce new changes, new acme.

Of course, Zhang Yunfeng and Guo Ming felt bad. A bloodstain extended from his right shoulder to his left waist, which was much heavier than Zhang Yunfeng.

This time, the two sides seem to be evenly divided, but in fact, Zhang Yunfeng is slightly better.

"It's my turn."

On the third floor of the pavilion building where the Huangsha martial arts academy is located, a passer-by reflects on the flat ground.

"Yao Kun, the second person in the Huangsha martial arts academy, is there anyone in Nanlin Martial Arts Academy who would like to give some advice?" His eyes are small, but bright, giving people a strong feeling that can not be ignored. At the moment, he raised his head and fixed his eyes on Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen sighs. Zhang Yunfeng is seriously injured. He is the only one left in Nanlin martial arts academy. He has to do something if he doesn't.

Li Fuchen appeared in front of Yao Kun.

"So fast."

Yao Kun's scalp was numb and his heart was shaking.

"Let's go!"

Li Fuchen stood with his hands on his back and did not draw his sword.

"Huangsha God's palm!"

Yao Kun's move is a unique skill. He can see his body swooping forward. On the way, his two palms are shot in the air. Huang Mengmeng's strength is overwhelming. With the palm strength of two Huanglong, the palm strength rotates and condenses. It not only contains strong wind power, but also contains terrible suction. When he meets a slightly weaker person, he can directly draw the opponent to the center of the palm force, grind it into pieces and shake it Seriously injured, at the same time, there is a strong binding force shrouded to Li Fuchen.

"Dacheng palm technique."

Li Fuchen raised his eyebrows.

The opponent's low-level palm technique has reached a state of great success. This strength is no less than that of Di Jun a few months ago.

Unfortunately, Li Fuchen is not the same as before.

"Sun God palm."

There is also a set of palm techniques in the secret arts of the burning sun. Li Fuchen has nothing to do with his hands, so he has also practiced the skill.

The dazzling light erupted, and Li Fuzhen's palm power was so hot that it was hard to imagine. Once prompted, a little sun appeared between them. Yao Kun's yellow sand God's palm was just like a breeze, which was easily evaporated. The next moment, the sun like palm power bombarded Yao Kun's chest.


A mouthful of hot blood spurted out, and Yao Kun's face was terrified and flew out.

"Medium level palm technique at prefecture level?"

Yao Kun could not have imagined that Li Fuchen had practiced the medium level palm technique of the prefecture level, and had already cultivated it to the level of Dacheng. In addition, the opponent's true Qi was magnificent and brilliant. With the blessing of his true Qi, his palm power was even more terrible, and he could not resist it.

"It's so strong. Is this the strength of the master of floating dust?" Cloud moon open eyes, a face of worship.

Yao Kun's strength is obviously stronger than Zhang Yunfeng, but in front of Li Fuchen, he can't even hold a palm. We should know that Li Fuchen's most powerful is the sword technique, not the palm technique.

After defeating Yao Kun with one hand, Li Fuchen glanced at the direction of Huangsha martial arts academy, crazy lion martial arts academy and Qingshi martial arts academy, and said, "who will fight?"

Since the end, not more than a few people to defeat, Li Fuchen will not go back.

"Crazy lion martial arts academy, second in the list of people, Cheng Fang."


It's still a palm. The dazzling and blazing palm power is almost invincible. With one hand, Cheng Fang flies out.

"Who else?"Li Fuchen continued.

"Qingshi martial arts academy, the third in the list of people, Liu Quan."


"Who else?"

"Qingshi martial arts academy, the second highest ranking, is Wanhe."


For four consecutive games, Li Fuchen was an opponent.

It seems that he knows that the first person in each martial arts academy will not leave immediately. Li Fuchen looks at the three pavilions where Tingtao martial arts academy, Chihu martial arts academy and Changqing martial arts academy are located. There are still several people in each of these three martial arts academies.

"The red tiger martial arts academy is the second place in the list of people and Fang Zhong."

The pavilion where the red tiger martial arts academy is located, with square head and square face, and young people with torch like eyes swept down.

"White tiger sword!"

The shadow of a mighty white tiger emerges. Fang Chong cuts Li Fuchen with a knife.

He didn't believe that Li Fuchen could beat him with one hand.

After all, his white tiger sword has been cultivated to a great level for a long time. Moreover, his body cultivation is not weak. It has reached the high level of Tiangang state. The combination of the two makes his sword powerful and unbelievable, which is enough to split a hill with one knife.

"Too weak."

Li Fuchen shakes his head, and the 22nd layer of the sun god's skill moves slightly, and the sun god palm pats it out.


The long sword was shaken off, and Fang Chong's feet left the ground and flew backward.

Li Fuchen, even without sword, was able to crush most people even if he did not use sword.

You should know that the second level is equivalent to the lower level skill of the 23rd level.

The lower level skill of the prefecture level is only 24 levels.

In addition, the power of Lieyang ShenZhang, which is close to Dacheng's realm, also surpasses Dacheng's low-level martial arts.

To tell you the truth, this tea party for Li Fuchen is a child's family. It is not challenging at all.

If it wasn't for psychic fruit, he wouldn't have come at all.

"I'll meet you."

Finally, there was a man who was the first in the list and couldn't help it.

On the upper floor of the pavilion, the arrogant youth rushed down, and there appeared the shadow of the lion behind.

"Crazy lion martial arts academy, the first person on the list, Lin Ying."

Lin Ying, the first person in the crazy lion martial arts academy, was admitted as a student by the vice president a year ago.

At the age of 29, he has cultivated the low-level skill of "mad lion" to the 22nd level. He is the second best player on the list.

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