After spitting out a breath, Li Fuzhen said slowly, "these precious fish are needed by younger martial brother, so I'm sorry."

Huang Shitian looked cold. "Younger martial brother Li, since you insist on hurting the friendship between the brothers, don't blame elder martial brother Huang for my ruthlessness."


The air was punctured in an instant, and a huge fist directly hit Li Fuchen's face, which was domineering and ferocious.

With palm to fist, Li Fuchen made a fist to meet Huang Shitian.


Hand in hand, the air burst in succession, and the strong wind forced people.

Huang Shitian stepped back three steps.

Li Fuchen stepped back four steps.

"Even blocked my fist..."

Huang Shitian's eyes narrowed.

At the age of 17, he has seven levels of cultivation of Qi State, and purple Qi formula of canglan sect has reached the fifth level. Normally speaking, Li Fuchen, a new man who practices six levels of Qi State, will not be his enemy in any case.

"Give me another punch."

Huang Shitian's strength and true Qi burst out. His fist was like a stone falling from the sky, and he was pounding at Li Fuchen.

Aware of the domineering power of Huang Shitian's fist, Li Fuchen did not want to fight with each other. He gently touched the ground with the sole of his foot and soared into the air as light as nothing. At the next moment, his leg shadow like raindrops poured down on Huang Shitian.

"Not good."

Huang Shitian crossed his arms and tried to resist.


A leg shadow swept on Huang Shitian's shoulder and kicked Huang Shitian out.

"Worthy of being a disciple of canglan sect."

Li Fuchen's right hand is still a little numb up to now. Huang Shitian's strength is stronger than he imagined. If hongyugong didn't break through to the seventh level, he would have to take at least 100 moves to defeat the opponent.

"His basic strength is not as strong as I am, but his actual combat ability is extremely terrible."

By Li Fuchen's foot, Huang Shitian half of the body is numb, blood stasis.

In the world of martial arts, it's not the one who has a high level of cultivation that is strong. The function of martial arts is to use the weak to defeat the strong or crush the weak.

However, martial arts are dead and human beings are alive. Only by using martial arts can the real power of martial arts be exerted.

Obviously, Li Fuchen's leg technique has reached an extremely fierce point.

"Elder martial brother Huang, offended."

Li Fuchen brush past each other.

Huang Shitian covered his shoulder and his face was blue and white.


Consciousness attached to the hook, the world under the lake, as if in front of you.

Soon, Li's attention fell on a foot long, dark blue fish, which was filled with electric current.

"This is a second-order treasure fish, blue electric fish!"

Li Fuchen's eyes were full of light.

It is said that if you eat a second-class treasure fish, the effect will not be much worse than soaking and quenching pool.

However, few of the disciples of waizong could catch the second level treasure fish. The last time someone caught the second level treasure fish was three months ago.

Carefully, Li Fuchen moves the hook to the side of the blue electric fish.

The blue electric fish seemed to dislike the bait and didn't bite it immediately.

Li Fuchen laughs bitterly. The second-order treasure fish generally like the bait above the second level, but the second-order bait is too expensive. The second-order bait costs 50 gold coins a box, which is ten times more expensive than gold.

Li Fuchen doesn't believe in evil and moves the hook to the mouth of the blue electric fish.

After all, it is also a first-class bait. The blue electric fish reluctantly opens its mouth and prepares to swallow the bait. Due to the speed of swallowing, Li Fuzhen's hook does not respond at all. Fortunately, Li's consciousness is attached to it.

The moment the blue electric fish swallowed the bait, Li Fuzhen suddenly pulled the fishing rod, and the hook immediately caught the blue electric fish's mouth.

Unable to describe the power of the blue electric fish, Li Fuchen was almost pulled into the lake by the blue electric fish.

"I'm afraid of a thousand pounds of power."

Li Fuchen stabbed his horse step steadily, his body tilted back, and his strength and Qi burst to the limit.


There are waves on the surface of the lake, accompanied by the dark blue current.

"What a big move. Did he catch a treasure fish again?"

"Not a little fish, I'm afraid."

People's eyes were attracted. Many even put down their fishing rods and walked behind Li Fuchen.

"Come up here."

Under the influence of two forces, the fishing rod bent into a half moon shape, which is unprecedented. We should know that the fishing rod in Li Fuchen's hand is a second-order fishing rod, worth 3000 gold coins.


The current exploded, and a foot long dark blue fish broke through the water and flew into the sky.

The filament current touched the air and crackled.

"My God, it's a blue electric fish."

"It's against the weather. It's really going to be against the sky. Is he a master fisherman?"Everyone was stunned, followed by heavy breathing sound, one by one eyes red, greedy staring at the blue electric fish in the air.

Li Fuchen didn't take care of the people behind him. He collected the fishing rod and reached out to catch the blue electric fish.


The current flickered, and one hand caught the blue electric fish, but it was not Li Fuzhen.

He was a big boy.

It seems to underestimate the current intensity of the blue electric fish. The burly boy's body is stiff and the smoke in his palm rises.

With a cold glance at the big boy, Li Fuchen reaches out to grab the blue electric fish in the hands of the big boy.

The blue electric fish is still struggling, but at this moment, after leaving the lake, its strength is greatly reduced. Just now, the current has consumed a lot. How can it escape from Li Fuzhen's palm.


Recovering from the rigidity, the burly young man glared at Li Fuchen with murderous motives in his eyes.

"Go away!"

In the face of such people who take robbing others' goods for granted, Li Fuchen doesn't need to be polite to each other.

"If you want to die, you dare to talk to elder martial brother Luo like that." The dark youth beside the burly boy stood still.

"I don't know you. Please don't disturb me."

Put the blue electric fish into the special fish basket. Li Fuchen plans to leave.

"It's not so easy to go."

The dark boy reached for Li Fuchen's shoulder.

Li Fuchen shook his body to avoid the grasp of the dark boy. He immediately jumped into the air and kicked dozens of feet at the dark boy at one breath. The violent wind and rainstorm made many people lose their color. In the dark, Li Fuchen was not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

The dark boy retreated and turned red.

As soon as he was about to retreat to the edge of the platform, the burly boy made a move.

Like Li Fuchen, the big boy also uses the leg technique.

If we say that Li Fuchen's leg technique is like a storm, the leg rule of a burly boy is like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which is extremely fierce. When one leg is swept out, the shadow of his leg disappears all over the sky.


Li Fuchen stepped back more than ten steps after the explosion.

"Practice Qi State eight times for cultivation!"

Li Fuchen's face was solemn.

Standing in front of the dark boy, the burly boy said, "you have two choices. First, hand over all the precious fish. Second, I beat you to death."

It was a murderous remark, and no one doubted that the burly boy was serious.

"It's bad luck for the new comer. Luo Kai is a martial arts practitioner of Qi state. Three months ago, he defeated an elder martial brother who practiced nine levels of Qi state."

"People die for money, birds die for food. I don't think this younger martial brother is good at stubbornness."

Everyone spread out to make a big space for them.

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