It's not so easy to improve the meaning of Liuhuo sword. The only thing li can do is to create the fourth move of Liuhuo sword based on the three moves of Liuhuo sword.

This move of Liuhuo sword not only contains the essence of Liuhuo sword, but also integrates new flame rules and kendo rules. Once created successfully, it will undoubtedly be a sky level low-level sword move.

Even if it is the weakest Tian level low level sword move, it is also a heaven level sword move. Its power is not comparable to that of the top level sword move of the ground level.

On a barren mountain near Ziwu mountain, a figure stands there, waving a sword from time to time, which inspires the sword light like flowing water.

Li Fuchen had a concept in his mind when he created the fourth move of water sword. This move should be soft and hot at the same time.

The rules of fire are naturally not pliable.

So it's the Kendo rules that are compliant.

At this time, the benefits of practicing countless sword techniques came.

Li Fuchen felt that countless sword moves flashed in his mind. As long as they contained a little useful things, they would be stripped out and then integrated into the fourth move Liuhuo sword.

Gradually, the fourth move Liuhuo sword is becoming more and more perfect and powerful.

of course, during the period, Li floating dust will also take some branch roads, but with the ability of Li floating dust, he quickly rectified and stripped some of the most effective and useless Kendo essence.

"No, it's not soft enough."

"No, it's not hot enough."

"No, it's too peaceful."

Li Fuchen perfected and denied again and again.

In Li Fuchen's idea, if this move can send out the flame sword light which is as thin as gossamer, it will become.

Now it's just a flame like water. It's just a little stronger than the current blade.

Immersed in the sword technique, Li Fuchen could hardly feel the passage of time.

In his eyes, there is nothing but sword technique.

"I'm afraid you and I are not as good at understanding."

In the void not far away, two looming figures do not know when they will appear there.

One of them is elder Han.

The other, of course, is an inner elder of the Chihong sect.

As the king of Yuanhai, they can control the nature to some extent, change the light refraction nearby and isolate the exploration of spiritual consciousness.

If they don't want to, the great masters will not be able to detect their existence.

Elder Han nodded his head and said, "although you and I are the king of Yuanhai realm, your understanding is equivalent to that of the imperial disciples at the level of fighting spirit realm. This understanding is obviously superior to the general imperial level disciples."

The higher the cultivation is, the stronger the understanding is. Naturally, the savvy of the king of Yuanhai is not comparable to that of the Seven Star root bones at the level of fighting spirit state, and only the eight star root bone can match it.

If it is the emperor of FA Xiangjing, only the legendary nine star root bone can be comparable.

As for the emperor, it is a supernatural existence. No one knows how powerful their understanding is. Maybe they can create a terrifying heaven level martial arts in a single thought.

Although he was immersed in the creation of sword technique, Li Fuchen, with his powerful soul, faintly noticed that someone was peeping at him.

Without reckless exorcism, Li Fuchen knew clearly that the one who peered at him should be the king of Yuanhai, and also the king of Yuanhai of chihongzong. Subconsciously, Li Fuchen slowed down the deduction of sword moves and didn't want to be too conspicuous.

After a long time, the sense of peeping disappeared, and Li Fuchen vomited out a puff of turbid qi and continued to develop his sword moves.

"The route of Liuhuo sword technique is to condense fire into water. This new move of mine must make fire into silk."

Water and silk are both soft, but silk is more extreme.

Think about it, the flame sword light containing the terror power is compressed into a silk thread. Once it bursts out, how powerful it should be. According to Li Fuchen's conjecture, its power is at least several times that of Liuhuo sword.

With the passage of time, Li Fuzhen's water like flame and sword light became thinner and thinner day by day.

The wrist is thick and thin.

Both fingers are thick and thin.

One finger is thick and thin.

Chopsticks are thick and thin.

The sword light reaches the thickness of chopsticks. Its power is terrible.

With a sword drawn out, heaven and earth seem to be separated, and the sword light stretches to a very far place.

"With this sword, even if I don't add the secret method, my Qi strength is close to the level of great master."

Li Fuchen's sword intention is congealed but not scattered, and his eyes are sharp.

Compared with the first three moves of Liuhuo sword, the power of the fourth move of Liuhuo sword has been increased by two times, which is much stronger than Li Fuchen expected.

Seriously speaking, the fourth move of Liuhuo sword can be regarded as quasi heaven level sword move.

"It's a pity that if you want to use this sword, you can't stack the Hunyuan vigorous Qi and the bronze sword pith. Once they are superimposed, I can't use this sword. This sword requires a high level of mind and spirit. It's my limit to transform the red rainbow Qi into bronze sword Qi. It's impossible to add the round vigorous Qi, and even the flame power can't be integrated."

Li Fuchen is a little bit of a pity. If he can add round vigorous Qi and integrate into the power of fire, he can reach the level of grand master by relying on his real Qi strength.The great master can fight against the weaker king of Yuanhai. Even if he is defeated, he will not be defeated.

"Don't worry. I'm not weak now. I can fight against Huo Tiancheng and situ Jun. with the help of spirit sense attack, I can win the battle when I meet ordinary great masters."

Before Li Fuchen was able to defeat Huo Tiancheng and situ Jun, relying on the spirit sense attack.

Without psionic attack, he's no match for two.

Now he has the same combat power as Huo Tiancheng and situ Jun. with the spirit attack, he is much better than before.

The sword light is getting thinner and thinner.

From chopsticks to pins.

But at this point, Li Fuchen is stuck.

"is to remove this trace of Kendo essence, or to remove that trace of Kendo essence?"

Li Fuchen frowned.

, of no great importance, is the essence of sword. There are countless fine sword of essence in every sword, but a trace of the essence of sword is seemingly insignificant, but in the composition of sword, it is enough to trigger a chain reaction.

We should know that everything is composed of the weakest and smallest matter. Any problem in any link will affect the existence of things.

This thinking is three days.

For three days, Li Fuchen stood there motionless, like a stone statue.


The wind blows, the leaves flutter.

A strong sword suddenly broke out, falling leaves and turning into ashes.

"I see. I see."

Li Fuchen's heart suddenly brightened.


The flaming snake sword was pulled out, and Li Fuchen cut to the opposite barren mountain with one sword.

Silent, a bright red sword wire cut on the barren mountain.

At the moment, the sword track is red, but the light on the surface of the sword track will not appear.


The sword mark melts and explodes, making a long and narrow gap in the belly of the barren mountain. In an instant, magma splashes all over the sky. The hot and domineering sword sense makes the world change color.

"This sword is called Liuren merciless!"

When the sword comes out, it represents destruction, which is merciless.

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