"This is your disciple token. It needs to be refined by dripping blood." With that, the elder of Wu Temple handed Li Fuchen a pale gold token.

On the front of the token is a majestic King character, and on the back is the symbol of the red rainbow sect.

Taking the token, Li Fuchen drops a drop of blood.

Seeing the blood absorbed with his own eyes, the master of wudian said: "the red rainbow sect disciple token is very special, especially the king level disciple token. Once the blood is melted, it becomes your identity token. Even if someone else steals it, it is useless. With the king level disciple token, you can use all the transmission arrays for free. You can rent warships, level 5 warships and level 6 warships However, the cost of renting a level 6 warship is very high. You can't afford it with your current financial resources. In short, the token of King level disciple is not only a symbol of your identity, but also a symbol of your glory. There are many privileges in the clan. You will learn about these privileges in the future. "

Can warships be rented?

Li Fuchen's heart moved.

Level 5 ships can kill a large number of fledgling warriors, while level 6 ships can kill large numbers of fighting spirit realm masters. If you rent a warship when you are on a mission, it's just walking sideways.

"Come on, you activate the power of the token and integrate into the mountain array, so that you can control the array of the mountain."

Master Wu Dian Lao Dao.


Li Fuchen nodded, and the true Qi was injected into the token of the king level disciple.

Hum, an illusory King level disciple token appears, branded in the void.

After all this, Li Fuchen has a close relationship with the mountain array. He can easily control the array. If he doesn't want to, it is impossible for others to go up the mountain. Even he can attack others with the array.

"From now on, you will be the master of the mountain. This is the map of the red rainbow sect. It indicates the location of the main hall of resources, the hall of contribution and the secret script tower. If there is anything you don't understand, you can go to the hall of the disciples of the outer sect and ask. If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first." Originally, it had nothing to do with him. He was only responsible for registering the students' understanding. Of course, he was willing to arrange a residence for a king level disciple.

When the elder of wudian leaves, Li Fuchen arranges the yard slightly.

This courtyard is uninhabited all the year round. Although there is no dust, it still looks very lonely. After Li Fuzhen takes out some sundries from the storage bag and arranges it, the courtyard looks much more lively and pleasing to the eyes.

"First go to the contribution hall to get some contribution points."


In a flash, Li Fuchen flies to the contribution hall according to the mark on the map.

Soon, Li Fuchen came to the contribution hall.

"Here are ten thousand contributions." The elder in grey handed Li Fuchen a lot of special metal coins.

"Contribution currency?"

Li Fuchen is a little curious.

There are 1000 denominations, 500 denominations and 10 denominations.

The elder in grey explained: "the contribution coin is made by the unique secret method of the Chihong sect, which can't be forged. The contribution coin can be exchanged for anything in the clan, and can also be purchased between brothers."

"I see."

Li Fuchen nodded.

With the material object, the contribution point can be used as currency, of course, only for the red rainbow clan.

Leaving the contribution hall, Li Fuchen went to the resources hall.

With a king level disciple token, Li Fuchen successfully received three red rainbow pills and three enlightenment pills.

According to the elders of the resource hall, Chihong pill can greatly purify the true Qi, and the enlightenment pill can improve the understanding in a short time. These two kinds of pills are the unique pills of the Chihong sect, which can't be bought outside.

Finally, Li Fuchen came to the secret script tower.

There are three layers in the secret script tower. The first layer is the skill script, the second layer is the martial arts secret script, and the third layer is the secret method.

The lowest level of the skill script that can be placed in the secret script tower is the middle level level of the prefecture level, and the highest level is the top level level of the level.

The medium level skill of prefecture level is very cheap. You can exchange it with hundreds of coins.

As for the prefecture level high-level skills, they are expensive. The cheapest level high-level skills also cost 10000 yuan.

Of course, skills can be exchanged separately.

For example, if you only exchange the middle level skills of the first 27 levels, you only need 1000 yuan.

When he came to the top level skill script area, Li Fuchen picked up a Book of martial arts and read it.

"Tianyi Zhenshui Jue, the top step waterway skill of prefecture level, has 33 layers. The first 27 layers need 5000 contribution points, the first 30 layers need 10000 contribution points, the 31st layer 20000, the 32nd layer 40000, and the 33rd layer 80000."

Seeing the exchange price of Tian Yi Zhen Shui Jue, Li Fuchen is very quiet.

If he doesn't do anything, he has to accumulate 15 years before he can accumulate 150000 contribution points. It will take 150 years for him to become a first-class foreign sect disciple.

"Get the first 30 levels of the top level skill script for free, which saves me about 10000 contribution points!"Li Fuchen breathed a breath and continued to read other secrets.

"This is it."

Li Fuchen has selected the secret script of the skill after the skill of zhancha has passed.

The first 27 layers need 6000 contribution points, the first 30 layers need 12000 contribution points, the first thirty layers need 24000 contribution points, the thirty third level needs 96000 contribution points, the total price is 180000, which is 30000 more than Tianyi Zhenshui Jue.

The reason why it's so expensive is that the Shenhuo Chihong skill is chihongzong's Zhenzong skill, which is better than other top level skills.

After selecting the skill script, Li Fuchen is not in a hurry to leave. He still has 10000 contribution points in his hand. He is ready to go to the second and third floors of the secret script tower.

Second floor.

"Martial arts are more than half cheaper than martial arts. The higher level martial arts of the prefecture level only need several thousand, and the top level martial arts only need tens of thousands. If they are exchanged separately, it will only take about 10000 to complete the volume up."

Li Fuchen is a little bit excited. With his understanding, he can understand the top level sword skill of the prefecture level, which should not be slow.

When the soul is completely transformed into lavender, the savvy will be stronger.

Besides, the top level sword is not expensive. If you don't earn contribution points, you can learn all the top level sword skills in a few years.

"Go to the third floor first."

Li Fuchen scanned the second floor and went to the third floor.

"There are so many secret ways of six stars and seven stars!"

There are more than twenty six star secrets in three layers, and five in seven stars.

"Psionic stab, psionic attack, psionic turn stab, direct attack enemy psionic, need 30000 contribution points."

"Thousand illusory eyes, the secret method of pupil technique, can make the enemy fall into a dreamland. It needs 30000 contribution points."

"The secret method of burning blood, burning essence blood, and improving combat power requires 50000 contribution points."

"Round vigorous Qi, the secret method of true Qi, needs 40000 contribution points."

Looking at a Book of six star secrets, Li Fuchen thinks each one is useful, but it's too expensive to exchange for the time being.

As for the seven star secret method, Li Fuchen didn't look at it. He couldn't afford to exchange it. What's the use of it.

"I'd better choose a local top level sword technique to roll up."

Li Fuchen returns to the second floor.

PS: yesterday, I moved my cousin from the third floor to the first floor.

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