What's the concept of three million low-grade spirit stones at a time? Even the rich with hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions, they only occasionally consume so many spirit stones.

Qi family is one of the four big families in Nanshan city. The family property is calculated in one billion units. However, family property is family property and cannot be confused with personal property. There are three million inferior spirit stones. Even Qi Junjun, the most outstanding son of Qi family, can not produce so many inferior spirit stones.

"So rich?"

Qi Guang widened his eyes.

In his opinion, a one-time consumption of 3 million inferior spirit stones in Feiyu restaurant has a fortune of at least 100 million, which is much richer than Dongguo shaonan.

"My sister seems to be interested in him. Do you have a chance?"

Qi Guang's eyes turned and thought of some good ideas.


Gambling stone square is located in the central area of the western city of Nanshan city.

"Welcome to miss Qi and Mr. Qi. Please come to three."

At the gate of gambling stone square, several martial arts practitioners from the birth place warmly welcomed them.

Qi Junjun said: "take us to the fourth floor."

There are ten floors in the gambling house. One to three floors are low-level areas, four to six floors are medium-sized areas, seven to nine floors are high-level areas, and ten floors are special areas. "

On the fourth floor, Li Fuchen's eyes narrowed.

Although there are ten floors in gambling stone workshop, each floor is very large, almost 100 meters square. In the vast space, there are pieces of ores, large or small, with lines all over the place. The small ones are only the size of houses, and the big ones are about the size of houses. Around some ores, there are many fighting spiritual masters around them. They point to each other, and their faces flash with tangled looks.

"Is this the Tianshi ore?"

Li Fuchen stares at a huge stone with mysterious lines, which is tall.

The color of the stone is a light azure color, with dense lines on it.

Li Fuchen saw at a glance that the pattern contained rules, but it was too broken. It was like a martial art divided into dozens and hundreds, and it was difficult to understand anything from it.

Qi Junjun said: "the Tianshi ore has the effect of isolating spiritual consciousness. It is impossible to see through the spirit of Tianshi ore. some experienced stone gamblers generally observe the direction of the grain. The grain on this ore is too broken. In my experience, there should be no Tianshi in it. Even if there is, it is estimated that it is not even inferior Tianshi Such as the poor quality of the stone, not worth a few spirit stone

The price of this piece of Tianshi ore has reached 200000. If it is converted into medium grade Lingshi, it is not worth it in Qi Junjun's opinion.

"I see."

Li Fuchen nodded.

"Brother Li, you are a new comer. You must have no experience. I'll choose for you and earn half of the money." On one side, Qi Guang couldn't help saying.

"Don't listen to him."

Qi Junjun glared at Qi Guang.

Qi Guang didn't pay attention to Qi Junjun. "Brother Li, listen to me right. In this gambling stone shop, I'm also a little famous. I used to make 700 middle grade spirit stones with 100000 inferior spirit stones."

"After that, my pants will be pawned."

Qi Junjun has no good airway.

"Was that a slip of the hand?"

Qi Guang was a little angry, and Qi Junjun dismantled his platform.

"OK, OK, this is the half a million inferior spirit stone. Go shopping by yourself and don't bother us." Unable to stand Qi Guang, Qi Junjun took out a bag and threw it to Qi Guang.

"It's a little less than half a million spirit stones, but I'm sure I'll make a lot of money this time."

Qi Guang laughs and turns away.

"Brother Li, Xiao Guang is like this. He likes to talk big. You don't mind." Qi Junjun apologized.

Li Fuchen laughed, "normal, young man!"

"Young man?"

Qi Junjun's mouth set off a strange smile, each other's age seems not as big as Xiaoguang, unexpectedly said that Xiaoguang is a young man.

"Miss Qi, I'll go shopping by myself. You're welcome!"

Li Fuchen doesn't want to be surrounded by a person.


Since he came to gambling stone shop, Qi Junjun also wanted to try his luck.

When Qi Junjun left, Li Fuzhen released his spiritual consciousness and covered the high heaven stone ore to the people in front of him.

Li Fuchen's spiritual consciousness is at least the top level of the king of Yuanhai. Although it is difficult for even the emperor of FA Xiangjing to see through the spirit, he can't find out if he doesn't try.

"Sure enough."

At the next moment, Li Fuchen understood why it was difficult for even the emperor of FA Xiangjing to see through the Tianshi ore.

With his spiritual sense, he can only penetrate into the stone ore half an inch deep.

We should know what this Tianshi ore is one meter thick and half an inch deep.

"Try the power of the soul."

Since the soul metamorphosed into lavender, Li Fuchen's soul has a new soul talent, that is, it can release the power of the soul and explore everything within 10 meters around him.

This kind of exploration is ten times better than psychic exploration.If we say that spiritual consciousness is gravel, the power of soul is powder, which is more detailed.

Spirit can't penetrate the power of rules on the stone. Maybe the power of soul can.

A layer of lavender soul power that only Li Fuchen can see spreads out and covers the Tianshi ore.

Soon, there was no secret in Li Fuchen's eyes. It turned into a very transparent lavender. Only a small piece of azure crystal the size of an egg in the middle could not be seen through the power of the soul, but there was no need to see through it.

Even if Li Fuchen was stupid, he knew that the blue crystal should be the Tianshi.

I just don't know what grade the stone is.

"I'll take this stone."

Li Fuchen is responsible for humanity not far away.

"This piece of Tianshi ore is worth 200000 pieces of spirit stone." The person in charge saw that someone wanted to buy it and came over quickly.

"Here you are."

Li Fuchen handed the other party 200000 pieces of spirit stone.

Put away the Tianshi ore, Li Fuzhen continues to explore the next piece of Tianshi ore.

With the talent of soul exploration, even the emperor of FA Xiangjing could not compete with him in gambling stones. For him, the gambling stone shop was just for him.

Of course, he didn't think that the minerals could not even penetrate the spirit.

You know, in the past, there was nothing that his spiritual consciousness could not penetrate. After all, his spiritual consciousness was comparable to the top king of Yuanhai kingdom.

There are a lot of Tianshi ores in the fourth layer. Li Fuchen comes to the second one.

This is a half meter high Tianshi ore with relatively complete lines on its surface. The diffuse power of rules is more powerful than the one he bought. Li Fuchen's spiritual consciousness can not be penetrated by half an inch this time.

If he didn't have the talent of soul searching, maybe Li Fuchen would have bought it.

But with the power of his soul penetrating into it, Li Fuchen found that there was no stone residue inside, which was clearly a piece of waste rock.

"It seems that the more powerful the power of rules, the more natural stones will appear in them. Whether the power of rules is strong or not has something to do with the patterns on the ores."

Shaking his head, Li Fuchen directly gave up this piece of Tianshi ore with a price of 300000.

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