Heijia's middle-aged name is Yang long, and he is a member of the imperial family of Tianhuo region, which is located in the Changfeng mountains.

This time, Yang long was looking for a kind of extremely precious marine resources, but he met Bai Jiao.

Bai Jiao's combat talent is not outstanding, but because of its ability to spit out freezing cold air, it is far more dangerous than ordinary Jiaolong.

If it wasn't for Li Fuchen, Yang long had no way to survive and could not even escape.

With Yang long, two people and a beast came to Tianzhu.

Originally, Li Fuchen was going to find a place to practice, but under Yang Long's hospitality, they decided to go to the Yang family.

Changfeng mountains.

Yang long takes out a token, opens the array, and leads two people and one beast into Yang's house.

"Hello, grandfather."

Along the way, from time to time, someone said hello to Yang long.

Yang long nodded and asked a high-level cultivation of the Yang family humanity: "Yang Le Ke in?"

The Yangs said with a wry smile: "ancestor, Yang Le has gone out to travel."

Hearing the speech, Yang long frowned.

Yang Le is his grandson. His talent is one of the best in the Yang family. Before he was 70 years old, he already had the nine fold cultivation of Yuanhai realm. He was a little bad. He liked to travel and fight against injustice. He called his name beautiful and acted chivalrous. Therefore, I don't know how many people he offended. If he didn't help wipe his butt, he would have been dismissed eight yuan by the people's Congress.

Yang long sighed and let the other party leave.

There are many peaks in the Changfeng mountain range. Li Fuchen, Yan Xiaowu and thunder beast are arranged on a very magnificent peak.

"Qingfeng mountain is the top ten peaks of our Yang family. We have arranged the eight level Juyuan array. The three of you have a good rest. If you have anything, you can send me a message directly." With that, Yang long handed over three summoning tokens.

"Well, thank you very much."

Li Fuchen is very satisfied with the Yang family's cultivation environment, which is much better than looking for a place outside, and will not be disturbed.


"How strong the vitality of heaven and earth!"

On the Qingfeng mountain, the thunder beast is shocked.

Compared with the Tianzhu mainland, the four continents are just a barren land, which can hardly be compared with it. The vitality of the heaven and earth on the Qingfeng mountain is many times stronger than that of the Tianzhu continent, which is like bathing in the pool of Yuanqi.

He felt that even if he did not have any resources, he would be promoted to demon emperor in a few years, and demon saint in 100 years.

"The rules of heaven and earth here seem to be more perfect than those of the emperor."

Yan light dance way.

Li Fuchen nodded, "it is estimated that the emperor heaven was destroyed too much by the emperor, which led to the damage to the rules of heaven and earth."

Every continent is a semi closed world. If there is too much damage, the rules of the continent will leak out, just like people are injured and their breath is withered.

Returning to a top intermediate continent, Li Fuchen and Yan Qingwu have a lot to do.

The latter intends to break through the law.

As for Li Fuchen, he plans to practice Xutian sword.

In his present situation, he can not do it in a short time.


There are three moves in the virtual Sky Sword technique. The first move is called the virtual and real move, the second is called the virtual blade, and the third is called the virtual Heaven Sword world.

The first move is to make use of the intangible rules of emptiness.

You think it's fake, but it's true.

You think it's true. It can turn into a fake at any time.

"There's no empty sword heart. It's really troublesome to practice."

After a few days, Li Fuchen's virtual Sky Sword method could not even be introduced to him. This was a bit unexpected for him who had a terrible understanding.

But after thinking about it, Li Fuchen understood.

Virtual Sky Sword is a high-level sword technique of heaven level. It not only contains the rules of kendo, but also contains the top two empty rules. When the two rules are combined, they are not necessarily stronger than one single rule, but the difficulty is certainly increased a lot.

After a few days, the first move of the Xutian sword technique is the virtual, the real and the real.

Although he was just introduced, his power was not obvious, but his mysterious degree surprised Li Fuchen.

As soon as the sword comes out, the sword light is like a layer of transparent gauze and a layer of water light, which seems to be harmless. However, the objects covered by the sword light will melt and annihilate soundlessly, as if they have never existed.

This is still the beginning. If we reach the state of small success and the state of great success, we still don't know how terrible it is.

"He tianwai meteor is two extremes. Tianwai meteor pursues the ultimate speed and strength, and breaks the surface with points. The virtual, virtual and real is based on the empty rules as the carrier, and contains the Kendo rules to form a unique attack means."

As time goes by, Li Fuchen's Xutian sword technique is also improving day by day.

Soon, a month later, Li Fuchen finally practiced the first move of Xutian sword to Dacheng.In terms of attack power, the virtual and the real can't compare with the meteor outside the sky. After all, the virtual reality has not really reached the peak. However, if we talk about the mystery, the virtual and the real should be above the meteor outside the sky. Li Fuchen thinks that even he can't resist the false and the real.

This move is too weird. Any defense means are almost invalid. Unless his Tianlun sword and armor moves can be pushed to a higher level of heaven level, he can't defend the false and the real, or even weaken the false, the real and the virtual.

You know, even if it is a meteor outside the sky, it also breaks the enemy's defense first, then it can kill the enemy.

The virtual, the real and the virtual directly omits the process.

Of course, if the enemy's perception of the rules reaches the sky level, it will be different.

The true meaning of rules can only be resisted by the true meaning of rules.

Whether the true Qi is rich or pure does not play a role as big as imagined.

This is why Li Fuchen can compete with the blood demon emperor.

After all, he has reached the level of the great emperor in terms of understanding the rules, so his cultivation is not good.

Unconsciously, three months passed.


On the Qingfeng mountain, a female Dharma Master rises from the ground.

However, it is similar to that of a woman.

The will of terror covered the whole Yang family and the whole Changfeng mountain range in an instant.

It caused unrest in the Yang family.

In the hall of the Yang family, Yang Deng, another FA Xiangjing emperor and also the head of the Yang family, raised his head and was shocked.

When did Yang family have another emperor of FA Xiangjing, how could he not get any news.

"No, it's not from the Yang family."

For a moment, Yang shook his head.

From the perspective of the will of FA Xiang, it is nothing like the FA Xiang cultivated by Yang Jiagong FA.

We should know that FA Xiang is the embodiment of the FA FA FA, and the FA Xiang condensed by each FA is different.

If it is the people of the Yang family who break through the FA Xiang situation and condense the FA Xiang, it will definitely resonate with him.

"Is it the man brought back by the second uncle?"

He already knows about Yang long.

These two young people are not high in cultivation, but their strength is so strong that they can't be regarded as the kings of Yuanhai kingdom. At least, they should be regarded as the middle-level emperors of FA Xiang state. Therefore, he never bothered them and tried his best to provide all the help they needed.

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