Time flies like water, blinking an eye, more than a month has passed.

In the yard.

Li Fuzhen, with both arms, lifted up a huge stone weighing nearly 3000 Jin.

Wearing only a pair of shorts, he has smooth skin, tough and dense, and his sword can't be broken. He has a slightly immature body, and his muscles are angular. He doesn't look like a 14-year-old boy, but he looks like a 16-7-year-old.


Put down the boulder, Li Fuchen's face is not red, breathless.

The small human body has the power of 3000 kg, which is extremely terrifying.

You know, Li Fuchen weighs only 130 Jin.

Each catty of flesh and blood can produce an average strength of more than 20 jin.


His arm was like a knife, and Li Fuchen cut a large piece of stone in front of him, clean and neat.

"Three thousand pounds of power is really terrifying."

Li Fuchen felt that he had endless strength in his body. He could shoot down the leaves more than ten meters away. He punched out the air. The air around his fist hit the boulders several meters away with a bang Ring.

In addition to the growth of strength, the biggest change to Li Fuzhen is the change of skin density.

Now Li Fuchen feels that his skin is no longer like human skin, but a monster skin. It is tough and unimaginable. The meat inside is demon meat. Every inch of flesh contains great power. When soft, it is not stressed. When hard, it is comparable to the hardest rock.

Li Fuchen has tested, thousands of pounds of force on the body, do not feel much, like in the same massage.

Of course, it must be the strength of the fist and palm. If the power of several thousand jin is poured into the blade, it can still pierce his body.

Although he spent most of his time on the cultivation of red level battle body, Li Fuchen did not give up other aspects of cultivation.

Just a week ago, Li Fuchen successfully broke through to the seven levels of practicing Qi.

The later you practice Qi, the more difficult it will be to improve.

If canglan sect can't break through the Guiyuan realm before the age of 20, he will be demoted to be the Deacon disciple of waizong.

Every year, hundreds of people in canglan sect are demoted to be the Deacon disciples of waizong. It is precisely because they fail to break through the Guiyuan realm within the prescribed time.

Although Li Fuchen is not worried about this problem, after all, he is only 14 years old.

However, it is everyone's dream to break through to Yuanyuan earlier.

It is said that the earlier the breakthrough is, the more smooth the process will be when it breaks through the Disha state in the future. After the Disha state, there will be Tiangang state, and after Tiangang state, there will be a rebirth state.

Every big realm is a huge barrier, and one level is more difficult than the other.

It is extremely difficult to break through the first level. It is basically impossible to break through the second level unless there is a big chance.

"It's time to be more free."

The breakthrough of strength and cultivation has given Li Fuzhen a certain confidence. Now he will not worry about being cut off by others. He will fight hard several times and make his own name.

Jingqiang mountain canyon.

In the cave on the mountain wall, Li Fuzhen pushed all the remaining snow silver iron ore down.


The earth vibrates, the snow silver iron ore severely hits the ground, the broken stone flies disorderly.

The remaining snow silver iron ore weighs about 1800 Jin. Although it is a little heavy, it is still within the bearing range of Li Fuzhen.

Carrying snow silver iron ore, Li Fuchen step by step out of the sonorous mountain.

After five days, Li Fuchen approached canglan Zong.

"Li Fuchen, what are you carrying? Let's share it for you."

Unknowingly, Li Fuchen is also a celebrity in waizong.

In the Baoyu incident, Li Fuchen gained more than 10000 contribution points.

After that, Li Fuchen did not go to canglan lake, but went to the mine.

Although the first harvest was only a pile of pig iron ore, and the second time was pig iron ore, it is said that Li Fuchen exchanged 139 quenching pills in the resources hall, which was more than 30000 contribution points.

Everyone suspected that Li Fuchen had found a large number of high-grade ores in the mine. In order to avoid being noticed, he covered the high-grade ores with pig iron ores and hid them from the river and across the sea.

A group of waizong disciples, who practiced the eight fold cultivation of Qi State, gathered around and said with bad intentions.

"Go away!"

Li took a cold glance at the group.

"Li Fuchen, you'd better not be too arrogant. Haven't you heard of a saying that it's better to enjoy alone than to enjoy others. It's not a good habit to eat alone."

A tall boy pointed to Li Fuchen and yelled loudly.

"Elder martial brother Liu, we can drown him with a single spit from so many of us." Another teenager said ruthlessly.

Boom!Putting down the snow silver iron ore wrapped in coarse cloth, Li Fuchen twisted his neck and wrote lightly: "let's go together! Save trouble. "


When the strong wind came, a boy with a thick skeleton hit Li Fuchen's head.


With a cold smile, Li Fuchen raised his right leg, kicked the other side upside down and spat out a big mouthful of blood.

Li Fuchen's physical quality is so strong that he doesn't need to rely on actual combat ability at this moment. He can crush most people with absolute speed and strength.


In the eyes of the first young man flashed anger and cheered.

Seven or eight teenagers, almost at the same time rushed to Li Fuzhen, momentum like a storm, airtight.

"Good come."

In Li Fuchen's eyes, the speed of this group of people is too slow and too slow. With a whip leg, Li Fuchen sweeps one person and spins his body to avoid the attack of three people. At the same time, Li Fuchen kicks two people in a series of legs. He raises his left arm to block a young man's boxing. His right fist is like a poisonous snake, drilling on the opposite side's stomach


After several breaths, no one could stand on the open space except Li Fuchen. All of them were lying on the ground in agony. Some of them were directly broken by Li Fuchen's ribs.

"How strong!"

Not far away, some of the waizong's disciples were speechless for a long time.

"It's too strong. Among the disciples of waizong, some senior brothers who practice the nine levels of Qi state can't do it!"

"He's only been here for more than three months. How can he be so strong?"

"Is it a strong man with snow level?"

As if to do a trivial thing, Li Fuchen to carry the snow silver iron ore, continue to drive.

"Li Fuchen, wait for me."

The tall young man at the head pointed to Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen stopped. "It seems that I'm still too kind."

He walked up to the other side.

"You want to do What are you doing? " The tall boy stammered.

"Let you have a long memory."

Ka wipe, Li Fuchen kicked the other side's leg.


The tall boy hugged his calf and screamed bitterly, his eyes turned white.

"It's cruel. This sun Youbao has a cousin who is one of the top 500 disciples of waizong."

"Wait, sun Youbao will definitely find his cousin."

Ignoring everyone's comments, Li Fuchen left with the snow silver iron ore.

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