The foundation of mantra seal is more difficult to understand than Li Fuchen imagined.

Martial arts, from the shallow to the deep, gradually involved in the late rules.

When the mantra is printed, one has to understand the rules and understand the relationship between all things.

If the martial arts lies in the essence, then the combination of mantra and seal requires both mastery and perfection.

If we say martial arts is the power to pry heaven and earth.

Then the incantation seal is to connect the power of heaven and earth, and in the dark, turn the power of heaven and earth into your own use.

It can be said that the entrance requirements of mantra seal are very high, and those who are not qualified enough can not get into the entrance.

At the end of the day, Li Fuchen had read the foundation of the mantra seal several times. However, he could only understand the meaning of the mantra several times, let alone master it.

Li Fuchen was not in a hurry, and began to study it in depth.

, "spell the seal, connect your heart with your heart, feel the world and create the essence of the sun and moon. The real spirit roam the void, observe the development of all things, observe the origin of all things, observe the cycle of all things, circulate, cause and effect, and become self imprint."

The foundation of mantra seal is very obscure. Fortunately, Li Fuchen's understanding is not what most people think.

"Do you want to get out of the body first?"

Put down the foundation of the curse seal, Li Fuchen said.

The foundation of mantra seal of Emperor Wu may not be complete, but the opponent must have his own unique opinions when he can be promoted to the state of FA Xiang.

Empty the mind, Li Fuchen tries to let the true spirit out of the soul sea.

The next night, Li Fuchen's true spirit leaped out and flew out of his body.

"What a wonderful feeling."

Looking at his body below, Li Fuchen is calm with a trace of novelty.

Zhenling went through the building and flew into the air.

High above the sky, the wind howled, which made Li Fuzhen's real spirit stagger. But soon, Li Fuzhen stabilized Zhenling and began to be proficient. The strong wind between heaven and earth was not even a breeze for him, but it was a little comfortable to blow.

"You're really out of your senses so soon?"

The color of surprise flashed on Emperor Wu's face.

It is extremely difficult for the true spirit to get out of the body. Under normal circumstances, only when the body dies can the true spirit go out of the body. At the beginning, it took him nearly a year to get out of the body.

Of course, at the beginning of his cultivation in the fighting spirit realm, he began to practice the mantra seal. The real spirit was not as strong as Li Fuchen.

The feeling of observing all things in heaven and earth through spiritual consciousness is quite different from that of observing all things in heaven and earth through true spirit.

Spiritual consciousness can only observe the surface, but the true spirit can observe the essence of things.

In this regard, the power of the soul is very similar to the true spirit.

"Wind, originally, is the flow of air generated by the change of temperature and temperature. Although I have mastered some of the wind rules, I still don't know much about the wind itself and its origin. The rules of the wind channel are just aimed at the wind. It seems that everything is really interlinked. If anyone wants to understand the rules of the wind way to the extreme and reach the level comparable to the heavenly way, he must be as inclusive as the heaven Tao. "

Li Fuchen's thoughts, like a runaway horse, have countless thoughts flashed through every moment.

Zhenling observes the origin and development of wind.

True spirit into the vegetation, feel the mystery of vegetation growth.

Zhenling looks for some obscure vitality and some loopholes in rules between heaven and earth.

Gradually, Li Fuchen's insight became more and more. Combined with the foundation of mantra seal, Li Fuchen opened a door to the curse seal.

In a flash, a week passed.

"Wind curse!"

Li Fuchen's hands were printed and he drank in his mouth.

The next moment, the wind filled, rampant.

Clearly, Li Fuchen didn't push the rules of the wind passage, but the wind came into being, and its scope was very large, which constantly contained the wind between heaven and earth.

"Cloud curse!"

White clouds gather in the sky to shield the sun.

"Rain curse!"

White clouds turn black in an instant, and rain falls all over the sky.

"Thunder curse!"


A great deal of lightning fell down, making a great deal of noise.

"What a terrible gift."

Mantra said that Emperor Wu looked at this scene in shock through the void.

Although these are just basic mantra and seal incantation methods, he can do it in a single recitation, and there is no need to seal them. However, it is particularly terrible for a person who has only practiced for a week to do this. It is impossible to say that he is a gifted genius.

"Is it necessary to make an exception and accept him as a disciple of his own generation?"

The curse said that Emperor Wu had a little thought.

It's too hard to teach a good apprentice, which will help him in the future.

Maybe his apprentice will surpass him in the near future and instruct him in turn?

As for the problem of face, Emperor Wu didn't care at all.

What he yearns for is to curse a peak, not the so-called face.

"Let's see."

Some people start very fast, but they may not make rapid progress in the later stage.After all, in addition to talent, you need to be calm.

A month later, Li Fuchen understood the basic mantra seal, and the basic mantra seal recorded in the foundation of the mantra seal was fully learned. Although it had not yet reached the level of perfection, it was also quite popular.

In the pavilion, mantra Emperor Wu sighed: "you are the most gifted person I have ever met. However, if you want to be my own disciple, you can't just have talent. You must be wholeheartedly. Are you willing to give up Kendo and concentrate on practicing my mantra seal. Under my guidance, I can guarantee that you will soon surpass Kendo on mantra seal, and there will be no loss in the future In battle, it can make the enemy defenseless. "

Finish saying, curse words Emperor Wu looks forward to Li Fuchen.

If Li Fuchen gives up Kendo, he is willing to teach the other side wholeheartedly. On the contrary, he will only devote one or two energy to teaching each other.

Li Fuchen said: "let the elder disappointed, the dust does not want to give up kendo."

From the beginning to the end, Li Fuchen thinks that Kendo is the strongest, which is the persistence that a swordsman must have. As for the combination of body building and mantra printing, Li Fuchen only takes them as an auxiliary.

"What a pity."

The emperor shook his head.

If the heart is not sincere, it is difficult to reach the extreme top together with the curse seal. Maybe the other party will surpass himself in the future, but he can't reach the top.

"This is the foundation of mantra seal I sorted out. The content is a little deeper than the previous one. You can study it again."

In any case, the Wudi mantra has been regarded as a registered disciple.


Although basic mantra seal is only the foundation of mantra seal, advanced mantra seal is developed based on basic mantra seal.

For example, the low-level mantra "call the wind and rain" is based on the wind spell and the rain spell.

The five thunder mantra is based on the cloud and thunder mantra.

Exterminating evil mantra is based on Qingxin mantra and Qingshen mantra.

In short, the more solid the foundation is, the higher the achievement will be.

Of course, in addition to understanding the foundation of mantra seal, Li Fuchen did not put down the creation of the 36th layer of the red rainbow skill.

The former is only a dabble, the latter is the most important.


"It seems that practicing the mantra is beneficial to the creation of skills."

Li Fuchen was surprised to find that it seemed easier to create the 36th layer of Shenhuo red rainbow skill.

He understood that mantra seal is to understand the relationship and development of all things, and the creation of Shenhuo Chihong Gong is the connection and development of huodao Kendo and its own. Now that there is a foundation of mantra seal, his Kendo and its own are more harmonious and natural, as if there is a layer of lubricating oil.

As more Kendo rules are integrated into the Shenhuo red rainbow skill, Li Fuchen's true Qi becomes sharper and more concise.

Unconsciously, another month passed.


And the day, the fire.

This pillar of fire is extremely concise. From the whole, it looks like a sword coming out of its sheath, as if it can penetrate the sky and tear the heaven and earth.

"Did you create Kendo

Mantra that Emperor Wu admitted that he underestimated Li Fuchen.

If you can practice at a lower level in Yuanhai, you can create a special skill. This kind of talent and understanding is absolutely one of the best in the history of emperor Tian continent. Basically, no one is better than him. Maybe only the soul emperor of the first emperor in the mainland can match it.

Of course, the emperor heaven has a long history, and if the history goes further, Emperor Wu will not know.

"No wonder he didn't want to give up kendo."

The curse says that Emperor Wu smiles bitterly.

After reaching the 36th level of Shenhuo red rainbow skill, Li Fuchen's true Qi in his body increased sharply, at least several times.

Originally, even if Li Fuchen created the 36th layer of Shenhuo red rainbow skill, his true Qi could not be multiplied several times.

This is mainly because the red rainbow Qi of Shenhuo, which is integrated with a large number of Kendo rules, is more concise, a trace of which is equivalent to the previous one. In this way, the same size of Dantian can naturally accommodate more genuine Qi.

After all, can water and magma be the same?

"At last

Li Fuchen's face glowed with joy.

At the moment, he is still a realm of Yuanhai, but he has risen from Yuanhai to a peak.

But the strength of his cultivation, the strength of true Qi, is comparable to the six kings of the ordinary yuan sea.

A trace of true Qi, I'm afraid that it can crush a lot of genuine Qi of the king of the common yuan sea.

"It's not appropriate to continue to call Shenhuo Chihong Gong after integrating a lot of Kendo rules. It's better to call Shenhuo sword Yuangong. The true Qi cultivated should also be called Jianyuan."

Shenhuo Jianyuan is not only extremely concise, but also contains the rules of fire and kendo, which is terrifying and powerful.

No wonder that the higher the level of martial arts, the higher the demand for martial arts.

At present, there is no strength increase for Li Fuchen in the top level sword technique. Even if there is, it is very small.After all, the sword yuan in Li Fuchen's body contains the true meaning of rules, which is more than the top level sword technique of the prefecture level.

When a sword element is fired, it is equivalent to using a ground level top level sword technique.

However, Li Fuchen was so exaggerating that it was impossible that there would be no increase in the use of prefecture level top level sword techniques by other important kings in Yuanhai, and the increase was quite large.

As you know, most of the king of Yuanhai have no chance to practice Tian level martial arts. The main means is the top level martial arts of the prefecture level.

"The heaven level skill is much worse than the heaven level martial arts in the true meaning of the rules. The main purpose of the skill is to transform itself and blindly pursue the rules to be powerful and useless."

Li Fuchen said in his heart.

After creating the 36th layer of Shenhuo sword Yuangong, Li Fuchen was in a great mood.

In his opinion, the thirty-six levels of Shenhuo sword Yuan Gong, even if it is not as high as the heaven level low-level skill is mysterious, but in terms of power, he must have surpassed a lot. Now he has only one level of Yuanhai state, which is far from the limit of the Ninth level or even the Ninth level of Yuanhai state. By then, the Shenhuo sword Yuangong can not be said to be able to create the 37th and 38th layers. There is no need to worry about the Shenhuo sword Jianyuangong cannot be promoted to the realm of Dharma.

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