"You want to see me?"

A voice broke out.

Gu Jiuye's face changed, "Li Fuchen."

I'm very interested in you, but I'm so interested in you

"That's how I came in."

Li Fuchen's figure became clear.

"You shouldn't have come, younger martial brother floating dust."

Gu Jiuye looks anxious.

She didn't know how Li Fuchen sneaked in, but she knew that childe Liuyu was not easy to offend. She had seen with her own eyes that a high-level king in Yuanhai had no chance to do anything in front of him, so she lost his mind.

Six desires childe, not only the strength is super strong, the crown Jue yuan sea boundary, in the soul strength, is extremely terrible.

It can be said that the six desires is a taboo at the level of Yuanhai.

Even if Li Fuchen's strength is strong, it is difficult to deal with the common high-level king of Yuanhai, not to mention the prince of six desires.

"I'm from the same school. That's interesting."

At first, the six desires childe was still a little afraid of Li Fuchen, but when he looked at Jiuye, he seemed to know that Li Fuchen was not his opponent. He suddenly had a spectrum in his heart.

At the same time, the master of six desires urges the six desires divine skill. The true Qi, mind and spirit consciousness in his body are mixed together, and a kind of Psychedelic breath spreads out.

"You killed Bai Qiuming."

Li Fuchen was not affected at all. He frowned and saw a familiar face in the breath of six desires. With a wave of his hand, the image of Bai Qiuming appeared in the void.

Six desire childe looked at the image and said: "this man is proficient in illusory arts. Unfortunately, he met me, and I absorbed all my energy and spirit."

Bai Qiuming's accomplishments were not high. At that time, he was able to rebuild his skills in Yuanhai. However, his illusory skills were very strong. Unfortunately, his foundation was too shallow. If he gave the opponent enough time, he was not sure that he could defeat the other side in magic.

"Killing my disciple of the red rainbow sect should be a death penalty."

Li Fuchen raised his right hand and clapped it.

Six desire childe seems to smile, but soon, the smile turned into panic, "no!"


The six desires childe, who was called taboo, only had time to utter a scream, and the whole person was photographed as flesh mud.


Gu Jiuye is dazzled for a moment.

What kind of person is the six desires? This is the invincible existence under the emperor of FA Xiangjing. As a result, Li Fuchen slapped him to death.

How terrible is Li Fuchen.

Gu Jiuye finds that he doesn't know Li Fuchen.

"Younger martial brother floating dust, did you kill master Liuyu?"

Gu Jiuye shudders.

"Elder martial sister Gu, let's go!"

Li Fuchen is light and cloudless.

At his level, it's too simple to kill the existence under the Dharma prime minister's state. It's easy for him to kill any childe who has six desires or who is unmarried as long as he doesn't reach the state of FA Xiang.

As for the consequences of killing six desires, Li Fuchen doesn't care.

Even if he doesn't kill the six desires, he can't let him go. It's better to kill the other party and get rid of it.

Holding on to Gu Jiuye, Li Fuchen exerts the invisible charm and leaves the city Lord's mansion.

Half a day later, the city Lord's house shook.

The six desire childe died, died in the city Lord's house, although we did not see the body of six desire childe, but that pool of blood mud, no doubt can explain everything.

For a moment, the city Lord's house went up and down in fear.

The city Lord is even more impolite.

Six desire childe died in his residence, his whole family should be buried with him, who doesn't know, Qiqing Wudi is the most protective short.

"Check it for me. Try your best to find out who killed master Liuyu."

The city Lord mobilized all forces to search all over the city.

Soon, spiders will be found out.

Only half a day, the spider will be uprooted, some high-level and relevant personnel, all were taken to the city Lord's house, subject to severe interrogation.

After a thorough investigation, the city Lord learned that a young man had been to the spider club to inquire about the information about master Liuyu. After that, they passed on the news to him, and they knew nothing about the rest.

"They should still be in the city, sealing the city for search."

The city Lord looks ferocious.

If we don't find out the truth about this matter, if we don't find out the killer, his family has no way to live. As for the spider society, all of them are locked up by him. In this case, the spider Association will bear most of the responsibility, and he can't kill him.

The city of Wangxiang is full of fear and danger, but Li Fuchen has already left.

"Younger martial brother floating dust, master liuyou is a disciple of emperor Qiqing Wu. If you kill him, we will be in the soul heaven empire in the future. I'm afraid there will be no place for us."

Gu jiuyedao.

Li Fuchen said: "they can't find out anything. What I'm worried about is what emperor Qiqing can find out."When he contacted spiders, he changed his appearance and hid his breath, so no one had seen him.

The only thing to worry about is that every city has a monitoring array. As long as you call out the monitoring array, you can definitely find your own image.

In addition, Qiqing Wudi, as a high-level emperor in FA Xiangjing, didn't know if there was any secret means to find himself.

"Damn it, the empire is too dangerous. We people with no background have no way to live."

Yuan Long was angry.

"Background doesn't mean anything. One day, we will be the background ourselves."

Li Fuchen light way.


The city Lord called out the monitoring array and found nothing, because there were too many strange faces in and out of Wangxiang City, and they didn't know what the murderer looked like.

On this day, a sad breath, inexplicably, enveloped the whole city Lord's house, and even the whole Wangxiang city.

People who are enveloped by sadness are inexplicably sad. Some people who have heartbreaking things, or they are crying and heartbroken, or take up the rope and hang themselves, or jump into a well to commit suicide. Just in the city Lord's mansion, several people are affected by their own grief and killed themselves.

Feeling this sad breath, the city Lord looks afraid.

In this world, only emperor Qiqing can send out such a strong emotion, so that tens of thousands of people are affected.

Qiqing Wudi was not originally called Qiqing Wudi. I don't know where he found two martial arts secret books. One is the six desires magic skill, and the other is the seven emotions magic skill. The former cultivates desire and the latter cultivates emotions. If the six desires magic skill is cultivated to the top, he can be promoted to the Dharma Realm. It is said that the Qiqing divine skill can be promoted to the holy monarch realm.

"Welcome to Emperor Wu."

The city Lord clapped and knelt on the ground, and the city Lord's house went up and down.

In the void, a figure of Wei'an, which exudes a sad breath, appears in the other courtyard where the six desires childe died.

With a wave of Wei'an's figure, a trace of fear gathered together, and finally formed the image of six desires.

"Die in fear, who makes you feel fear."

Wei An's figure whispers.

With another wave of the palm, Gu Jiuye's image condenses, and then the last figure.

As long as there is emotion, Emperor Qiqing can collect these emotions and restore the scene at that time.

Finally, the figure gradually became clear, but at this time, the figure collapsed and seemed to have invisible power to hinder him.

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