Knowing where yanxingcao is, it's easy to do next.

Time passed, three people along the crack, came to the yanxingcao underground space.

This underground space is extremely hot, and the temperature is at least 10 times higher than that of the fire devil's secret place, and more than 1000 times that of the outside world. Ordinary martial artists from the unborn environment come here and are expected to burn to ashes in an instant.

"What a strong flame rule."

Li Fuchen praised in his heart.

His understanding of the rules of fire is also very high, but compared with yanxingcao, it is undoubtedly a small wizard. If Yan xingcao knows how to use the rules of fire to attack, he will be a proper Yuanhai life.

Carrying the terrible aura of huodao, Lei Donghai walks over and picks Yanxing grass.

"Sister Gu, these are the two leaves I promised you before."

There are five leaves on Yanxing grass. Lei Donghai takes two leaves and hands them to Gu Jiuye.

"Brother floating dust, without you this time, elder martial brother, I can't get yanxingcao. This leaf is for you. In addition, you should get the 3000 grade spirit stones." The strength of the fire devil is more powerful than he imagined. He can be sure that without Li Fuchen, even with Yuan long, he can not defeat the fire demon, and can only suppress the other party at most.

Therefore, it is obviously not enough to give one leaf as well as two leaves. He can only replace it with a medium-sized spirit stone.

"Brother Xie Lei."

Li Fuchen readily accepted.

Long ago, he began to practice with the medium grade spirit stone. Now it happens that the middle grade spirit stone is in short supply.

On the way back, Lei Donghai and Li Fuchen talked about each other. As for Gu Jiuye, he kept silent. His silent personality was not like a man with bright roots.

"Younger martial brother floating dust, with your strength and means, you can actually go to the emperor heaven to practice." Lei Donghai suddenly said.

"Intermediate land, heaven and earth!"

Li Fuchen raised his eyebrows.

The mainland can be divided into lower, intermediate and higher levels.

The low-level continent is like Donglin continent, magic ring continent, white scale continent and red copper continent, and the intermediate continent is like the seven color continent.

However, the seven color continent can only be regarded as an ordinary intermediate continent. When the emperor of France came to the seven color continent, he would still be suppressed by the will of the mainland.

The emperor and heaven are more advanced than the seven color land, and the will of the mainland will not suppress the emperor in the legal environment.

Lei Donghai then said: "the area of emperor heaven land is more than 100 times of that of seven color land. It is not only extremely rich in rules and vitality, but also has several times the cultivation effect. In addition, it is rich in resources. The relatively rare Tian level herbs in the seven color continent are not too rare in the emperor heaven continent. At the auction of some cities, there are often Tian class herbs. The only bad thing is that The Empire level forces are respected by Emperor level forces, such as the great empires and the great emperor clans. Compared with each other, the king level forces can only be regarded as ordinary forces, and they are numerous in number. Our chihongzong is only a medium-sized King level power in ditian land, and is attached to the Chiyue empire. "

The land of seven colors is just a place for the red rainbow sect to cultivate and recuperate. The emperor heaven land is too dangerous. Once it is destroyed, the red rainbow sect can return to the seven color continent.

"The great empires and the great empires."

Li Fuchen's heart is awe inspiring.

The ruler of the kingdom is the king of Yuanhai, and the ruler of the empire is naturally the emperor of FA Xiangjing.

The chihongzong seems to be powerful, and there are many kings in Yuanhai. However, in front of the Empire or the emperor's sect, it is no different from mole ants. If you come to the Faxiang realm, the emperor can destroy the Chihong clan. If you don't rely on the zongmen array, there are many imperial forces that can destroy the chihongzong.

Li Fuchen only knew the existence of the emperor's heaven, but did not know the situation of the emperor's land at all. Now listening to Lei Donghai's words, he suddenly had a vague concept in his heart.

There is no doubt that the Empire level power is the ruler in nuota, and there are a large number of King level forces below.

If the king level forces want to survive in the Empire heaven land, they must depend on a certain imperial power.

If you don't depend on it, you may be destroyed one day.

Even if it is attached to a certain imperial power, the competition within the imperial power is bound to be extremely fierce.

After all, no matter how advanced the mainland is, the resources are limited. The Imperial forces occupy most of the resources, and the remaining few resources are contested by numerous King level forces. In the process of struggle, it is obviously not harmonious.

"I'll go when I have a chance."

Li Fuchen nodded.

At first, he had the intention to go to heaven and practice.

After all, only in there, can I make faster progress.

I didn't go before because I haven't become a top master yet.

According to the rules of the Chihong sect, only those who become top masters can apply to visit the emperor heaven.

Back to the red rainbow sect, the three separate.

"I don't know if this leaf can make me break through the four levels of Douling state."

In the secret room, looking at the golden leaves of Yanxing grass in his hands, Li Fuchen said in his heart.If it wasn't for the Qise continent, if it wasn't for the Shenhuo red rainbow skill that reached the 32nd level, if it wasn't because he had been practicing in the middle level spirit stone, Li Fuchen would not have reached the triple realm of fighting spirit state, even the dual realm of fighting spirit state.

On the red earth, there are many masters who have five-star roots and bones, and many of them are no more than two or three levels until they die.

Do not dare to directly take the leaves, plum floating dust qi circulation, slowly absorb the leaves in the fire path aura.

Half a day later, when the aura of the fire path in the leaves is absorbed, Li Fuchen shakes his head.

He still failed to enter the four levels of the fighting spirit state, and is now at the top of the three levels of the fighting spirit state.

Although yanxingcao is a heaven class herb, it has five leaves after all, as well as stamens and rhizomes. At most, one leaf only has 10% of the aura of fire path of yanxingcao.

However, Li Fuchen could feel that, in addition to the improvement of his cultivation, the essence of Qi and blood and the elixir field are also stronger. The former has an effect on the cultivation of the body and the latter on the cultivation of true Qi.

"It's time to go to heaven."

Li Fuchen's heart gave birth to a trace of expectation.

It's a pity that it's too peaceful to survive.

Although it can travel to some low-level continents through the red rainbow sect transmission array, there is no pressure to survive.

The emperor's land is not the same. It is just like Donglin, where the forces are entangled, and there are many strong people. Only living in that environment can we make faster progress and get to the peak of martial arts and the extreme state of kendo.

The application was quickly answered.

The next day, he spent a million pieces of spirit stone, and Li Fuchen sent out the seven color continent through the largest transmission platform of the red rainbow sect.

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