Soul Valley, the most mysterious and terrifying place in the four continents.

A long time ago, some people found soul grass outside the valley. After swallowing it, their understanding increased greatly, and their cultivation level and strength improved by leaps and bounds. All of a sudden, the soul grass became hot. Everyone in the four continents wanted to get it.

But then people found that soul grass can make people addicted. When addiction attacks, if there is no soul grass to swallow, life is not like death.

As the soul grass outside the valley is wiped out, the addicts enter the Soul Valley without hesitation.

According to rough statistics, only one of the ten people who entered the Soul Valley could come out alive, and the rest disappeared.

This incident has alerted future generations that no one is willing to swallow soul grass unless it is absolutely necessary.

however, there are still some people who, for various reasons, enter the Soul Valley to look for the soul grass every year.

Perhaps in their view, strength can not progress, more terrible than death.


On this day, Li Fuchen came to the entrance of Soul Valley.

He didn't let Yan Qingwu and thunder beast accompany him.

Soul Valley is too dangerous, and Li Fuchen guesses that soul valley should be related to soul and true spirit. Yan Qingwu and thunder beast are far inferior to him, and the danger of entering Soul Valley is far greater than that of him.

Soul Valley is shrouded in fog all the year round. Even the spirit consciousness can't penetrate.

Fortunately, Li Fuchen's power of soul can be extended tens of meters in the emperor's heaven and hundreds of meters in the four directions.

With his reaction speed, hundreds of meters is a safe range.

Without much hesitation, Li Fuchen enters the Soul Valley.

Squeak, squeak

Indistinctly, Li Fuchen heard the sound of countless mice screaming in the deep fog.

The listener was a little upset.

After exerting a heart clearing mantra, Li Fuchen steps forward.

About a cup of tea in the past, Li Fuchen's eyes brightened, and a high spirit grass stood in the mist in the induction of the power of soul, so striking.

Three steps at a time, Li Fuchen came to the high soul grass, a move, high soul grass fell on the hand.

"I don't know what's the growth condition of Houcao?"

Li Fuchen is very strange, why there is soul grass in the four continents, but not in the seven color continents.

In principle, the seven color continent is not inferior to the four continents at all.

In the past two cups of tea, Li Fuchen found the second high soul grass.

And then there's the third, the fourth

Gradually, Li Fuzhen found that, the later, he found gaohuncao for a long time. At first, there was a tea, then two teas, three teas, half an hour, one hour. Unconsciously, Li Fuchen had already gone deep into Soul Valley.

Fortunately, he left a breath of soul outside the Soul Valley. As long as the spirit breath does not dissipate, he is not afraid to go out.

Ten, eleven, twelve

"It's a little strange."

Li Fuchen gradually felt something was wrong.

How could it be that he took this route? There were high spirited grass all the way.

Moreover, he found the soul grass for a longer time, but he told him imperceptibly that as long as he walked forward, there would be higher soul grass, which would not be lost.

In addition, the distance of his soul's power has been shortened by more than half, and now it can only be used for more than 100 meters.

"I'm afraid there is a trick!"

Li Fuchen made a decision and began to retreat.

At this time, the force of the soul in the induction, a soul grass quietly growing.

This plant of soul grass is a special one.

The effect of a superior soul grass is at least 30 times higher than that of a higher one. It is worthy of the name of heaven level high-level herb, which can be encountered but can not be asked for.


If you change to someone else, you can't give up this grass.

But who is Li Fuchen.

He knows that the greatest weakness of man is desire.

As long as there is desire, there is weakness.

It's a coincidence that the time of the appearance of the special soul grass.

It was just when he hesitated.

Obviously, this soul Valley doesn't want him to leave, but wants to introduce him into the Soul Valley.

Turning around, Li Fuchen went back at the fastest speed.


The sound of broken chains rings, and the unreal chains shoot toward Li Fuzhen.

"The power of the soul?"

Li Fuchen's scalp was numb. He clearly saw that the chain was the result of the power of the soul.

The speed of soul chain is very fast, and Li Fuchen can't use the power of soul, so he can only simply put it out, and he is entangled in the soul chain.

"It's not easy for you to resist the temptation of special spirit grass."

A voice, directly into Li Fuchen's mind.

"Who are you?"

Li Fuchen struggled.But Jianyuan has no effect on the soul chain, and the sword meaning has some effect, but the effect is not very big.

"It doesn't matter who I am. It's important that you don't resist. Maybe I can make you my soul slave."

"Soul slave?"

Li Fuchen understood at once.

There is a soul cultivator hidden in the Soul Valley, and the soul path practitioner is much more terrible than the soul emperor.

At least the soul emperor does not have such soul means.

Of course, it is also possible that he did not have direct contact with the soul emperor.


Li Fuchen urges the meteor from the sky and cuts his sword on the chain of his soul.


There is a slight gap in the soul chain.

"Heaven level high level sword meaning! It's amazing. I can't believe that you, a warrior in Yuanhai, can understand the meaning of high-level sword in heaven. "

The voice was full of admiration.

"However, it's just heaven level high level sword meaning, but I can't help it, unless you can understand the heaven level top level sword meaning!"


Li Fuchen didn't say a word. The power of the heart of the sword drove it to the limit. It was also a sword cut on the soul chain.

This time, the gap in the soul chain is magnified several times.

"Sword heart?"

The speaker was surprised.

"It seems that I despise you. Before the unity of the world, you can gather the heart of the sword. It's no wonder that you can understand the high-level sword of heaven level. Ha ha, God has blessed my soul. With your qualification, when my soul slave has wronged you too much, you can become a part of me!"

The soul chain is tightly entangled, and suddenly pulls Li Fuchen to the deep of Soul Valley.

"Not good."

Li Fuchen urges the sword and slashes the soul chain.

Finally, a soul chain was cut off.

But there is more than one soul chain that entangles Li Fuchen.

And the broken soul chain is not lax and reconnected.

Half a cup of tea, the soul chain stopped.

Li Fuzhen looked up. In his sight, dense figures were sitting there. With their eyes closed, there was a thin chain of soul stretching out into the deep fog.

In the depth of the fog, there is a dark hole, and the fog comes out of the dark hole.

"These people are all people who enter the Soul Valley?"

Li Fuchen vaguely knows the idea of the master of Soul Valley.

He attracted people into the Soul Valley through the soul grass, and then absorbed the power of their souls to strengthen themselves.

"Let me see what's special about your soul!"

One of the soul chains, quickly thin, and then suddenly into Li Fuchen's eyebrows.

Li Fuchen felt a sharp pain in his mind.

"Purple soul, what soul is this?"

The speaker was short of breath.

He's never seen a purple soul.

The soul of the king is just a green soul. The purple soul is almost unheard of and never seen.

"Is this the legendary spirit?"

"Ha ha, I have the chance to dominate the universe and step into a new realm."

The soul chain stabbed Li Fuchen's purple soul.

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