The ancient star city is divided into three regions, namely outer ring area, inner ring area and core area.

Li Fuchen saw that the outer ring area was more active than the demon king, and most of the demon emperors and Demons went to the inner ring area.

After asking a person, they learned that there are conditions for entering the inner ring area. They either have their own accomplishments in the legal environment, or they have accumulated and traded resources worth 100 million Chinese spirit stones in the ancient star city or the ancient Star Chamber of Commerce.

The 100 million medium level spirit stone is not a small number. The vast majority of Yuan Hai Kingdom kings do not have this wealth. It is estimated that only the emperor to be and the emperor of war can have this wealth.

"Take a look at the outer ring area first."

Li Fuchen wants to find out whether there are Tiancai Dibao in the outer ring area that can restore the source of Qi and blood.

In one of the trading halls in the outer ring District, many demon kings set up stalls here.

Although there are few human kings in the ancient star city, there are still thousands of them compared with the demon clan. These thousands of human kings are undoubtedly the customers of demon kings.

"There are three pearls in the deep sea, one in a million medium-sized spirit stones."

A long faced middle-aged demon king with green hair yelled at them not far away.

"Two million three, for sale?"

Yan asked.

Women like pearls, even the emperor.

"Two million is too little, at least 2.8 million."

The middle-aged demon king shakes his head.

"Don't sell two million." Yan Qingwu turns away.

"2.5 million, 2.3 million, at least 2.1 million. You human beings are too cruel. Two million, two million!" Green algae head of the middle-aged demon king at the sight of Yan dance indifferent, can only bear the pain of trading.

But when Yan Qingwu handed out two million medium grade spirit stones, the other side's eyes still showed a glimmer of joy.

Although two million yuan is lower than his expectation, it is much better than selling it to the ancient star city. The ancient star city purchased the deep-sea pearl of ten thousand years, and one of them is 500000 yuan.

The extra 500000 medium grade spirit stone is enough for him to practice for a period of time.

"Fire jade coral, a five million medium spirit stone."

"The cold water is really fine. A drop of three million Chinese spirit stones."

"Tianhuang rock, eight million medium grade spirit stone."


In the trading hall, there was constant shouting. After these demon kings turned into human beings, they were less violent and more Philistines, which was a rare sight.

"How to sell this dragon blood pearl?"

When he came to a middle-aged bald man with closed eyes, Li Fuchen pointed to the blood red beads on the stall and opened his mouth.

Inside the blood red bead, there is a dark red thin line swimming, which looks like a little dragon.

Dragon blood jewel is a rare treasure that can nourish the source of Qi and blood. Although it is not as good as thunder robbing grass, it is also worth at least 1000 top-grade spirit stones in the Empire heaven land, which can be converted into medium quality spirit stones of more than 10 million.

"100 million Chinese spirit stones."

Bald middle-aged people don't open their eyes.

"100 million, too expensive!"

Li Fuchen frowned.

Dragon blood jewels don't really contain dragon blood. What's more, even if it contains dragon blood, it depends on what kind of dragon blood it contains. Dragon blood and real dragon blood have different prices.

"Why, you don't want to buy it?"

Bareheaded middle-aged open eyes, this is a pair of blood red eyes, eyes deep, contains boundless violence and blood.

"It's too expensive to buy."

Li Fuchen steps away.

"You don't know. If you look at my things and ask me the price, you will buy them." Middle aged threat.

"This is the ancient star city. Why don't you want to do it?"

Li Fuchen road.

"Of course I can't do it in ancient star city unless you don't leave here for the rest of your life."

"It won't bother you."

Li Fuchen leaves.

"The boy is dead. The father of the blood demon king is the blood demon emperor. The blood demon emperor is the strongest demon emperor in the area of hundreds of millions of miles. Even if he is an ancient star city, he has to give three points of thin noodles."

"I guess he doesn't know the blood demon king!"

"The two human kings who offended the blood demon king last time were killed as soon as they left the ancient star city. If the boy is still smart, he will stay in the ancient star city for the rest of his life. If he goes out, he will die."

Many demon kings talked about it.

"I don't know if you are lucky or you can make trouble. As soon as you come up, you have provoked a demon family emperor." Yan gently danced and shook her head.

Li Fuchen wry smile, "who knows will provoke a second generation ancestor."

There are two generations of ancestors in the human race, and obviously there are also second generation ancestors in the demon clan.

At that time, even if he spent 100 million medium grade spirit stone to buy the dragon blood pearl, he would be watched.

It's not a matter of showing money.

Most of the demon king's stalls are deep-sea treasures. Although Li Fuchen and Yan Qingwu are not needed for the time being, they are rich and do not mind buying some treasures that are not found in the human world.Li Fuchen, in particular, has nearly one billion medium grade spirit stones and many top-grade spirit stones. It's nothing to buy some treasures.

In the outer ring area, several trading halls have been strolling around, but they have not been able to buy the treasure to restore the source of Qi and blood.

"It looks like it's the only deal with ancient star city."

They want to know with their buttocks that things in the ancient star city must be very expensive, after all, people occupy a monopoly position.

Sure enough.

"Dragon blood pearl, a 30 million medium grade spirit stone."

"Thunder robs grass, a 100 million medium grade spirit stone."

"Tianlongguo, a 30000 high-quality spirit stone."


The resource Hall of ancient star city is introduced by an old man with white hair who has been cultivated in Yuanhai.

As a result, two people and one person bought a plant of Ranunculus robusta.

With the thunder robbing grass, the two people need to rest in the closed area next.

In the outer ring area, the inn is divided into four levels, namely, a, B, C and D.

Grade D inn is a place to rest and shut down. It needs 100 spirit stones a day.

Level C inn is covered with cultivation array. The effect is comparable to that of the seven color mainland. It needs 500 medium level spirit stones a day.

The second class inn is better than the seven color mainland, and the cultivation effect is comparable to the interior of the red rainbow sect. It needs 3000 spirit stones a day.

As for the first-class Inn, the cultivation effect is comparable to that of emperor Tiandi, which requires ten thousand spirit stones a day.

You know, the cultivation array of the ancient star city is built on the quasi nine level array, and the effect is naturally extraordinary.

It's also an inn in the outer ring.

In the inner ring area, the inn is also divided into four levels.

The cultivation effect of grade D inn is much better than that of grade a Inn in outer ring area. It needs a top-grade spirit stone every day.

Grade C Inn has two top-grade spirit stones a day.

Class B Inn needs five top spirit stones a day.

Class a Inn needs 20 top-grade spirit stones a day.

Their cumulative trading volume in the ancient star city has reached 100 million zhongpinlingshi, and they are eligible to go to inner ring district.

However, they didn't want to waste the top spirit stone, so they chose the D-class Inn in the inner ring area, and only needed a top-grade spirit stone a day.

"The cultivation effect is really good, but the rules of heaven and earth are not as perfect as those of emperor Tiandi."

Entering the D-class Inn in the inner ring District, Li Fuchen felt it carefully and secretly.

If the rules of heaven and earth are not perfect, the perception will be much worse. After all, the cultivation of martial arts is not only to absorb the aura of heaven and earth.

Of course, Li Fuchen can see that the inns in the ancient star city are mainly aimed at the demon clan. The demon clan doesn't need to feel too much. They just need to absorb the aura and tap the blood.

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