Peace prairie, a revered Dharma Xiangjing emperor came.

Because of the arrival of the emperor of the Dharma Kingdom, the holy stele became suddenly agitated. A layer of gray and white air was created out of nothing, hindering the emperor's sight.

This is one of the reasons why the seven forces negotiated to let the king of Yuanhai kingdom come in to look for the relic.

They may not be as efficient as the king of Shangyuan sea kingdom in searching for the relic fragments.

"How many."

The master of Kongkong mountain asked the Deacon elder in charge of recording.


The Deacon elder respectfully handed the bag containing the fragments of the tablet to the master of Kongkong mountain.

"Not bad."

Hearing that there were 15, the empty mountain master was a little surprised.

Last time, Xuankong mountain only got 14. Before the end of the three days, there are already 15. Maybe we can break through 20.

The Deacon elder hesitated for a moment and said, "it seems that there was a man who got many pieces of the tablet, which attracted most of the attention, so it was so smooth."

"No matter, as long as there are only a few more pieces of the tablet."

The original expectation of Kong Kong Mountain master was not very big, so it was easier to meet.

You know, one tablet fragment can be understood by the tablet side. In one day, seven pieces of tablet can always understand that the holy tablet secret place is closed.

In the past, the master of Kongkong mountain could only understand for three or four days. After all, there were only a dozen pieces of tablets in total. It was impossible for him to make up half of them alone. He always wanted to give others a chance.

"Come back!"

Seeing the end of the three days, people who went out looking for the fragments of the monument returned to the peaceful grassland.

But I don't know why, looking at this group of people who came back, the emperor always felt that there was a strange atmosphere in the air.

"Xinxiao, how's the harvest?"

Kong Kong Mountain master asked Xin Xiao.

Xin Xiao respectfully clasped his fist. "Mountain master, fulfill the mission. Xin Xiao personally gets seven pieces of holy tablets."

"Good, good."

Smell speech, empty empty mountain Lord originally good mood, more beautiful.

With Xin Xiao's relic, the harvest of Xuankong mountain is more than 20, and may be close to 30.

"Mountain Lord!"

Xin Xiao was eager to speak but stopped.

"Say it."

Empty mountain master sign.

Xin Xiao said: "compared with Li Fuchen, Xin Xiao's harvest is nothing. The mountain master knows how many pieces of holy tablet Li Fuchen got?"

"Li Fuchen? Is that the little guy that Yundi brought back? How many relic pieces did he get? "

The master of Kongkong mountain is very interested. In his opinion, since Xin Xiao said that, Li Fuchen must have got as many pieces of tablets as he did, perhaps more than ten. This is undoubtedly good news.


Xinxiao took a deep breath and said slowly.


Empty mountain Lord a Leng, suspect oneself to hear wrong.

154 pieces. How can this be possible? In the past, all the people in the soul heaven Empire didn't have so many pieces of tablets, even less than half of them.

"Li Fuchen, is this true?"

Emperor Yun was also surprised and could not help looking at Li Fuchen.

The emperors of all the FA Xiangjing in Xuankong mountain looked at Li Fuchen one after another.

"Master of the mountain, master Yun Di, the floating dust indeed got 154 pieces of holy tablets."

Li Fuzhen takes the tablet fragments from the bag.

Looking at the dense, glistening fragments of the tablet, people felt a burst of dementia.

Especially the emperor Yun, he finally understood why Li Fuchen said that every time he got five pieces of holy tablets, he had to divide one piece. It turned out that the other side had absolute confidence, and he didn't talk about it casually.

"Li Fuchen, you have made great achievements."

An elder of Xuankong mountain laughed and looked excited.

In the past, he could only divide one tablet fragment, and he could only understand it for one day. Now that there are so many tablets, he can divide at least three or five pieces.

As he spoke, the elder hand waved and collected the fragments of Li Fuchen's monument.

Seeing this, Emperor Yun said, "elder Huang, I promised Li Fuchen that he would get one piece for every five pieces of tablets. Of the 154 pieces, 30 belonged to him."

"It's not right."

Elder Huang frowned, and the emperor Yun was so ridiculous that he even agreed to this request.

Of course, who would have thought that Li Fuchen could get so many pieces of the tablet in advance.

"Elder Huang, give him 30!"

The main road of Kong Kong Shan.

People who do not believe will not stand, since the cloud emperor said so, hanging mountain can not break faith.

What's more, it's mainly Li Fuchen who can get so many relic fragments. Hanging mountain just provides a place to enter the secret place of holy tablet.Speaking of it, Xuankong mountain has made a lot of money.

After receiving 30 pieces of tablets, Li Fuzhen put away seven pieces. "Master Yun, I only need seven pieces. These 23 pieces will be sent to you." With that, Li Fuchen sent all the pieces of the tablet to the emperor Yun.

Emperor Yun was stunned, "Li Fuchen, you..."

These are 23 pieces of steles. In the past, he could not get one of them. This time, he had 23 pieces. For a moment, he felt a little dizzy.

Li Fuchen said: "master Yun Di saved me twice. By comparison, 23 pieces of holy tablets are nothing at all. If the elder Yun Di needs it, I would like to give up the seven pieces."

His gratitude to Emperor Yun was too heavy for him to take for granted.

The master of Kongkong mountain has a bright eye. In his eyes, the former Li Fuchen was just a genius, an immortal genius. In his eyes, Li Fuchen is a young man with clear gratitude and resentment, and pays attention to love and righteousness. The former makes him pay attention to the latter, and he appreciates the latter.

"Well, I'll take it as if you paid me back."

Emperor Yun said with a smile.

Li Fuchen said: "master Yun Di, this can't be done. It's not easy to return the favor of saving life."

The master of Kongkong mountain shook his head and said with a smile: "you two are too outsider. In my opinion, Li Fuchen, you'd better join me in the hanging mountain. Yundi, what do you say?"

Li Fuchen such a genius, hanging mountain is very needed.

Without waiting for Li Fuchen to answer, a loud voice sounded like thunder, "master of Kongkong mountain, it's really a good way for you to hang the mountain in the sky. You've got nearly 200 pieces of holy tablets all at once. Do you want to spare them out?"

It was the Lord of the red moon.

He had already known the secret place of the monument. He was shocked by Li Fuchen's potential and was very upset that Xuankong mountain could get so many pieces of the tablet, so he couldn't help but stir up his voice.

He doesn't believe other people. He doesn't think.

Sure enough, as soon as the red moon leader's voice fell, the blue sun Lord also said, "Lord Kongkong, it's not a good thing to eat alone. We don't need more blue sun empire. We only need 20 pieces."

There are so many relic fragments found. There are more hanging mountains. Naturally, there are fewer. If everything is normal, there should have been 20 more tablets in the blue sun empire, instead of a dozen now.

Kongkong mountain master sneered, "you really mean to say, why do you want to violate the agreement? In the past, the fragments of my hanging mountain tablet were less. Can I suggest that you give me some free time? "

He can understand the feelings of several people, but it is impossible for him to spare time.

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