He didn't carry out the task immediately. Li Fuchen needed to know about the city of red rainbow and the red copper continent.

The red copper continent is not the white scale continent. It is said that its size is only a little smaller than that of the red earth continent, which is almost five times as large as that of the white scale continent and more than ten times that of the Donglin continent. So far, many royal forces, including the chihongzong, have failed to explore the whole red copper continent completely. Some forbidden areas, even the great masters, are in danger of their lives, There was also a terrible destruction of the city on the red copper continent.

The city that was destroyed was another king level power city in the mainland. The reason was that a great master of the king level force ventured into a forbidden area, and as a result, he provoked a very powerful level 6 demon.

According to the information at that time, the level six demon was suspected to have the strength of the king level master. Otherwise, the level 7 array could not be destroyed.

The general seven level array can't be broken even if it is attacked for several months.

After spending some spirit stones, Li Fuchen bought a map and an introduction to the forbidden area.

"Red copper mainland, there are three forbidden areas and ten small forbidden areas?"

Li Fuchen raised his eyebrows and looked down carefully.

In the forbidden area, there are demons or monsters at King level.

Small restricted area, there is clearly a big master level demons or monsters, more than one.

"It looks like a forbidden area."

With similar strength, human warriors can't compete with monsters and demons. The vitality of the two is too terrible. A blow that can kill a human warrior may be only a slight injury to the monster and demon. Unless three or five people join hands, otherwise, they will only escape.

Don't talk about other people. Even if it's Li Fuchen, at the same level, Li Fuchen can't say that he can win over monsters and demons.

After all, monsters and demons are too big. The former is just like a mountain. It often goes hundreds of feet, while the human warrior's body size is less than one foot.

Of course, vitality and body shape are not absolutely related.

Every inch of the body contains the vitality.

Li Fuchen is small in size, and each inch of flesh and blood contains amazing vitality.

"Burning iron mountains!"

Finally, Li Fuchen set the target in the Yantie mountains.

Yantie mountain is a mountain range stretching tens of thousands of miles. In this mountain range, there are no monsters and demons at the grand master level, which is relatively safe.


The Yantie mountains are very hot. When ordinary practitioners of Qi State martial arts come here, they will be roasted to death for a short time. Even those who return to Yuan state can not support it for long.

This day, a figure was flying in the low altitude of the Yantie mountains, and the speed was not fast.

"Yantie mountain is rich in burning iron, which can be seen everywhere in the past 100 years. The Millennium burning iron is not so rare. The only ones that are rare are 10000 year old and 100000 year old."

This figure is naturally Li Fuchen.

There are reasons why he chose Yantie mountain. First, some people often find burning snake here. Second, it is rich in flaming iron.

Of course, what can let him value is not the burning iron of a century, but the burning iron of thousands of years.

It is said that some people even found a million year old burning iron in the Yantie mountains. This kind of iron can be used as the main material for low-level weapons.

Although Li Fuchen was flying very low and not fast, he was still found by a level 6 medium level monster huolingniao.

"Man, death!"

The fire spirit bird is very fast, just like a flash of fire, rushing toward Li Fushun.

When he was close to two hundred Li, he could see that his body was burning for three and a half miles.

"Found it."

Without going to the fire spirit bird, Li Fuchen's eyes brightened, and he found the flaming snake.

With his spiritual consciousness, the whole Yantie mountain can be clearly seen, but the burning snake is usually under the ground, and it will take some time for Li Fuchen to find out.

Speed up, Li Fuchen toward the direction of the burning snake quickly swept away.

In an underground space, a flaming snake with a length of more than 300 meters is bathing in the magma lake.

Along with the fire, he was covered with red water.

With the soul talent of hiding breath, Li Fuchen quietly followed the cracks under the ground and came to the sky above the magma lake.


Just like a streamer of light, Li Fuchen appeared in the sky of the burning snake and chopped down with a sword.


Feeling the crisis, the flaming snake sank and wanted to hide in the lava lake.

But it's too late.


This sword is fast and fast. The hot sword light seems to be practicing. It cuts the snake's neck and makes a huge cut in an instant.There is the blood of level 7 monster Yan Mang in the fire snake. Although it is rare, it is the blood of demon king. Otherwise, ordinary level 6 monster will die under the sword of Li Fuchen.


The intense pain makes the flaming snake into a state of madness. Under the rolling of its huge body, it sets off waves of magma.

Ignoring the magma, Li Fuchen moved to the back of the flaming snake, and once again struck his wound with a sword.

This sword almost cut off the spine of the flaming snake. Blood was sprayed on the lava lake without money, which made the surface of the lake ignite a raging flame. Even if the body protecting Qi was isolated, Li Fuzhen still smelled it.

"You can't give him a chance to react."

The magma lake is connected to the deep underground. If the flaming snake goes in, Li Fuchen will not rush to chase after him. After all, he knows nothing about the bottom of the lake. If a monster or demon of the top master level emerges, he will be in danger.

"Thousand burning and killing!"

Red bubbles expand and cover the snake's head and neck.


The bubbles burst, and the head and body of the flaming snake were separated. After a lot of sword gas cutting and annihilating, the fire red scales and flesh on the head disappeared, and the white bones were also scarred and full of sword marks.

"Not bad."

Falling next to the magma lake, Li Fuchen reached out and sucked the huge body of the flaming snake out of the lake and landed on the hard rock ground.

If it wasn't for the sneak attack, Li Fuchen couldn't have killed the flaming snake so neatly.

In fact, from the beginning to the end, the flaming snake did not have time to launch an effective attack and was killed by Yin.

"I don't know how much metal is in the bone marrow of a flaming snake." The

snake love to swallow metals. After absorbing these metals, most of them are absorbed into the scales. Only a few marrow enters the bone marrow. After the bone marrow is stored, these metals have amazing gas conductivity. The metal in the real air way does not lose any energy, but it will greatly enhance the lethality of the real gas.

After removing the skin and flesh of the flaming snake, Li Fuchen sends out hot Qi and begins to roast the bone of the flaming snake.


After a while, the flaming snake bone cracked. In some large cracks, dark red metal like sand fell down and sprinkled on the ground.


Li Fuzhen opened the bones of the flaming snake one by one and began to collect the dark red metal.

A catty.

Ten catties.

Fifty Jin.

The flaming snake's skeleton, which is more than 300 Zhang long, contains only 53 Jin of metal, much lower than Li Fuchen had imagined.

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