It's not a joke to improve Qi and blood circulation method. It needs to know your own body and have a strong understanding at the same time.

If you don't understand the body, it's easy to have big problems.

If the understanding is not strong enough, the improvement of Qi and blood movement method will also have problems.

If Li Fuchen slows down a little, he doesn't need to improve Qi and blood circulation method, but he doesn't want to slow down his own pace.

"The body building skill varies from person to person. If you change it a little, it should be OK."

This day, Li Fuchen sat in the courtyard, and his strong consciousness began to scan his body.

It is said that only the martial arts in Tiangang state can know how to use it. Below Tiangang state, there is consciousness, but they don't know how to use it.

Of course, the most important thing is that consciousness is not strong enough below Tiangang state.

Scanning the body again and again, Li Fuchen has a more detailed understanding of the body.

All over the body, as long as the meridians and acupoints can be found by consciousness, Li Fuchen is clear.

"It turns out that these acupoints are different from person to person. It's no wonder that when I run Qi and blood, I always block it, which will affect my practice."

It took a few days for Li Fuchen to improve the method of Qi and blood circulation.

In fact, they are not improvements.

Ninety nine percent is still the original method. In other places, Li Fuchen combined his body and made some adjustments.

With the adjustment of Qi and blood movement method, Li Fuchen ran Qi and blood smoothly, and his body never lost control again.

Four thousand jin.

Four thousand two hundred jin.

Four thousand and five hundred jin.

Li Fuchen's physical strength changes every day.

The tightness of the skin also changes every day.

Li Fuchen weighed about 130 Jin before, but now it weighs 140 Jin.

The key is that Li Fuchen, who is over 1.7 meters tall and weighs 140 Jin, does not seem too strong. At first glance, he is only 120 or 30 jin at most.

Four thousand eight hundred jin.

Five thousand jin.

When there were only 20 quenched body pills left, Li Fuchen's red level combat body finally reached a perfect state.

The red level battle body in the perfect situation is extremely powerful. It is not only the skin that is close to each other, but also the strength and toughness of the skin is greatly increased.


Li Fuchen pulled out the fine steel sword and split it on himself.

This sword Li Fuchen used about 3000 Jin. His sharp blade didn't cut through the skin.

The strength increased to 4000 Jin, and it was still unhurt.

When the weight increased to 5000 kg, a shallow wound finally appeared on Li Fuzhen's body.

As soon as the wound appeared, it soon closed together.

Instead of splitting, Li Fuchen found that the strength of 4000 Jin was enough to pierce his own skin.

Taking a deep breath, Li Fuchen runs the eighth layer of red fire rhyme, and the surging red fire Qi spreads all over his body.


Li Fuchen stabbed himself with a sword.

The strength of this sword is six thousand jin.

But there was nothing left but a white mark on his body.

Seven thousand pounds.

Eight kilos.

It was not until he increased his strength to eight thousand catties that Li Fuchen cut open the skin with a sword, and a trace of blood splashed out.

"It is worthy of being red level combat body. Although it is not really invulnerable, it is not excessive to say that it is invulnerable at the level of practicing Qi."

At the level of practicing Qi, the strength of eight thousand jin belongs to the top level.

The strength of Zhou Huailong and Luo Zhongtian is about 6000 kg, and Wang Hu is about 7000 kg.

Li Fuchen estimated that his strength should be more than ten thousand jin.

The so-called strength is the power to exert itself.

Physical strength, cultivation, skills and martial arts all affect strength.

Ten thousand jin force, can hit the object of ten thousand jin weight out of a distance.


"Did you hear that Li Fuchen defeated Wang Hu."

"Really or not, Wang Hu is one of the top 500 disciples. Although he is the last one, he is not comparable to Zhou Huailong and Luo Zhongtian."

"I also suspect it's fake. According to people who have witnessed it, Li Fuchen easily crushed Wang Hu."

"Fake, it must be fake. How can a person progress so fast? I don't believe it anyway."

Not many days later, Li Fuchen beat Wang Hu's story spread throughout the whole waizong.

But the first reaction was disbelief.

Of course, there are a few people who believe it. After all, some things can't come out of nothing. Since it has been spread out, it has some credibility.

When Li Fuchen completed the cultivation of the red level battle body and walked out of the yard, the news had already spread. People who met with him all the way looked at him strangely.

"Li Fuchen, did you offend Shen tuliang when you were in Yunwu city?" A figure came slowly. It was Shen Tu Jue.Now Shentu Jue has been practicing Qi State for seven times.

"What's the matter?"

Li Fuchen eyebrows a pick.

"I need a lot of quenching pills now. You only need to give me 50 quenching pills. This account will be written off." Shen Tu Jue Dao.

Although Li Fuchen had a good time in waizong, he was not worth mentioning when compared with his Shentu family.

Li Fuchen a smile, "do you think, I will give you?"

"How dare you disobey my Shentu family?" Shentu is not full of Tao.

"I'm a waizong disciple of canglan sect now, and I'm a first-class waizong disciple. What qualifications do you have to talk to me like this?" With that, Li Fuchen left directly.

"Li Fuchen, a moment of complacency is nothing. When you return to the Yuan state, the importance of the root and bone will be gradually reflected. At that time, with your ordinary talent, you will certainly become the bottom."

Shen Tu absolutely suppressed his anger.

The reason why he needed quenching pill was that he had just exchanged a secret script of iron cloth shirt.

However, the cultivation of iron cloth clothes requires a lot of body hardening pills. You can cultivate yourself slowly, but you still don't know how long it takes to practice successfully.

Li Fuchen, who has gone far away, doesn't take Shen Tu Jue's words to heart.

Others don't know. He knows his own situation very well.

Maybe his bone is very poor, but if his understanding reaches the level of adversity, nothing will hinder him.

Coming to the third floor of the canteen, Li Fuchen ordered a high-class meal.

Since the cultivation of the red level battle body, Li Fuchen no longer eat a silver meal, but instead a gold medal meal.

The meat of high-grade meal is demon meat. After washing off the evil spirit, it is very chewy. After eating it, it is not easy to be hungry. It can supplement a lot of physical strength and energy. Vegetables are specially planted by canglan sect, which is said to be vegetables. In fact, they are no different from herbs. They contain many elements needed by human body.

Found a seat to sit down, Li Fuchen full of gentle eating.

A crowd of people came from the second floor to the third floor.

Li Fuzhen looked up, his eyes narrowed.

It's Guan Xue.

She was dressed in the clothes of her ordinary and unadorned disciples. She was distinguished and elegant, with slender eyes and a trace of pride.

On one side were two young girls of equal beauty.

Together, they attracted a lot of attention.

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