Since the hand of the star cannot understand, Li Fuchen shifts his energy to kendo.

After his cultivation reached the eight levels of Yuanhai, his current Kendo strength was comparable to that of the top battle emperor.

You know, his sword technique is the middle level sword technique of heaven level.

The skill is the sword skill, Shenhuo sword yuan skill, and it has been promoted to the 37th level, which is one level higher than the ordinary lower level skills of heaven level.

However, the common Dharma Realm is a low-level emperor, and the cultivation of martial arts and skills is not at the lower level of heaven level, which is a whole level lower than Li Fuchen.

It took two months for Li Fuchen to push the Shenhuo sword Yuangong to the 38th level.

The magic fire sword yuan skill of the 38th level is more powerful than most of the middle level skills of heaven level. After all, the Shenhuo sword Yuangong is a special skill. It's not a common skill.

"It's time to save yuan long."

The strength of Li Shuo and Jianyi dragon has reached the level of the fanciful body.

He was afraid that he would be late, and Yuan long had died in the hands of the blood emperor.


Just as Li Fuchen was ready to bid farewell to the white fox clan, a strong unexpected guest arrived.

When he appeared outside the white tiger's cave, the void became depressed. An imaginary tiger's shadow was entrenched in the sky and the earth, and his eyes were covetous.

"It's the tiger king!"

Hu Hongxiu's face sank.

The strong tiger emperor is a low-level demon emperor of eight levels, and his strength is much stronger than that of the low-level emperor in the common law environment.

In the case that the martial arts are not too prominent, human warriors are generally not the opponents of monsters.

"Fierce tiger emperor, what wind has blown you to the territory of my white foxes?"

Hu Hongxiu walked out of the cave and looked up.

"I just learned that there is a human emperor in the ancient barren mountains. Let him come out to see me."

At his level, he has basically broken away from the restrictions of race and is no longer so hostile to human beings.

As a matter of fact, there are contacts between the emperor of heaven, the demon emperor and the human emperor, and there are few cases of fighting and killing.

The relationship between the devil emperor and the human emperor is not very good. This is mainly because the evil emperor is too dangerous and the human emperor has to guard against it.

The strong tiger emperor came here, not to kill Li Fuchen, just want to know what Li Fuchen came from.

"Liehuhuang, Prince Li is not an emperor. He is just the level of Yuanhai, and he has left the ancient barren mountains." Hu Hongxiu told a lie.

No matter how powerful Li Fuchen is, he is only a scholar in Yuanhai. At most, he will fight with the lower level emperors in faxiangjing. He will surely suffer from the fierce tiger emperor, who is more powerful than the lower level emperors in FA Xiangjing.

"Is it?" said the fierce tiger emperor


With a wave of his hand, the giant illusory tiger claw penetrates the surface and goes straight into the white fox cave.

Hu Hongxiu watched his eyelids jump wildly.

Seeing that the white fox's cave was about to be destroyed, a large transparent hand resisted the imaginary tiger's paw and pushed it out inch by inch.


As soon as the battle was over, the strong tiger emperor knew that Li Fuchen was not the emperor of human beings, but his strength was not weaker than that of the lower rank emperor of the FA Xiangjing.

The transparent big hand and the illusory tiger claw dissipated at the same time, and Li Fuzhen appeared on the surface.

This is the second time he saw the demon emperor. For the first time, the demon emperor was half dead, leaving only ghosts. This time, the demon emperor was a living demon emperor.

According to Hu Hongxiu, there are five demon emperors on the surface of the ancient barren mountains. They are one of the eight level high-level demon emperors, two eight level medium level demon emperors and two eight level low-level demon emperors. Liehu emperor is one of the two eight level low-level demon emperors.

"What force are you from?"

The emperor asked.

Li Fuchen said: "no door, no school."

In the land of emperor heaven, he really has no door and no faction. After all, the chihongzong is not the power of emperor Tiandi.

"No door, no sect, dare to enter the ancient barren mountains and kill the demon king of my ancient barren mountains. Who gives you the courage?" The fierce tiger emperor grinned and sent out a trace of murderous air.

Although he didn't hate human beings, he didn't have any good feelings for them. If the impact was not great, he didn't mind killing Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen can clearly feel that the strong tiger emperor has a murderous heart, so he doesn't need to talk nonsense with the other party. The hand of strength is powerful, and the thick and thick spirit is like big hands, which are diffused around.

Cultivating the hand of God is a gradual process.

The first layer of blood hand has the strength of blood hand and the spirit of blood hand.

The hand of the second layer of force has the strength of the hand and the spirit of the hand of strength.

In comparison, the strength of the hand of strength is about 50% stronger than that of the hand of blood, so is the spirit.

Seeing that the war was about to break out, Hu Hongxiu quickly sent a message to the emperor liehu and said, "the emperor of tiger, look at the face of the emperor pingtian, don't make a big fight."

The fierce tiger emperor ignored Hu Hongxiu, and his right hand stood up high and chopped with one claw.Roar!

The roar of the tiger was shaking the sky and the earth. Li Fuchen seemed to see a giant tiger across the heaven and earth, and slapped his paw at him.

Judging from the momentum of this claw alone, the strength of liehu emperor is obviously higher than Zixia Wudi, and even surpasses many.

However, today's Li Fuchen is no longer the original Li Fuchen. Compared with the time when he was chased by Zixia Wudi, his cultivation has reached the perfection of Yuanhai state, and he has more insight into the second level of power of God's hand.

The spirit condenses and turns into a big transparent hand. Li Fuchen's palm meets the claw attack of the strong tiger emperor.


Palm claw collision, between heaven and earth, a stagnant, it seems that even time and space are frozen.

At the next moment, a huge noise broke out. Between one man and one demon, the earth collapsed and the void twisted. Countless soil and rocks floated up, and then in an instant, they broke into nothingness. Then, a circle of air waves as firm as fine steel diffused at a speed of 100 times faster than the speed of sound.

Hu Hu's giant crutches can't be seen from a place of great strength.

"Human, you are strong, but that's not enough."

The strong tiger emperor is a claw to Li Fuchen.

This claw, the fierce tiger emperor goes all out, if not, he can only display the talent ability.

"I'll go as soon as I want. What can you do for me?"

Li Fuchen's figure flashed and disappeared in the sight of the strong tiger emperor. When he appeared again, he was already behind the strong tiger emperor.


Li Fuchen clapped on the back of the strong tiger emperor and made the other party stagger.

Turning around, the fierce tiger emperor's face was very gloomy.

If he was not a demon emperor, but a human emperor, he would be hurt just now.

The key is how Li Fuchen appeared behind him.

You know, even if Li Fuchen is fast, with his pupil force, he can still see the moving track.

Unless Li Fuchen has no moving track.

It's evasion!

The flash of lightning in his mind, the fierce tiger emperor knew the reason.

The highest state of escape is blink.

In a very short distance, sometimes speed is no different from blinking.

After all, blinking takes time, and "instant" itself means time.

But in combat, speed and blink are very different.

No matter how fast you are, there will be a moving track. As long as there is a moving track, I can see clearly, or predict.

But blink is not the same, that is to say, instant movement, in fact, is a certain kind of thing as the medium, the moment appears in the place where you want to appear, and there is no difference between short-distance transmission.

At this time, the pupil force alone has no use, can only rely on their own intuition.


Li Fuchen disappeared again.


On the right, Li Fuchen appears, slapping the strong tiger emperor back ten steps, and a trace of blood appears on his shoulder.

"What a strong body."

Li Fuchen frowned. According to the truth, his palm was enough to seriously hurt the low-level emperor of FA Xiang state. However, it fell on the strong tiger emperor. The body of the demon emperor was much stronger than he had imagined. Li Fuchen estimated that even if shangguanyu reached the initial stage of Dharma Realm, his body defense was still far from perfect, unless the other side could cultivate the lower level of heaven Physical training.

Being beaten passively all the time, the strong tiger Emperor gave birth to a trace of anger.

"Go away!"

With the roar of the fierce tiger emperor, his natural ability was launched, and a vast force spread to the void, which directly shocked Li Fuchen out of the vitality of the fire path and interrupted his blink.

Li Fuchen was a little stunned, and the blink was interrupted, which was something he had never thought of.

"It seems that we can't underestimate any demon emperor."

Human beings are savvy, while monsters are talents.

There is a process of enlightenment.

It's easy to find talent.

No one knows what kind of talent the monster will dig out. Some of them may turn the situation around and put the enemy to death.

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