Skeleton religion, soul hall.

In the soul hall, there are pieces of wooden cards, each of which has a candle.

On the wooden card with the four characters of "White Bone Demon emperor", the candle light had long been extinguished.

This candle is actually a soul fire.

If the soul is scattered, the fire will be extinguished.

"I don't know when the leader will leave the pass. The White Bone Demon emperor has been dead for half a month."

"What's the hurry? No matter who moves the hand, the leader will surely pay the price after he leaves the pass. In this continent, the leader is one of the top three."

The two deacons of the soul hall talked in a low voice.


The corpse emperor doesn't want to fly back to the sky.

With his strength, it is almost impossible to win Li Fuchen. At this stage, he has only one choice, that is, to invite the door master zombie emperor.

The zombie emperor, as a great emperor, has no higher demand for the emperor of body refining than he does. Moreover, his requirements are not high, as long as the zombie emperor can give him a little blood.

In a word, zombies eat meat, he drinks soup.


In order to achieve the triple realm of FA Xiang Jing, Li Fuchen found that even if there is no empty sword heart, it is possible to practice the third move of virtual Heaven Sword.

But the premise is that we can understand the empty mind of Tao.

Before, Li Fuchen didn't want to affect the purity of his Kendo, so he didn't want to let the heart of the sword stick with the attribute of emptiness.

And it is too difficult to condense the empty Taoist heart alone.

According to the sword spirit, the sword technique in the killing Sky Sword is originally to guide the holder to gradually condense the heart of the empty sword. If the holder wants to understand the rules of the void alone and condense the heart of the void Taoism, the difficulty is ten times higher than that of condensing the empty heart of the sword.

But Li Fuchen is different. Li Fuchen's savvy has been terrible at the level of Yuanhai realm. After his cultivation reached the triple level of FA Xiang state, his understanding increased several times.

Li Fuchen estimated that his current understanding had reached the level of the emperor.

No one knows how terrible the understanding of the king is.

However, according to the records, the emperor was able to create high-level martial arts and even top level martial arts.

Condensing the heart of emptiness should not defeat the emperor.

The reason why he thinks that his understanding has reached the level of the emperor is that with the improvement of his cultivation, Li Fuchen's true spirit has transformed into the Holy Spirit.

The biggest difference between the Holy Spirit and the true spirit is that there is a trace of immortality.

What is immortality, nature is immortality.

A trace of immortality will not make the spirit immortal, but at least it will make the spirit stronger and harder to destroy.

In addition, the spiritual consciousness is more powerful and incredible.

As time went by, Li Fuchen tried to understand the rules of emptiness.

If Li Fuchen alone, it is estimated that in ten or eight years, there will not be an empty Taoist heart. However, with the virtual Sky Sword technique as a reference, there is still a lot of hope to condense the empty Taoist heart.


Changfeng mountains, as always quiet, some of the Yang family's children, after dinner, discuss Li Fuchen's killing the White Bone Demon emperor.

"If the White Bone Demon emperor is killed, the skeleton emperor will not give up. Alas, I hope not to involve my Yang family."

"Although the skeleton emperor is powerful, the sky fire emperor is not a vegetarian. The sky fire gate will not watch the skeleton emperor destroy our Yang family. If all this is the case, the Tianzhu mainland will be in chaos, so there is no need to worry about it."

"The reason is this reason. I'm afraid that the skeleton emperor will be angry and make irrational things."

"Oh, why hasn't the skeleton emperor come yet? If you let those two go, maybe the skeleton emperor will be angry with my Yang family."


"Shh what?"

"You see."

One pointed to the sky, his face frightened.

The sky, I do not know when dark down.

This darkness is not the darkness of night, but the darkness of panic and despair.

Jie Jie Jie

The wind was howling, accompanied by the sound of laughter.

Indistinctly, the people also saw that there were corpses in the dark clouds.

"The great skeleton."

The teeth were fighting.

Although they expected the skeleton emperor to come early, the death of the White Bone Demon emperor, at least someone was carrying it, might not implicate the Yang family.

But when the skeleton emperor really came, they still had endless panic in their hearts.

The shadow of man's name tree.

Tianzhu mainland, apart from the great emperor, who is not afraid of the skeleton emperor.

If you offend others, you will die. If you offend the skeleton emperor, it is difficult to reincarnate. Most of the skeleton army of the skeleton emperor were warriors before they died. Among them, eight skeleton generals were even emperors of FA Xiangjing.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie, die and die!"Out of the dark clouds came a majestic corpse on a skeleton horse.

The corpse is ten feet tall and holds a white bone gun of fifteen feet in length. It is surrounded by endless dead breath and Yin Qi. Ordinary people's souls will freeze when they are blown by the dead Qi.

"General skeleton!"

Yang long and Yang Deng, who came out of the hall, looked ugly.

The skeleton general was the emperor of the FA Xiangjing state before his death. After his death, he was refined into a skeleton general. I don't know what taboo he mastered. These skeleton generals are stronger than before they were alive. It is said that the weakest skeleton generals have the real power of a high-level emperor, while the top skeleton general has the strength of a top-level emperor.

The skeleton emperor is able to shock Tianzhu mainland, ranking the top three among the great emperors. Its skeleton army and eight skeleton generals play a significant role.

Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die Die... "

Another skeleton general came out.

This skeleton general, holding a big bone knife, is full of cold and cold. It is more terrible than most Dao emperors.

And in the moment of everyone's surprise, in the dark clouds, once again out of two skull generals.

There are four skull generals.

Apart from other things, these four skull generals are enough to easily destroy the whole Yang family.

"General skeleton?"

Li Fuchen and Yan gently raised their heads and looked at the four skull generals.

Yan Qingwu said: "their true spirits have been refined into undead. Their corpses have been refined by secret method. They are invulnerable to weapons and water and fire. Their strength is equal to that of the dead. It is difficult to destroy their remains."

"Kill the White Bone Demon emperor under my command, Yang family, and be the one to be killed."

A terrible voice came from the depths of the dark clouds.

"Skull emperor, don't go too far. This is the sky fire domain, not your skeleton domain."

At this time, the dark clouds in the East suddenly dispersed, and a round of fireball as big as a mountain rolled forward like the sun.

"Old man Tianhuo, you'd better not irritate me and kill my subordinates. If you don't pay the price, who else in Tianzhu mainland will obey me? Today, the Yang family will be destroyed."

A thin middle-aged man with a white bone crown and sitting on a white bone dragon chair appeared in the public's eyes. His eyes were burning like two green fires.

After the fireball dispersed, an old man in a red robe also appeared, "skeleton emperor, as I said, this is the sky fire domain, not your skeleton domain. Killing the white bone devil emperor has nothing to do with the Yang family. I advise you to think twice before you go to war."

Tianhuo old man, Tianhuo gate master.

At this moment, he had to stand out for the Yang family, otherwise his prestige would not exist.

"Ha ha, old man Tianhuo, you are old. Why do you have to be strong? If you leave now, you still have a chance. Otherwise, you will make a big fool of yourself today."

Not waiting for the skeleton emperor to speak, in the distance, a heart upset and confused, the heart of the hoarse voice of fear came.

Hearing this, the old man's face changed.

"Zombie emperor!"

Tianhuo old man said slowly.

A skeleton emperor, he still has confidence to fight, and if there is another zombie emperor, he is not an opponent at all.

Although it will not fall, but injury is inevitable.

Frowning, Tianhuo old man said: "zombie emperor, what are you doing? When did the Yang family provoke you?"

"I'll come as soon as I want. You can control it."

The zombie emperor stepped out and appeared in the sky outside the Changfeng mountains.

On one side is the flying corpse emperor.

Compared with the flying corpse emperor, the corpse emperor's body is more massive, and his skin is bronze, just like a bronze human figure. It looks daunting.

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