"Worthy of being emperor level disciple."

Li Fuchen feels that his Qi and blood are cold. The opponent's Sabre Qi contains extremely strong rules of withered glory and Dao, which can affect his Qi and blood vitality. If it wasn't for the red world's calamity that can isolate the opponent's Sabre Qi, he would have lost his Qi and blood.

"If I don't have the magic gloves, I'll have to use the magic power of fire."

Li Fuzhen flies back. In the process of retreating, his hands are covered with a pair of gloves covered with black scales.

Power magic gloves, ground level medium level body refining gloves.

This pair of gloves was asked by Li Fuchen after he became a king level disciple from Bailian Qizong, one of the five major utensils in the purple flower kingdom.

After all, it's hard to find materials for Li Huachen's body. It's hard to collect materials for Li Huachen's body.

Seriously speaking, this pair of gloves is not really a medium level ground level body refining glove, because it still has defects. The main reason is that the multiple refining utensils can only refine the low-level body refining tools perfectly. It's lucky that Li Fuchen gave him high-level refining materials. One of them is a high-level refining material, otherwise, this force The magic glove needs another level.

It took a full year to build, and the multiple refining utensils were completed only a month ago.

Now, finally, it's time to use it.

Put on the power magic gloves, Li Fuchen boxing out again, this time, the red light is as bright as the sun, emitting a faint red.


Peng Le's Dao Qi was robbed again.

"The trees come down!"

Peng Le burst out a unique skill in the sword technique of withering and flourishing plants. He saw his sword swing, and his whole body Qi was almost emptied. Within tens of miles, the virtual shadow of vegetation grew wildly. From grass to towering tree, to ferocious green vine, to continuous bush, Li Fuchen felt that he was cut off from the outside world and was imprisoned in the grass and trees In the world, those ferocious green vines are winding towards him, trying to restrain him. The towering trees are crazy to absorb the vitality around them, and are also trying to absorb his vitality. The continuous shrubs, like continuous knife moves, come one by one and do not give him a chance to breathe.

All this is false and true.

This is the vision of the influence of Dao area on the rules of heaven and earth. The deepest killing mechanism is hidden in this vision.

"The opponent's mastery of the top level Sabre skill should be on top of my cloud fire thousand burning and killing!"

It is also a state of transcendence. The level of true Qi cultivation and the level of skill level will also affect the exquisite level of martial arts.

"But in front of the world of mortal calamity, everything will be robbed to ashes!"

Taking a deep breath, Li Fuchen's red light blooms to the extreme, like a small red sun.


In the shadow of plants and plants that block out the sky, red light is transmitted through the gap. At the next moment, the shadow of plants all over the sky turns into ashes and dissipates into nothingness.

"All things wither!"

Peng Le's final move followed.

This move, unspeakable bleak, unspeakable senhan.

A knife out, there is no longer a virtual shadow of vegetation, some are boundless, gray withered leaves.

This boundless leaf toward Li Fushen crazy attack, bring is boundless killing opportunity.

Everything is flourishing and declining. The extreme prosperity of vegetation is the beginning of decline. The instant decline, incomparable cruelty, is reflected in the sword moves, which naturally increases the artistic conception and killing opportunities of the sword moves.

Li Fuchen's eyes were full of admiration. He could see that Peng Le had practiced this earth level top level Sabre technique to the extreme. If he went further, he would undoubtedly be close to the heaven level sword technique.

It's a pity that the other party doesn't know about the world robbery.

The world of mortal calamity is the force of destroying all things when everything is flourishing to the extreme, while the sword technique of the other side is just the decline of plants and plants to the extreme. The two are not at the same level at all.

Therefore, when the other side's killing moves encounter Li Fuchen's world robbery, the fallen leaves burn all over the sky, which is not as good as the previous one.

Peng Le's face sank. The opponent's body building fist technique was too strange. He seemed to restrain his withering and flourishing sword technique.

"I haven't used the green wood magic for a long time, because no one in the same realm can force out my green wood magic." Peng Le put away his long and narrow sword, and his body was full of dark green brilliance. Small green vines grew on his body, just like green snakes, full of spirituality.

"Green wood immortal vine!"

Peng Le murmured, and a green vine sprang out and shot at Li Fuzhen.

On the way, the vine quickly thickens, like a green dragon, whipping Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen punches out, hitting the end of the green vine.

Red light spread, green vines withered and decayed.

However, Li Fuchen, who was astonishing in spiritual sense, frowned at this time.

The green vine is not completely withered and decayed. There is still a trace of vitality in the deep inside. This vitality is very terrible. In an instant, the green vine recovers and continues to beat Li Fuchen.After seven punches in a row, Li Fuchen completely destroyed the green vine.


Li Fuchen's heart gave birth to a trace of speculation.

Peng Le said with a grin: "my green wood immortal rattan contains immortal rules. Although there is only a trace of it, it is enough to make the lower level masters in fighting spirit realm helpless. I am surprised that you can destroy one, but how about two, three or even dozens of them?"

With that, Peng Le ran out of his body more than ten green vines,

the green vines interweave and crisscross, blocking all the retreat routes of Li Fuchen.

"The rule of immortality?"

Li Fuchen was a little surprised at the magic power of the other party.

The supernatural power containing the rule of immortality is obviously a very advanced one.

Whether the awakened supernatural powers are powerful depends on three aspects, one is luck, the other is personal characteristics, and the most important one is the root of the star.

There is no doubt that the higher the star level, the more powerful the supernatural powers awakened.

For example, Bai lingshuang has the Seven Star root bones, and the awakened ice state magical power is obviously weird and powerful, and Murong Tianxing's star heart is also very powerful, belonging to the most comprehensive supernatural power.

As for his own heart of fire, it is a strange number.

When I first awakened the heart of fire, I was only the root of the four stars. However, the level of the heart of fire was obviously not low. Although it was certainly not comparable to Murong Tianxing's star heart, to a certain extent, it had the same effect.

Li Fuchen estimated that it should be personal characteristics that played a role.

Li Fuchen is hard to deal with so many undead vines just because of the world of mortals.


The power of the fire surged out, and Li Fuchen turned into a man of fire, and the fire in his chest was blazing and dazzling.

Pulling out the sword of killing heaven, Li Fuchen splits the green vine with one sword.


The blazing light of the sword made the void bright, and dozens of vines were cut off and burned.


Li Fuchen's powerful flame magic power made Peng Le a little surprised.

The flame went out, the vine grew wildly, and he continued to wind and beat Li Fuzhen.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The flame and sword light interweave like a net, all around Li Fushen. The green vines are cut off one after another, so it is difficult to get close to it.


And Peng's body is green like green.

Some green vines drill into the ground and immediately break out of the ground, directly attacking the footwall of Li Fuchen. Some green vines are intertwined with each other and turn into aggressive green whips. Some green vines are full of branches and leaves, which cover Li's sight.

In an instant, within a few miles, it became a world of vines.

Surrounded by vines, Li Fuchen is not impatient and impatient. The killing Sky Sword in his hand seems to have come to life. Due to the speed of waving, Li Fuchen is wrapped in a light shield formed by the light of the flame sword. Any vine that touches the light shield is cut off in an instant, and then burned. It is difficult to cross the thunder pool for half a step.

Peng Le's face became more and more heavy. Li Fuchen's magic power of fire was obviously understood to a very high level. His green wood immortal vine was higher than the other party in the magical power level, and reached the level of four stances and five in the magical power understanding, which can be said to be the top of the top.

He could not imagine that Li Fuchen had understood the root and bone pattern of the flame.

This battle, from the beginning of the white hot, gradually fell into a stalemate stage.

Peng Le's green wood immortal vine magical power contains immortal rules. Even if it is cut off and burned by fire, it can be recovered again and again.

Li Fuchen's magic power of the heart of fire contains extremely profound rules of fire. With one sword, nothing can be cut short and burn.

With the passage of time, Zhang Dajiang and others also rushed to come.

See this scene, one by one shocked.

Li Fuchen strong also even if, when came out a similar existence with Li Fuchen.

"Is it emperor level disciple?"

What did Zhang Dajiang think of.

"Is this the emperor's disciple?" At the beginning, Qin Ming still wanted to wait for Peng le to beat Li Fuchen and seize more mountains. But when he got to the back, he had lost his mind in this respect, at least not in this aspect.

As a king level disciple, Qin Ming is a little depressed at the moment.

People are more than people, and they are really angry.

In front of the emperor level disciples, he was a king level disciple, which was no different from a passer-by. The aftermath of their fight was too terrible. He felt that once he was close to a few miles, he would be killed directly.

For a long time, Peng Le said, "I can't win you. It's a tie."

At the end of the battle, the winner or loser can be determined, but there is no need for it. After all, this is not a battle of life and death. It is not worth the loss to consume the green wood strength.


Li Fuchen did not want to fight again.

Although the fight to the last minute, he is 70% sure to win the other side.After all, in addition to the flame magic, his physical training strength is also very strong, not much weaker than the flame magic, really want to fight hard, for a while and a half, the other side can't break their own defense.

"Give me some face and return all the mountains I lived in."

Peng Le said.

Li Fuchen shakes his head, "return half at most, more can't do."

"OK, we'll fight again next time."

Peng Le is not angry, so long as he can beat Li Fuchen next time, everything has the final say.

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