On the outskirts of luolei City, Li Fuchen and Shangguan Yu are not in a hurry to leave. They are waiting for the ghost Dragon Emperor to appear.

Of course, the two men knew that with their speed, it was impossible to get rid of the ghost Dragon Emperor.

After ten breaths, a phantom appeared not far from them.

"You really know that you can't escape from my Wuzhi Mountain."

The ghost dragon war emperor was very confident. Under the situation of FA Xiang, the speed was no more than 10 people, so even if they fled, he was sure to catch up with him in the shortest time.

"Ghost dragon war emperor, don't talk nonsense, you and I will fight again."

Shangguan Yu's strength has been greatly improved, and there is no doubt that the ghost Dragon Emperor is the best sharpening stone.

"Looking for death."

The snake blade in the hand of the ghost dragon war emperor waved and twisted the blade light to shoot.


This time, the ghost Dragon Emperor failed to penetrate the strength of the official Yu.

She is also at the level of war emperor, but she is a primary war emperor and an intermediate war emperor.

"No wonder they dare to go out of the city. Their strength has been greatly improved."

Ghost dragon war emperor some accident, but the next moment, the unexpected expression into a sneer.

How about a big advance in strength? It's no more than a few moves.

"The curse of hurting God!"

In the distance, Li Fuchen's hands were sealed and he cast the curse of injuring God.

A sharp breath, towards the ghost dragon war emperor in the past.

The ghost dragon war emperor felt his heart and God was torn, and the light in his eyes was dim.

"You dare to break my mind!"

The ghost dragon war emperor roared and killed Li Fuchen.

"Leave it for me."

Shangguan Yu tried to stop the ghost Dragon Emperor.

"I want you both to die."

The ghost dragon war emperor took out a lot of strength to bombard Shangguan Yu. In the blink of an eye, Shangguan Yu had a few more wounds.

"The curse of hurting God."

This time, Li Fuzhen had been brewing for a long time. His fierce breath was like a sharp arrow, penetrating the spirit of the ghost Dragon Emperor, which made the ghost dragon battle emperor slow down and was sent out by Shangguan Yu.

The expression of the ghost Dragon Emperor's face was distorted, and his intention to kill Li Fuchen was almost to the point of piercing the clouds.

He had never been so eager to kill a man.

Li Fuchen doesn't care what the other party thinks. One curse has just been sent out, and the next round is already brewing.

The sorcery mantra is to attract the inexplicable breath between heaven and earth to attack the enemy. Li Fuchen named this kind of inexplicable breath as spiritual vitality.

Spiritual vitality is said to be vitality, but it can't be sensed under normal circumstances. Only when the true spirit comes out of the body can we sense the existence of spiritual vitality. This kind of vitality is very rare, but it has a very strong effect. Li Fuchen found that each time he uses the Shangshen Mantra, although it will consume a trace of spirit, it will also add some spiritual vitality. Over time, the mind and spirit get exercise and gradually grow stronger Get up.

Li Fuzhen guessed that the spiritual vitality should be a higher level of vitality. If the human body is compared to the ordinary vitality of heaven and earth, then the soul of a person is the spiritual vitality.

In addition, the human body itself should also be producing spiritual vitality.

For example, the cultivation of true Qi, the cultivation of body, the improvement of mood, and the growth of soul will make the mind grow stronger, and the spirit is essentially the spiritual vitality.

Li Fuchen doubts that the soul, the true spirit and the spiritual consciousness are all related to the spiritual vitality, or a manifestation of the spiritual vitality.

In this world, everything should be made up of vitality, such as stones, plants, void, and people.

What Li Fuchen couldn't figure out was what the rules were.

If there are no rules, Yuan Qi estimation is chaotic.

Rules are like order, which makes everything work in an orderly way.

In front of Li Fuchen's curse, the ghost Dragon Emperor felt more and more tired, as if he had been fighting for ten days and nights before. He wanted to have a sleep immediately to mend his spirit.

"Enchanting mantra."

If Li does not hesitate to see the spirit of the enemy, he will not be able to cast a magic spell.

Under the guidance of the enchantment mantra, the spirit of heaven and earth marks an illusion on the mind of the ghost dragon and Emperor Zhan.

"Not good."

The ghost dragon battle emperor bit the tip of his tongue and forced himself to wake up.

"Five shape emperor boxing: qingluan dance!"

The shadow of a big blue bird burst out from Shangguan Yu's fist, spread its wings and soared, then hit the ghost Dragon Emperor.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the ghost Dragon Emperor was injured.

There is a big gap between the intermediate and the junior emperors, but he is still injured. The culprit of all this is naturally Li Fuchen.

A single Li Fuchen, ghost dragon battle emperor can crush to death with one hand, but Shangguan Yu holds him back, he can't get close to Li Fuchen.Unless he has a way to get close to Li Fuchen.

"No matter what, I'm going to kill this person even though I'm seriously injured."

As soon as the ghost dragon battle emperor gritted his teeth, he suddenly burst out a dazzling red light. At the next moment, the red light was lax, and when it appeared again, he had already arrived in front of Li Fuchen.


The snake blade in the hand of the ghost dragon battle emperor splits Li Fuchen.

"Not good."

Shangguan Yu was shocked and hit the ghost dragon behind the emperor.

She didn't expect that the ghost Dragon Emperor could increase the speed several times at once.

Li Fuchen has long been on guard against the ghost dragon war emperor.

He did not believe that an intermediate emperor would not have some means to turn the tables.

So the speed of the other side increased sharply, Li Fuchen was not surprised at all.

in his view, this should be a very overbearing speed secret, and at least seven star level, but looking at the other side, it seems to pay some price.

really did pay some price. The speed secret he applied was the seven stars' secret of speed and blood.

Every time the blood Yang secret method is launched, it will consume a lot of Qi and blood. However, this secret method is not a secret method for body refining. The effect is not very good when the martial arts practitioners use it. Only those with genuine Qi have the best effect. However, the Qi and blood of the true Qi martial arts practitioners is not as strong as that of the physical martial arts practitioners.

The snake blade splits out, and the ghost Dragon Emperor looks at Li Fuchen like a dead man.

He did not believe that Li Fuchen could avoid the attack, nor did he believe that Li could resist it.

Li Fuchen's expression did not change. He said faintly: "phantom double mantra."


The snake blade cuts Li Fuzhen and splits it in two.

However, the expression on the face of the ghost dragon battle emperor was gloomy. The touch of this strike was absolutely not like that of a man who had hit him.

Sure enough, Li Fuchen, who was split in two, was scattered.

It turned out to be just an illusion.

The phantom double mantra can condense a phantom out of thin air, and use the phantom to withstand the enemy's fatal attack.

At the beginning, with the phantom mantra, he said that Emperor Wu did not know how many crises he had escaped.

Of course, phantom avatar mantra sounds great, but it's just a branch of avatar mantra.

The pure double mantra is a middle level mantra, while the phantom mantra is only a low level one.

The double mantra can replace everything around, stone, wood, monster, and even human beings. Just think about it. When you were safe, you were suddenly replaced by the deadly attack of the caster's enemy. It was a sense of consternation and unwillingness.


The ghost dragon war emperor failed to hit Li Fuchen, but Shangguan Yu's fist hit him hard on his back.

"I swear that one day I will let you know what it is to regret and despair."

With the strength of his fist, the ghost Dragon Emperor fled to the front, and soon disappeared.

Li Fuchen picked his eyebrows. It was the second time that the other party put out harsh words. He didn't have any deterrent power at all.

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