Canglan lake, calm without waves, Li Fuzhen fishing quietly.

Up to now, 90% of Li's soul has been transformed into green, only 10% of which will be completely transformed.

With the transformation of his soul, Li Fuchen's consciousness became more and more powerful. In the past, he could only attach his consciousness to the fishhook for less than half a quarter of an hour, but now it has increased to half a quarter of an hour.


A common treasure fish weighing more than ten jin broke through the water.

At noon, Li Fuchen began to practice the formula of red fire.

Li Fuchen, who has cultivated the red fire formula to the fourth level, has already felt a trace of hot intention to wash away in his body every time he runs the red fire formula. It is hard to imagine what will happen when the red fire formula breaks through to the Ninth level.

On the first day, Li Fuchen caught a common treasure fish weighing more than 10 jin, and the next day was an ordinary treasure fish weighing 20 jin.

On the third day, Li Fuchen not only caught a first-class treasure fish weighing more than ten kilograms, but also broke through the red fire formula to the fifth level.

The fifth layer of the red fire code, blazing meaning is very obvious, although the power is not better than the seventh layer of red jade skill, but the gap is not big.

"It is said that the red fire formula is the most domineering skill of canglan sect, which is true."

A punch to the void, the hot fist style, so that the air is distorted, Li Fuchen can not help but praise.

As the days went by, Li's harvest became more and more. On the tenth day, Li's luck broke out and he caught a second-class treasure fish weighing four or five Jin.

On the 22nd day, Li Fuchen once again caught a second-class treasure fish.

On the 30th day, Li Fuchen caught a common treasure fish with a weight of more than 100 Jin. Its strength was so strong that it took nine oxen and two tigers to catch it.

On the thirty first day, a big thing happened.

After more than half a year, Li Fuchen's soul has finally transformed from light green to green.

At the moment of soul transformation, an indescribable wonderful feeling came. Li Fuchen only felt that the soul learned to breathe and breathe freely.

At the same time, all kinds of martial arts flashed through Li Fuchen's brain, and in the blink of an eye, they evolved in an instant.

The half moon sword technique reaches the state of perfection.

The tiger's teeth are cut in a cross.

Stone palm, wonderful.

Qingfeng sword technique is superb.

Shaoshang's swordsmanship is superb.

It's amazing to split the mountain palm.

The red jade sword technique reaches the peak.

Red Jade palm, the highest peak.

Li's martial arts are connected with each other. It seems that Li's knowledge of martial arts is wonderful.


On the soul, there is a trace of green lightning moving, every time, Li Fuchen's thinking is transparent, and the Gonggong meaning of Hongyu rises from the seventh level to the seventh level peak, the seventh level extreme.

Finally, a solidified flame was branded in Li Fuchen's mind.

Li Fuchen doesn't understand what this means, but it's not a bad thing.

A night without sleep.

The next day, the sun rises.

Li Fuchen sat beside the window, bathed in the golden sun, and began to practice the code of red fire.

The red fire formula, which was very difficult to practice in the past, is extremely smooth today.

After thirty-six runs of true Qi, the Gongyi of red fire Jue first broke through to the sixth level, and then the Gongfa also broke through to the sixth level.

The red fire formula of the sixth level is too powerful, and it is no weaker than the ruby skill of the seventh level.

Two weeks later, Li Fuchen continued to push the code of red fire to the seventh level.

One month later, it reached the eighth floor.

Everything seems to go back to the time when he just got the golden amulet. At that time, Li Fuchen also pushed the hongyugong from the third level to the sixth level in a short time.

Snowflakes were floating in the sky. It was winter now.

When the eighth layer of red fire formula was fully operated, an invisible heat rose from Li's body surface. When the snowflake was still three feet away from Li Fuzhen, it was melted, and when it was one foot away, it evaporated into steam.

With his right hand clenching his fist, a light red breath like a flame enveloped Li's fist. It looked as if Li's fist was burning.

The true Qi is obvious.

After the red fire formula broke through to the eighth layer, Li Fuchen finally achieved the instant true Qi to show.

Now, he is practicing Qi state.

From the point of view of the apparent concentration of true Qi, in order to reach eight levels of practicing Qi, Luo Kai, whose iron armour work reached the sixth level, had no idea how much higher the concentration was.

Go after Zhou Huailong and Luo Zhongtian.


Li Fuchen tried his best to hit a fist, the fiery fist melted a large snowflake, in the snow, opened a fleeting track.

"Golden rune, what's your origin?"

Stop running the red fire formula, Li Fuchen's mind rises to his mind.In a chaotic mind, a green light ball is suspended in the center of the chaos, and in the center of the light ball is a simple golden amulet.

The golden rune is so mysterious.

I don't know if it's Li Fuchen's illusion. Where the golden amulet touches the green light ball, a light blue silk thread appears from time to time, blending into the green light ball.

"Is the light blue soul after the green soul?"

Li Fuchen takes a breath of cold air.

Every time the soul changes, the change is too big. After the green soul is the light blue soul, after the light blue soul should be the blue soul. As for the blue soul, Li Fuchen has the feeling that there should be more advanced soul.

He couldn't imagine how far the savvy would be if the soul turned pale blue, let alone the blue soul and the more advanced soul.

At that time, it is estimated that the red fire code can be cultivated to the highest level in an hour.


With a breath of breath, Li Fuchen said secretly: Although there is a golden amulet, I can't slack off. The golden amulet has greatly improved my understanding. Other aspects still need my own efforts.

The snow is falling more and more, but canglan Lake shows no sign of freezing at all.

It is said that canglan Lake never freezes. One year, a snow disaster broke out in canglan area, and canglan Lake did not freeze.

Fishing quietly, Li Fuchen heart also gradually quiet down, no longer so surging.

When the soul reaches the green level, Li Fuchen's consciousness can be attached to the hook for a quarter of an hour, which has doubled the time.

Don't underestimate the added half a quarter of an hour.

Most of the time, when the consciousness is about to dissipate, Li Fuchen catches a precious fish in a hurry, and has no time to choose a better one.

In addition, the scope of consciousness's perception has doubled, from 10 meters to 15 meters in the water.

When his consciousness was about to disappear, Li Fuchen finally found a target.

It's a first-class treasure fish weighing tens of Jin.

After fishing so many treasure fish, Li Fuchen found that according to the weight of ordinary treasure fish, one jin of weight can produce 20 jin of strength.

First class treasure fish, a Jin weight can break out 50 Jin strength.

This first-class treasure fish has a weight of dozens of Jin, and its strength in the water is at least two or three thousand jin. I'm afraid he can't catch it before.

After all, the fishing rod is very long and its power is limited.

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