From the other side's mouth, Li Fuchen learned that xueluo society was a secret organization, which had only emerged in the last ten years, and it caused countless bloodshed as soon as it appeared.

During this period, several emperors of FA Xiangjing joined forces to destroy the blood society.

But it didn't work out.

"Li Fuchen." Li Fuzhen took off the white mask and introduced himself.

"Shangguan jade."

The handsome young man took a look at Li Fuchen and found that Li Fuchen was as young as he was. He believed a little bit from the bottom of his heart.

Next, the two began to interrogate the black masked man and the white masked man.

The black masked man simply took poison and killed himself.

The poison is hidden in the teeth.

After all, people with white masks don't realize that they are dead.

Take off the other party's white mask, under the mask is an ordinary appearance, only a pair of eyes with a fierce nose collapse middle-aged.

"Have you ever met this man?"

Li Fuchen is full of vitality, and outlines the appearance of Yuanlong.


The other side answered honestly.

"Tell us everything you know." Shangguan Jade Road.

"You swear to spare my life."

Shangguan Yu sneered, "you are not qualified to bargain with us."

"Kill me, then."

The middle-aged with collapsed nose simply said.

Li Fushen nodded, "you can be spared your life, but if what you say is valuable, if it has no value, we will still kill you."

In this way, Li Fuchen and Shangguan Yu vowed to spare his life as long as what they said was valuable.

Seeing this, he let down his breath and began to say what he knew.

"There is one president and four vice presidents of xueluo Association. The Lord Xuedi is one of the vice presidents. All the five presidents are the emperor of faxiangjing. Among them, the president is the most mysterious. It is said that he is a high-level emperor of the Dharma kingdom. He has solved several crises before the xueluo society. In addition to the five presidents, there are 18 group leaders and 72 deacons in the xueluo society, all of whom are accomplishments of the emperor to be The five presidents each have their own plans. The plan of the emperor of blood is to search for the king of the refined style, and to absorb their blood and blood essence to improve themselves. In these decades, he has been promoted to a double realm, and his position has a tendency to surpass the other vice presidents. "

has not yet talked about his middle aged slump, and Li Fu dust says, "do you mean that blood emperor needs the refinement of the blood and essence of the king?"

"Yes, but the blood emperor doesn't drain the essence of the body refining king all at once. Most of the time, he extracts the essence blood to refine the medicine. The blood emperor pill refined by the Lord blood emperor is a low-level pill of heaven level, and the second-class one is the quasi heaven level pill. Fortunately, I was given a blood King pill. The bottleneck for many years was broken But because of this, we have been imprinted with Qi and blood by the blood emperor, and we can't betray him any more. Otherwise, if we break the oath, we will retrograde our Qi and blood and explode to death. Of course, I took one blood pill, and the impact was not great. If I took more than two, I must have poisoned myself. "

"What a cruel means of control."

Shangguan Yu frowned.

No wonder for so many years, the blood net has not been eliminated, and its control means are too cruel. She believes that the middle-aged with collapsed nose certainly knows little, and the core information is estimated to be unknown at all. Otherwise, she will not only take one blood pill, but will be ordered to take two blood King pills to deepen the mark of Qi and blood.

"Where does the blood emperor live? Where is the headquarters of the society? "

Although guess collapse nose middle-aged know not much, Shangguan jade still want to ask.

The middle-aged man shook his head. "The head of the blood Luo society only knows, even the group leader doesn't know. As for the residence of the blood emperor, all the blood servants know, but the blood servant can't betray the blood emperor."

"Are members of the drug collection group blood servants?"

Li asked.

The middle-aged man nodded, "yes, the medicine collection group is subordinate to the blood emperor, including the group leader and Deputy group leader. They are all blood servants."

"How can I contact the drug collection team?"

Li Fuchen asked again.

"Adjust the communication array in the token, and you can contact..."

Collapse nose middle-aged words have not finished, the body suddenly become red.


Blood mist explosion, nose collapse, middle-aged explosion to pieces.

Waving his hand to blow the blood mist, Shangguan jade said: "it seems that even if you only take a blood King pill, as long as the exposed information is too deep, it will explode and die."

"Fortunately, it's not a failure." Although the other party is dead, Li Fuchen still got a useful message.

Originally, the communication array in the blood color token can be adjusted. Now he can only summon the nearby blood slaves, but after adjusting, it should be able to summon the blood servant and the blood servant of the medicine collection group.

As for whether he can be summoned, Li Fuchen thinks it is impossible.

"Did you refine a blood slave token? How did you refine it?" Shangguan Yu had three tokens on his hand. One was the blood servant token of the black masked man, and the other was the blood slave token of the white masked man. All three were killed by him. In fact, he had a blood slave token on him, but she could not refine it.In her opinion, Li Fuchen must have a way to refine the token since he can mix with each other.

Li Fuchen did not deny that he said, "maybe my spiritual sense is much better than others."

"Then can you help me refine this blood servant token? I can promise you a request within my ability." Shangguan Jade Road.

Li Fuchen said: "I can refine the blood servant token for you. As for the request, it's OK."

The enemy of the enemy may not be a friend, but he can try to be a friend. Since the target of the enemy is also the blood Luo society, Li Fuchen thinks that he can unite.

Besides, if there is no other party this time, a blood servant is enough for him.

After receiving the token, Li Fuchen's spiritual sense penetrates in.

The blood servant token is higher than the blood slave token, and the refining difficulty naturally increases.

When the spirit consciousness recovered, Li Fuchen said, "let's find a place to live. I'm afraid it will take me three or four days to refine this blood servant token."


Shangguan Yu nodded.

It was hard to refine the blood servant token. To his surprise, he spent half a month at the beginning, and even the blood slave token had not been refined, let alone the blood servant token.

They found an inn in the town of chopping waterfall, and they stayed there.

From the mouth of Shangguan jade, Li Fuchen learns that the other party is to avenge a friend, only to trace the news of xueluo meeting.

But Li felt that things were not so simple.

Three days later, Li Fuchen refined the blood servant token.

However, at the moment when the blood servant token was successfully refined, Li Fuchen was not good at it. In his spiritual sense, a blood light that could not be seen by the naked eye rose to the sky and rushed to the sky. At the same time, Li Fuchen had a trace of something that was not his own, which was very obscure.


Li Fuchen's face was solemn.

He underestimated the means of the emperor FA Xiangjing. As a giant of the blood society, the blood emperor was more terrible than he imagined.

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