Next, the evil king, the queen of petrifaction and the king of blood demon attacked more fiercely. As long as Li Fuchen was solved, the hundred clan alliance was just a group of miscellaneous fish, which they could knead and knead.


The fourteenth.

The fifteenth.

Unknowingly, the evil king has urged taixuan magic thunder for 15 times, and the magic thunder power in the body is almost drained.

The evil king didn't intend to use the remaining magic thunder power. After all, this is the foundation. Once the magic thunder power is exhausted, he wants to accumulate the magic thunder power, which will be ten times more difficult in the initial stage. In one or two years, he will not be able to recover to the peak state.

What's more, even if the remaining magic thunder power is consumed completely, Li Fuchen's Secret treatment treasure can obviously support several treatments, and he can't be killed at one or two strokes.

Li Fuchen's treatment ring, really can't hold up several times, the green crystal above, the color is dim a lot.

However, he has been very satisfied with the support up to now.

Losing the shackles of taixuan magic thunder, Li Fuchen continues to approach the blood demon king.

Among the three strong, the blood demon king is the weakest and the most vulnerable.

The blood demon king retreats far, subconsciously tells him, must not and Li Fuchen close combat.

However, Li Fuchen's attack speed of Qingyang sword idea is extremely fast. Under the intense shooting of thousands of sword lights, the blood demon king's body is full of holes, and the speed can't be raised at all.

"The devil's Day is in the sky!"

Even if there is no taixuan magic thunder, the evil king is also the evil king. His strength is not under Li Fuchen, unless Li Fuchen uses the magic power of fire.

As soon as the cloak shook, the evil king appeared in front of Li Fuchen, and a black sun flashed towards Li.

"You are waiting."

At the moment when the evil king appeared, Li Fuchen had already used the nine changes of flying fire to dodge away, leaving behind only an illusion.

The evil king's reaction speed was very fast, but it was slow.

"Evil king, this is a great gift I give you."

On the left side of the evil king, Li Fuchen had a dark red iron bullet on his hand and threw his hand at the evil king.

When the evil king reacted, the iron bullet was only three feet away from him.

No matter how stupid the evil king was, he knew that the iron bullet was not simple, so he immediately urged the ghost cloak to stay away.


The iron bomb exploded, and its explosion power was better than that of the evil king's taixuan magic thunder. The terrible fireball rose into the air and then turned into a fire dragon. The evil king could not even breathe, and was seriously injured in an instant. His skin and flesh were cracked and a flame came out. Although the evil king burst out the power of magic thunder to protect his body, it was only too late to mend one o'clock.

"What is this?"

It's a little bit dizzy.

The power of this iron bullet is clearly not under the array tower on the broken warship of xuanqizong.

The evil king was confused, the petrified queen and the blood demon king were also a little confused.

The power of this iron bullet is too powerful. Even the evil king can be severely damaged in an instant. If it falls beside them, the queen of petrifaction can barely save her life, and the blood demon king will surely die. After all, no matter how much vitality there is, it is necessary to retain most of her body. If her body is blown up, what's the use of more vitality.

"It's a quasi six level firearm, dragon fire bomb."

This LONGHUO bullet is Li Fuchen's strongest mace.

In Donglin, the most powerful firearm refiners are the thunderbolt clan. However, in the seven color continent, there are too many people who can refine firearms. If only one thunderbolt clan gets to the seven color continent, it can't get on the stage.

This dragon fire bullet cost Li Fuchen a hundred thousand pieces of spirit stone, and if used well, it would be enough to injure an ordinary master of fighting spirit state.

Taking advantage of his illness to demand his life, Li Fuchen seizes the opportunity, and the third move of Lingtian sword technique goes straight up to the clouds and blows at the evil king.


Blood spray.

At the critical moment, the evil king shakes his cloak and keeps away from here. Unfortunately, he is cut in half by a sword and his left arm is twisted into blood mist.

"Not good."

The queen of petrifaction and the king of blood were shocked and bitter at the same time.

The three people joined hands, and they were all overturned by Li Fuzhen.

"Evil king, don't go."

Li Fuchen pursues the evil king. As long as he kills the evil king, even if other people join hands, he can defeat him.


The evil king urged the ghost cloak to flee far away.

As for the extremely Yin ancestor, the blood ancestor and others, he has already neglected.


Where does the petrifaction queen and the blood demon king dare to fight with Li Fuchen, they issue a retreat order in a hurry.


Li Fuchen exerted the sword idea of Qingyang to the limit. Thousands of sword lights shot through the sky. A large number of level 5 top level monsters and several level 5 demons were directly pierced by several sword lights and burst into a piece of blood mist.

"Ten thousand swords belong to the clan."

This is not over. In Li Fuchen's emptiness, the bronze sword spirit of ten thousand swords of Guizong emerges and blows towards the blood demon king.The petrochemical Queen's protective measures are too strong. One hundred thousand swords belong to the clan, and the bronze sword spirit can't be killed.

"Damn it."

The blood demon king's scalp was numb, turned around and sent out a blood thunder technique, which exploded tens of thousands of swords and belonged to the bronze sword spirit, but more sword Qi enveloped him.

Puff, puff, puff!

The blood mist explodes wildly, and the blood demon king can't even maintain the human form.

"Let's go."

The queen of petrifaction sent out a petrifaction technique, which petrified half of the sword Qi and urged the blood demon to leave.


The blood demon king, with only one blood shadow left, fled madly, fast to the limit.

"It's a pity."

Li Fuchen didn't catch up with him. Although he had nine changes of flying fire, he could only increase his speed in a short distance. In a long distance, he was not as fast as these people. After all, his speed was related to cultivation, and to the quality of true Qi.

However, after this heavy damage, the blood demon king wants to recover, without a year or two is impossible.

In the end, the majority of the death and injury of the evil forces, even the extreme Yin ancestor all fell.

But the blood ancestor's life is big, mainly because its life protection ability is too strong, even if it is not as good as the blood demon king, it is not far away.

The ten demon domains were also slaughtered about half of them. Among them, the horned demon king, the green demon king and the grey demon king fell down one after another.

Of course, to kill these top-level existence, Li Fuchen accounted for a lot of factors.

In addition to the evil king and others, few people can carry his sword. Under a sword, these people are basically not very effective. They are rushed by the experts of the hundred schools alliance and killed like melons and vegetables.

At the end of the war, Su Yuanhe, Xia houwu and Mu Hanxin, the top 100 masters of the alliance, bowed and clasped their fists. "The leader's divine skill is world-renowned, and his force is towering. We are willing to die together."

In this war, not only the evil forces and the ten regions of demons were frightened, but also the hundred alliance.

Li Fuchen's combat power is too adverse, and the means emerge in endlessly. Let alone that their strength is far inferior to Li Fuchen, even if they surpass Li Fuchen, they will be afraid.

The evil king was seriously injured by Li Fuchen and fled in confusion.

In their opinion, even if the two evil kings came, Li Fuchen probably had means to deal with it, but the other side would not use these means until the critical moment.

Therefore, they have no idea at the moment, for fear that they will not react positively and become the next Thor sect or Xuanqi sect.

"This battle can be a complete victory, you all have credit, I Li Fuchen is not that kind of cruel people, as long as you keep your own way, I will not treat you badly." Li Fuchen glanced at Xia houwu. He was the most active person among the people.

Xia Hou Wu was startled, and even said, "don't worry, the leader. My Douling family will obey the gist of the alliance."

"That's good."

Li Fuchen nodded.

He did not want to rule the whole Donglin continent by one person. It was too tired. As long as he could restrain these people, it would be enough.

After all, his journey is not Donglin.

Donglin is just his starting point.

After counting the harvest, the crowd left the battlefield.

Before we go, we are in a good mood.

This war is too straightforward. We should know that in the past few years, the hundred alliance can be said to be extremely oppressive, nearly a hundred domains have lost most of them, and everyone is shameless and unable to raise their heads.

Although it is Li Fuchen who can defeat the evil forces and the ten regions of demons, it is not the alliance of the hundred schools that can defeat the evil forces. After all, everyone has made efforts, and there is also hard work without credit.


Blink of an eye, time passed a week.

Li Fuchen's blue soul in his mind has been transformed into lilac.

Generally, when the soul begins to transform, the transformation speed is extremely fast, this time it is already slow.

As the soul gradually changes color, Li Fuchen's savvy increases.

Flame root bone pattern, from 55% to 58%.

You should know that after awakening the first magical power, the difficulty of understanding the extraordinary lines on the root bone will be increased several times.

This is mainly because the extraordinary lines are closer to the rules of the road.

If the understanding does not increase several times, it will take several times or even dozens of times to understand the extraordinary lines. After all, there is a limit to people's understanding. If they can't understand it, it's normal for them to be incomprehensible for a lifetime. Just like ordinary martial arts practitioners, even if they live hundreds of years old, they don't want to cultivate a high-level martial arts to a state of transcendence.

But Li Fuchen's original understanding has been very rebellious, now it is even more rebellious.

In addition to the speed of understanding the flame root bone pattern, Li Fuchen's speed of understanding the meaning of Qingyang sword and Lingtian sword technique is also speeding up.

"The dragon fire bullet has been used up. With my current strength, if I am still reluctant to deal with Shangxie king again, it is a good way to go back to the seven color mainland to collect killer maces similar to the dragon fire bullet, but in comparison, it is the king's way to improve my own strength."After all, foreign things are foreign things. They can only help themselves for a while, but can't help themselves for the whole life.

It is more difficult to understand the medium level sword meaning of the prefecture level than Li Fuchen imagined. Half a month later, Lingtian sword technique is only one step away from the magical realm. However, this one foot is unable to pass. It seems that there are some shackles restricting him.

Li Fuchen is not in a hurry. He knows that the medium level sword of the prefecture level is very important.

If it is said that the low level sword meaning only touches the Kendo rules, then the medium level level level sword meaning has mastered a trace of Kendo rules.

Once he has mastered a medium level sword idea, he can fight against the evil king even if he doesn't rely on the heart of fire.

If the opponent does not use his magic power, he is not his opponent at all.

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