By condensing the heart of the sword, it is easier for Li Fuchen to understand the rules of kendo.

A month later, Li Fuchen created the 39th layer of Shenhuo sword Yuangong.

At this moment, Li Fuchen's state of martial arts is no less than that of any other Dharma Realm emperors, except the great emperor.

As far as he knows, the skill practiced by the great emperor is actually the middle level skill of the heaven level, and the highest level of the middle level skill of the heaven level is also the 39th level.

Of course, all the people who can become the great emperor are amazing talents. They will definitely push the level of skill behind the performance. As for how many layers can be deduced, Li Fuchen has no idea.

On the 39th level, the divine fire sword element is extremely concise. In terms of cultivation intensity, it is no less inferior to the lower level emperors in the FA Xiang state.

Li Fuchen estimated that if it was not for the rising of the Dantian limit, if it was not for the amazing physical strength, he would not be able to bear such a powerful Shenhuo sword yuan.

Nevertheless, Li Fuchen also felt that the Dantian was swollen.

Don't say it's to improve your accomplishments. If you run Shenhuo Jianyuan with all your strength, you will be overloaded.

There are many advantages to be a true disciple of the top imperial forces. At least Li Fuchen can exchange his contribution points for millennial rootless flowers.

And the contribution point is awarded by the Lord of Kongkong mountain.

Because of Li Fuchen's contribution to the holy tablet's secret place, the master of Kong Kong Mountain rewarded him with a large number of contribution points. Even the elder of Xuankong mountain was envious of this contribution point.

With this millennium rootless flower, Li Fuchen successfully raised the limit of Dantian to nine levels of Yuanhai.

Next, relying on the best spirit stone, Li Fuchen promoted his cultivation to the nine levels of Yuanhai.

"If there is no ten thousand years of rootless flowers, it is estimated that within ten years, it will be impossible to be promoted to FA Xiangjing."

Li Fuchen's cultivation progress is too fast, fast Dantian can't be strengthened.

Those eight star bones have reached the nine levels of Yuanhai. They are basically over 50 years old, nearly 100 years old, and he is only in his thirties.

Next, it is still Dantian that restricts him.

If the elixir field is not strong enough, even if he has the best spirit stone, even if his mood is high enough, even if he has all kinds of advantages, he will not be promoted to FA Xiang state within ten years.

As you know, FA Xiang state is not only a powerful cultivation, but also more than ten times as much as the nine heavy kings in Yuanhai.


He didn't intend to stay in the Xuankong mountain all the time. Li Fuchen was ready to turn around in the area under the jurisdiction of the mountain. Since he came to the emperor's heaven, he had never relaxed or stopped for a moment, except for his practice.

Now that he is a true disciple of Xuankong mountain, all aspects are in a real bottleneck. Li Fuchen thinks it is necessary to see the cultural landscape of emperor Tiandi.

Traveling, sometimes, is also a kind of practice.


Along the way, Li Fuchen saw numerous scenic spots.

There are wanzhang waterfalls, turbulent rivers and quiet mountain scenery

The scenery that can be seen everywhere in the past, at this moment, shows the uncanny craftsmanship of nature.

If we say that nature is a warrior, then these landscapes are the martial arts of nature. Every landscape has its unique charm of heaven.

In addition to the scenic spots, Li Fuchen saw countless warriors fighting along the way.

If it's just fighting with each other, Li Fuchen doesn't care if it's bullying.

Anyway, with his eyesight, one can see at a glance who is the villain and who exudes good intentions.

Wanhua City, a prosperous city in Shandong Province.

In the third ranked restaurant, Li Fuchen sits on the top floor by the window, which is a bustling street scene.

The top floor of Feixue restaurant is not a place that ordinary people can come to. On this floor, the worst wine needs one million. A pot of spirit stone is inferior. The best wine can cost millions.

But this spirit stone is nothing to Li Fuchen.

Ten million lower grade spirit stone can be converted into medium grade spirit stone, but it is no more than one thousand.

Li Fuchen's high-quality spirit stone is more than 100 million.

In the secret place of the stele, Li Fuchen got many bags for the emperor of war. Although these emperors didn't carry all his wealth on him, he made a lot of difference. The high-quality spirit stone was also very considerable.

Li Fuchen roughly estimated that the middle grade spirit stone on his body was at least 500 million, only a lot more.

"Man, another pot of snow wine!"

Li Fuchen said.


Not far away from the waiting shop, the clerk was as happy as a bloody chicken.

Feixue wine is the best wine in Feixue restaurant. One pot is worth 20 million. The other party has already drunk two pots of spirit stone. His wealth makes him speechless. According to the regulations of Feixue restaurant, every pot of wine ordered by the guests will have a commission. For a pot of Feixue wine, he can almost make a commission of 10000 lower grade spirit stone.

Soon, a pot of snow wine was delivered.

Li Fuchen poured a glass. The wine in the glass, with ice and frost, overflowed with cold. When he drank it into his mouth, a sense of extreme peace rushed into his mind and into his limbs."To see the beauty of the world and drink the world's wine is life!"

Li Fuchen sighed.

Put down the cup in his hand, Li Fuchen looked out of the window.


Li's eyes fell on two men and one woman.

These two men and a woman are Qiheng, Teng Qingyun and Su Muyu of Donglin.

Qi Heng was one of the three King stars, Teng Qingyun was one of the six princes, and Su Muyu was one of the four fairies.

If Li Fuchen had not been born, three Wangxing, liugongzi and sixianzi would have been the top talents in Donglin, and no one would have surpassed them.

At the moment, the three men are in a panic and are running for their lives. Behind them, they are a young king with a re cultivation of Yuanhai state.

"You can't run away. This Wanhua city is my territory."

The young king was not in a hurry, but followed the three.

"Little city Lord, why do you have to struggle with each other?"

Qi Hengshen voice.

The young king behind him is Hua Jianqiu, the son of the Lord of Wanhua city.

To tell you the truth, although the other party is a king of Yuanhai, but the three people together may not be able to beat each other.

But this is Wanhua city. They dare not fight back.

As for the cause of the matter, it is because Hua Jianqiu falls in love with Su Muyu and wants Su Muyu to be his concubine and two people to be his bodyguards.

Although their accomplishments were not high, they were, after all, the most arrogant and ambitious people in Donglin, and naturally they would not agree.

"If you want me not to force me, just obey me!"

Hua Jianqiu was amused.

He Hua Jianqiu wants a woman who has never lost his hand. It is a fool's dream that they want to leave his palm.

"Su Mu Yu, not seen for many years, would like to come up and drink a glass of wine."

Just then, a voice, like thunder, sounded in the street.

Hearing the familiar voice, Su Mu Yu suddenly raised his head and looked at the top floor of Feixue restaurant.

There, a handsome young man was smiling.

"Who are you?"

The pupil of Jianqiu shrinks.

How could he not see that Li Fuchen was also the king of Yuanhai, and his cultivation was much higher than him, at least he could not see through.

"If you leave now, I'll take it as if nothing happened."

Li Fuchen light way.

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