"One hundred and sixty kilograms of common treasure fish, forty-six kilograms of first-class treasure fish, and nine Jin and eight liang of second-class treasure fish, which are 16000 contribution points in total." The task elder took a deep breath and said slowly.

It will take him more than a year to collect 16000 contribution points.

"Elder Xie."

After bowing to the task elder, Li Fuchen leaves the mission hall.

He didn't immediately go to exchange for body refining skills. Li Fuchen went to the resource hall to buy some healing pills, intending to cure the injury.

With the help of healing pills, in three days, Li Fuchen's injury was healed, and the bones of his left forearm were also connected together. Of course, we can't use force temporarily, otherwise the bone will break again.

This day, Li Fuchen came to the hall of waizong martial arts.

The highest level of martial arts scripts here is yellow level and top level. As for Xuan level martial arts, you need to go to neizong to exchange them.

Li Fuchen walked in front of the bookshelves.

He found that yellow level low-level secret scripts need at least 30 contribution points.

Yellow level medium level secret script, minimum need 100 contribution points.

Yellow level high-level secret script, minimum need 300 contribution points.

As for the Yellow level top level script, it needs at least 1000 contribution points.

After some hard work, Li Fuchen finally found the bookshelf where the Yellow level top step body refining skill script is located.

"Tiger demon refining body formula, 4000 contribution points."

"Iron cloth shirt, 3000 contribution points."

"Golden bell jar, 3500 contribution points."

"Seven Star forging body, 4500 contribution points."

"Red level combat body, 5000 contribution points."

Li Fuchen frowned when he glanced over a Book of body refining skills. The secret script of body refining skill was too expensive, several times more expensive than ordinary top level martial arts.

What Li Fuchen didn't know was that at the same level, martial arts were much more expensive than martial arts.

"Let's choose the red level combat body."

Li Fuchen's tenet is to choose the best or not.

All the secret scripts on the bookshelf are empty shells. There is only introduction but no content. Li Fuchen needs to go to the martial arts hall elder to exchange the manuscript.

"You'd better choose a body refining skill! Only a few of the waizong's red level combat body had been trained, and then they all gave up. In the past ten years, canglan Zong has really cultivated the red level combat body to the highest level. Don't be ambitious. "

The elder of martial arts hall shook his head when he heard that Li Fuchen wanted to exchange the red level battle body secret script.

"Is it so difficult to practice red level combat?"

Li asked.

"When the iron cloth shirt is cultivated to the highest level, it can let people have the power of 2000 kg. The golden bell cover is also similar. The tiger demon training formula is about 2500 kg, and the Seven Star forging body is nearly 3000 kg. However, when the red level battle body is cultivated to the highest level, it has a full strength of 5000 kg. Moreover, the whole body is not equipped with knives and guns, which is almost comparable to the mysterious low-level body training skills. It is normal to practice a little difficult In addition, the red level combat body has too high a demand for will, and few people can stick to it. "

"Since it's difficult to practice, I'll choose the red level combat body."

Li Fuchen is not going to give up.

"Well, I'm just trying to persuade you to listen or not." The martial arts hall elder shakes his head. When many foreign disciples choose to fight at the red level, they are full of confidence in themselves and think that they can break the record. Unfortunately, if the record is so easy to break, it is not a record.

After getting the red level battle script, Li Fuchen leaves in a hurry and goes to the resource hall.

In order to cultivate the body skill, you need a lot of body quenching resources, or you have to run out of oil.

Fortunately, with 11000 contribution points, Li Fuchen does not need to worry about resources for the time being.

Quench body pill is worth 500 gold coins. It only takes 250 points to convert it into contribution points. Li Fuchen exchanged 20 gold coins at once.

"I don't know how difficult it is to practice the red level combat body."

When everything was ready, Li Fuchen began to practice.

As the elder of the martial arts hall said, it's really difficult to practice red level combat.

There are three layers in the red level battle body. The first level is perfect, which can make people have a thousand jin giant force; the second level is complete, with 3000 Jin giant force; the third level is complete, with 5000 Jin giant force.

The first floor needs to be repaired both inside and outside.

Inside is to run Qi and blood, outside is to hit the body with hard objects.

As a first-class foreign sect disciple, Li Fuchen has the privilege to ask the servant disciples to help him with his work. Whether or not to give him some reward after the event depends on his own mind.


In the courtyard, Li Fuchen was naked and only a pair of shorts was worn on the lower part of his body.

Two handyman disciples beat Li Fuchen's body with wooden sticks, and red seals crisscross each other.

An hour later, Li Fuchen's whole body swelled, aching, tingling, and so much pain that he was sweating and pale.

"OK, you go back and come back tomorrow"

let the two servant disciples leave. Li Fuchen enters the room and starts to run Qi and blood according to the first layer of red level battle body script.Qi and blood run more than ten times, Li Fuchen swallowed a quench body pill.

Quench body pill melts in the mouth and begins to moisten Li's body.

After running Qi and blood for 36 times, Li Fuzhen found that the bone in his left arm was almost healed. Before practicing the red level battle body, Li Fuchen's effect of swallowing quench body pill was gradually weakened, but now, the effect of quenching body pill reached its peak again.

"The human body has its limits, but the body refining technique can make people break through the limits, and it is a great breakthrough."

In the next few days, Li Fuchen experienced the pain of body refining every day.

A week later, Li's strength reached an astonishing 750 Jin, but at this time, Li Fuchen also fell into a bottleneck.

The method of Qi and blood movement varies from person to person. The red level combat body only plays a guiding role. Whether it can be practiced depends on their understanding, will and chance.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of Li Fuchen in these three aspects.

Three days later, Li Fuchen broke through the bottleneck and his own strength limit, and his strength continued to rise.

Eight hundred catties.

Eight hundred and fifty Jin.

Nine hundred catties.

Later, Li Fuzhen felt more impetuous and impatient. It seemed that there was invisible power interfering with him.

Sometimes, Qi and blood can even produce riots, which makes Li Fuchen's heart breed violent emotions.

Sometimes, Li Fuchen's lower body erections for no reason, and the desire is rampant.

In the end, Li Fuchen endured.

Nine hundred and twenty Jin.

Nine hundred and fifty Jin.

970 Jin.

Nine hundred and ninety Jin.

This day, Li Fuchen's whole body was red, as if it had been boiled by boiling water, and his whole body was steaming hot.

This is the reason why Qi and blood run too violently.


With a long cry, Li Fuchen's body faintly heard a burst sound. At the next moment, Li Fuchen's red color slowly faded, and his bloodshot eyes gradually returned to normal.

"It's no wonder that the red level combat body is so difficult to cultivate. Even if they have to endure so many negative emotions, those who are not strong willed will have to break the hard work."

In the process of cultivation, once you break the skill, it will be several times more difficult to continue to practice.

Thinking of this, Li Fuchen couldn't help admiring Yang Kai and others. After just soaking in the quenching pool, they had nearly a kilogram or even a kilogram of force, with almost no twists and turns in the middle.

Of course, Li Fuchen didn't envy him too much. Cultivating his red level combat body is also a process of cultivating his mind. His heart is strong, which is of great help to his cultivation in the future.

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