Boom, boom

Half of the fireball and sword spirit were aimed at Li Fuzhen, but the remaining half were bombarded at the crowd.

There can't be anyone on the other side of the road. Once someone is on the side, he will be treated equally by the way of heaven. Moreover, the stronger the strength is, the stronger the robbery will be. For example, the fire robbery and sword robbery encountered by the blue star king are much better than Li Fuchen. After all, the blue star king does not rely on foreign objects, and his strength is already very strong. Li Fuchen can fight with the blue star king only by killing the sky sword, but the way of heaven is not Will kill the sky sword as part of Li Fuchen's strength.

Tianjie is aimed at cultivation and rule perception. Li Fuchen has promoted the Shenhuo red rainbow skill to the 35th level, so his cultivation height is similar to that of all the people who have made breakthroughs, but his cultivation intensity has exceeded a lot. In addition, Li Fuchen has mastered the idea of sky level sword. Even most of the king of Yuanhai kingdom can't match the understanding of rules. Therefore, fire robbery and sword robbery are terrible, The first wave of fire can make the lower level king of Yuanhai seriously injured, and the second wave of sword robbery can even seriously injure the six king of Yuanhai, although the six king of Yuanhai is careless.

The screams were heard one after another, and one king of Yuanhai was killed and killed. The others retreated madly to withdraw from the scope of the natural calamity.

However, Tianjie is not that you can hide if you want to. Once you are locked, you will die until you die, unless Li Fuchen is finished.

Li Fuchen also does not care about these people, there is a disaster in heaven, these people are unable to protect themselves, it is impossible to interfere with him.

Holding the sword of killing heaven, Li Fuchen splits fireballs and then splits the sword Qi.

Third, fourth, fifth, sixth

After the six waves of natural calamities, only the blue star king was left, and the others were either burned to ashes by fireballs or wiped out by sword spirit.

After defeating and swallowing the vitality of six waves of natural calamities, Li Fuchen's momentum has risen to an unprecedented level. The true Qi in his body is compressed and then compressed, and then exists in his body in another form. This form of true Qi is not only a simple true Qi, but more like an extraordinary force or a special force, containing rules, so that it can exist safely in Li Fu In the dust body, otherwise, even if Li Fuchen's body strength is very high, he will be burst by the infinite true Qi.

"Damn it, how strong is his doomsday?"

The blue star king was scarred.

If we say that the blue star king of the first three waves can easily resist, by the fourth wave, he has some difficulty. In the fifth wave, we must do our best. Even if we try our best in the sixth wave, we are all in a mess and hurt a lot.

It's hard to imagine how terrible the next three waves of natural disasters should be.

You know, breaking through the Yuanhai boundary, but there are nine waves of natural disasters.

The seventh wave of disaster is coming. This time, it is no longer fireball and sword spirit, but flame and sword spirit.

The flame sword is like a sword that destroys the world. It cuts to Li Fuchen and blue star king.


Li Fuchen splits the sword Qi of the three chopping flames with one sword, and immediately sends out a suction force on his body and absorbs the lax flame sword Qi.

As for the blue star king, he was directly cut and flew backwards, and the flame rose from his wound.

This flame, which contains powerful rules of fire Kendo, is hard to extinguish.

"Is this yuanhaijing?"

Although he has not finished the nine natural calamities, Li Fuchen has already felt a kind of artistic conception that dominates all things in the world.

The reason why only the king of Yuanhai can master this kind of artistic conception is that his true Qi is integrated with Gong Yi, just like the extraordinary power or special power, which is part of the embodiment of the rules. Of course, for the time being, it is not so far fetched as the extraordinary power and the special power.

With the gradual transformation of true Qi, Li Fuchen is more relaxed in resisting the natural calamity. He and the blue star king are two extremes.

Of course, the sword of killing heaven in his hands played a great role.

The seventh wave of disaster ended, and the eighth wave came in an instant.

"My life is over."

The blue star king was hysterical, and the blue hook in his hand met the flame sword Qi.


The flame and sword burst, and countless Mars wrapped the blue star king.

Scream sound sounded, Blue Star King body, by Mars exploded one after another big hole, as if Mars drops on meat oil.

Before the end of the eighth wave of the scourge, the Blue Star King fell completely and became the ghost of the disaster.

Without paying attention to the life and death of the blue star king, Li Fuchen held the sword of killing heaven and scattered the last flame sword Qi.

Day, more and more dark, dark sky, a sword point out.

The tip of this sword is no longer fire red, but has many colors.

Li Fuchen's pupil shrank. From the tip of the sword, he felt a variety of rules, including the rules of fire, kendo, wind and void.

The combination of the four rules makes the power from the tip of the sword terrifying and full of a breath of destruction.


The tip of the sword shot out. It's a fighting sword, no longer a sword spirit.

The body shape soared to the sky, and Li Fuchen met him with a move.When!



One man, one sword, and he kept hitting each other. Although Li Fuchen would be hit and fly every time, he was not hurt under the support of his strong physique.

Gradually, the strength of the sword became weaker and weaker. From the beginning, Li Fuchen was beaten to fly, and then he was able to compete with the sword.

After a while, Li Fuchen was able to suppress the sword.


With one stroke, the space ahead is like a broken mirror, covering the sword.


The sword of war broke apart and became a very pure regular vitality, which was integrated into Li Fuchen's body.

At this moment, Li Fuchen's momentum climbed to the limit, just like the master of heaven and earth, overlooking the world.


As soon as the momentum is released, Li Fuchen returns to normal.

Looking down at the palm of his hand, Li Fuzhen gently grasped it.


The sky and the earth make a tidal sound, and a huge amount of fire energy comes from all directions. Its momentum is not much worse than that of the blue star king.

As for the reason why he can only control the vitality of huodao, not that of Fengdao, Kendo and void, it is because Li Fuchen's red rainbow skill only contains the rules of fire and kendo.

Controlling one side of the natural force can't rely on ideas alone. At least Li Fuchen has not reached that level.

However, Kendo vitality is not a natural force, it is an acquired existence. Li Fuchen can only create Kendo vitality, and can not let the heaven and earth create more Kendo vitality.

The yuan Qi of the fire passage hundreds of miles around converges into a yuan balloon several miles in size. In the yuan balloon, the temperature is extremely high and the pressure is very high. Some fine dust is directly annihilated.

"No more compression."

A few miles is the limit. If it is small, Li Fuchen will not be able to control it.

But at the moment, Li Fuchen has an idea in his mind, when the yuan balloon is compressed into a very small state, whether it can be thrown out to kill the enemy.

Maybe it can.

When the palm of the hand is released, the yuan balloon, which is several miles in size, collapses in an instant. A huge amount of fire passage energy blows out, leaving dozens of miles in the square into a piece of ruins. When it exceeds tens of miles, its power is weakened.

Li Fuchen's passing through the natural calamity and controlling the vitality of the fire path are too big. A large number of king of Yuanhai kingdom are coming towards this side.

The first to catch up was a group of more than 20 people.

The team didn't have so many people at the beginning, but on the way, they gathered together.

Seeing Li Fuchen, these people are very happy. Although there are more than 20 of them, the average distribution of five million intermediate spirit stones is 200000 per person, which is not a small number.


Under the leadership of the seven kings of Yuanhai, the kings killed Li Fuchen.

"Heaven and earth are destroyed."

Li Fuchen walks in the void, and the sword of killing heaven comes out of the scabbard with a wave.


The space seems to be broken. All the more than 20 kings are fixed. At the next moment, all of them, including the seven kings of the first yuan sea, are divided into four or five.

Although the scope is very large, each point is the strongest point. Each point can ignore the defense to a certain extent. There are many people but few people. It makes no difference to Li Fuchen, unless the number is doubled several times.

Put up the bag, Li Fuzhen to the West.

Along the way, Li Fuchen met several groups of king of Yuanhai, but no one could stop Li Fuchen's sword.

The cultivation of true Qi reached the level of Yuanhai, which made Li Fuchen's strength rise too much.

He's a monster in every way.

Both the rule perception and the spiritual consciousness have reached the limit of the Yuanhai realm and even exceeded the Yuanhai realm level. The killing Sky Sword in hand is a heaven level sword.

Even the weakest cultivation is not comparable to the ordinary Yuanhai state. It pushes the Shenhuo red rainbow skill to the 35th level, and integrates the Kendo rules, so that his cultivation intensity is at least three or four levels of Yuanhai state.

Red Soul City, Huai'an county is near the nearest city of huntian empire.

In the wilderness thousands of miles away from the city of red soul, Li Fuchen was once again stopped by a group of king of Yuanhai.

"It's good enough to escape here, but that's it."

The first king was wearing armor, and his momentum was terrible.

Li Fuchen looks at each other, judging from the breath, the other party is the eight heavy repair of Yuanhai state, which is higher than the blue star king.

"King Juedao, I'm willing to capture him for you."

Next to him, a five king of Yuanhai Kingdom opened his mouth.

Dongguo is one of the top ten kings of Dongguo family in Nanshan city. He is one of the top ten kings under Lin Tianyang, the governor of Nanyang County. This time, he did not want to get a reward of 5 million. He just wanted to make a contribution to the governor Lin Tianyang and let him remember the existence of Dongguo family."Well, remember, don't kill him."

Jue Dao Wang nodded.

He did not know the strength of Li Fuchen. He thought that with Dongguo Yishan, he could capture Li Fuchen.


Li Fuchen takes a look at Dongguo mountain indifferently.

"Guo Yishan, you don't look at me."

Dongguo a mountain hands virtual grip, immediately suddenly suddenly together.

The next moment, the infinite vitality of heaven and earth came from all directions, trying to block Li Fuchen.

"I don't have time to pester you, so die!"

Li Fuchen pulled out the sword of killing heaven and waved it.

The surging vitality of heaven and earth lost its attraction and collapsed. In an instant, except for the king of Jue Dao, all the other kings were broken apart.

"No way!"

Half of his head was flying in the air, and the mountain of Dongguo died with his eyes closed.

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