Returning to the land of seven colors, Li Fuchen began to practice in seclusion.

He has reached the highest level of perfection. He has the content of the third move and the fourth move. He is sure to promote the cloud fire thousand burning to the sublime state in a short time, and understand the meaning of the cloud fire thousand burning sword.

Once you understand the meaning of cloud fire thousand burning sword, cloud fire thousand burning killing is not limited to its power. The true Qi martial arts can't compare with the body refining martial arts. The true Qi martial arts are extremely mysterious, but sometimes the power is not so important.

If you compare the martial arts of body building to a hammer.

Then Zhenqi martial arts is a sword.

The hammer goes in a power style.

The sword moves with skill style.

Of course, there are no absoluteness in everything. There are also very exquisite hammering techniques and very heavy and simple sword techniques.

But the overall style is like this.

As for Jiujie Shenquan, Li Fuchen planned to practice with him in the early stage. Anyway, his current strength has been invincible from birth, so he is not in a hurry to improve his strength.

"Hundred burning killing, thousand burning killing, one move is more subtle than one move. Ten burning killing and hundred burning killing are just simple sword power. Thousand burning killing has obviously gone beyond this level and reached the level of cycle superposition."

No matter what swordsmanship, the last move is the most perfect and the most powerful.

This is because the last move contains the strongest and most complete sword meaning.

It took only half a day for Li Fuchen to become the third move to burn and kill.

After all, baifensha represents the highest level, and Li Fuchen has reached the highest level in advance.

However, the last move, thousand burning, is very difficult to practice, which is much more difficult than the understanding of poison dragon boxing to the sublime realm.

After half a month, Li Fuchen only found some opportunities.

"I underestimated the top level martial arts of the prefecture level."

Li Fuchen exhaled.

Without tangled up in a short period of time, Li Fuchen began to focus on the Jiujie Shenquan.

Jiujie Shenquan is different from tiger spirit boxing and poisonous dragon boxing. It can't cultivate spirit and soul. It mainly talks about how to cultivate the ability of robbing.

The so-called robbery force is very overbearing, which can destroy everything and turn everything into ashes.

In theory, it can destroy a world.

Of course, it's only in theory.

"It's clear that looting is a more advanced manifestation of the rules of power." Li Fuchen was thoughtful.

It's very difficult for others to get into the entrance, but for Li Fuchen, it's very easy to just practice Jiujie Shenquan.

"The world of mortals."

At the top of the mountain, the breeze blows and bangs. Li Fuchen punches on a high boulder opposite him.

With a flash of red light, the whole boulder collapsed without a trace of dust, leaving only a handful of ashes in place.


As soon as Li Fuchen's eyes brightened, this kind of power simply pointed to the essence.

The boulder seems to have been directly destroyed by powerful forces, but in fact it has been destroyed the essence of the core.

It's like a person has no soul, and the remaining body is just a walking corpse.

"It's just that the power of dragon and elephant consumes a lot."

It was Ming Dynasty that Li Fuchen cultivated the world of mortal calamity to the initial stage. However, the consumption of dragon elephant power was not weaker than that of poison dragon boxing.

It's hard to imagine how much of the Dragon elephant's power would be consumed once Li Fuchen cultivated the world of mortal calamity to a great level.

"The third robbery is called the world of mortal calamity. I don't know what the other eight robberies are called?"

Li Fuchen is very curious about Jiujie Shenquan. What's more, he is more curious about who created such a terrible body building martial arts.

Li Fuchen estimated that the emperor of FA Xiangjing should not be able to create it. It is estimated that it is a higher level of existence.

Time flies by quickly.

One of Li's disciples, one of them, who was promoted to the tenth level of the kingdom of Zihong, was one of his disciples.

There is a big gap between the conception of birth and the state of fighting spirit.

No matter how strong the situation is, it is only the strength of our combat power.

As long as the true spirit is not destroyed, he can be reborn.

In addition, once the true spirit is born, it will leave a trace of imprint on the rules of heaven and earth. The existence of this imprint will make the martial arts realize that heaven and earth can achieve twice the result with half the effort, and the integration with the heaven and earth is not comparable to those who are born out of the state.

Comparing the master of doulingjing to the son of heaven, he is just an outsider who has nothing to do with it. He can only rely on himself.

It can be said that fighting spirit state is the second stage of martial arts. The first stage is mortals. The second stage is martial arts, which can be regarded as heaven and man.

Of course, heaven and man have high and low, and fighting spirit state is only the lowest level of heaven and man.

After promotion to doulingjing, Wang level disciples can enjoy higher treatment. 90% of the resources of the Chihong sect are concentrated on the king level disciples. As for the other ordinary disciples, the combined resources are only 10%.If you want resources, you can make your own contribution.

You can exchange as many resources as you contribute.

"Thousand burning and killing!"

floating dust peak, Lee floating dust sword, red red sword light hollow ball, suddenly inflated, and then burst like a bubble, it seems that although the movement is not large, but anyone can see this scene, will be cold.

"Thousands of burning kill, sword light cycle superposition, explosion, enough to instantly burn out the enemy's body."

Li Fuchen nodded slightly.

cloud fire thousands of incense sword is a very strong flame Kendo rule, once burst open, obviously has the destruction of the rules of heaven and earth, just like a bubble general, illusory disillusionment, contains the charm of destruction.

"With my real Qi strength now, I have the power to fight against the low-level warriors in the spirit state."

At this moment, Li Fuchen not only understood the intention of killing the sword with cloud fire, but also the divine fire red rainbow skill had already broken through to the 28th level. After the breakthrough of the skill realm, his cultivation broke through to the seven levels of the birth state. The real Qi strength had a leap in all aspects. Although it was still unable to compare with the physical strength, it was close to it by a large margin.

Li Fuchen is confident that if he fights Murong Tianxing, who has not been promoted to the fighting spirit state again, he can defeat the other party with one sword. No matter whether the other party uses magic power or not, the result will be the same.

As for Murong Tianxing after promotion, without exposing his physical strength, Li Fuchen is not unable to fight. It's just a bit of a suspense. After all, once the opponent is promoted, the power of magic power will certainly increase. There is a big difference in the channels that can run energy between the nine levels of birth state and the level of fighting spirit state.

Compared with the real Qi strength, Li Fuchen's physical strength is no progress.

Although his world of mortal calamity has been cultivated to a small level.

However, the hongchenjie of Xiaocheng realm can not be compared with the poison dragon boxing in the supernatural realm. The meaning of poison dragon boxing contained in the latter is relatively complete.

"However, the role of the world of mortal calamity is much more than that of poison dragon boxing."

Li Fuchen smiles at the corners of his mouth.

He didn't expect that the red dust robbery could actually rob all the impurities in Qi and blood into ashes and drain them out of the body. Its efficiency is much higher than that in Chapter 5 of the Dragon elephant forging body chapter. It can be imagined that with the rise of the world of mortal calamity, Li Fuchen's physical cultivation and cultivation will surely make faster progress and achieve the master of body cultivation in the fighting spirit realm ahead of time.

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