Almost for a moment, the majestic fist wind and sword light impact together.


The earth split and a terrible storm swept through.

In this storm, there is a very chaotic force of rules, countless skeletons in the storm swept, ashes to smoke.

After a punch, the zombie emperor did not move.

In contrast, Li Fuchen is still.

This means that the two men are equally divided in this attack.


Tianhuo old man was surprised.

Zombie emperor's attack power, in the Tianzhu mainland many great emperors, not too good, but also not too low.

Li Fuchen can fight with the zombie emperor, this strength, even if not the emperor, is not much less.

Yang Deng and Yang long were not surprised.

Li Fuchen is obviously a gas double martial artist.

There is no need to say much about the physical strength of Li Fuchen. If he can crush the White Bone Demon emperor or even kill the White Bone Demon emperor, he can prove his physical strength.

And Li Fuchen's Kendo strength can not be underestimated.

You know, on the Baigu mountain, Li Fuchen saved Yang long and Yang Le by relying on his Kendo strength. At that time, Li Fuchen's true Qi cultivation was only the peak of Yuanhai realm.

Now, it has reached the triple level of FA Xiang Jing.

Li Fuchen's Kendo strength is not as good as his physical strength. They absolutely don't believe it.

Therefore, Li Fuchen can fight with the zombie emperor, they are not surprised.

Of course, if Li Fuchen and the zombie emperor can fight countless moves, or even defeat the zombie emperor, they will be surprised.

After all, there are many top emperors who can fight with the emperor, and there are also a few who can fight many moves. It does not mean that these people have the strength of the great emperor.

The real gap between the top emperor and the great emperor lies in the comprehensive strength. In some aspects, the top emperor is not weaker than the great emperor.

"Good, I don't know. You can block me a few punches!"

The zombie emperor laughs and punches at Li Fuchen.

He zombie emperor, galloping in Tianzhu mainland by defense, followed by zombie boxing.

He didn't believe that Li Fuchen could fight with him all the time.

You know, he once fought with many great emperors. When the great emperors came up, their attack power was basically stronger than him. But when they got to the back, the first thing they didn't support was these great emperors.

Ten punches.

One hundred punches.

Five hundred.

The two men are very quick, and 500 fists are not enough time for a cup of tea.

Zombie emperor's face, from the beginning of calm, gradually become ugly.

On the contrary, if he was attacked by the strong wind, it would not be good for him to defend himself.

"The defense is really strong."

Li Fuchen's secret way.

On this side, Li Fuchen and the zombie emperor are equally divided. On the other side, the situation of Yan Qingwu is not good.

Yan Qingwu's strength can't be said to be not strong, but compared with the skeleton emperor, the gap is obvious. If you exchange the two opponents, Yan Qingwu will fight the zombie emperor, and Li Fuchen will fight the skeleton emperor. After all, in terms of attack power, the zombie emperor is much worse than the skeleton emperor.

"It must be a quick decision."

Put away the Dharma minister, and Li Fuchen pulls out the sword of killing heaven.


Blood spattered.

Everyone is in a daze, including Tianhuo old man and skeleton emperor.

The body defense of the zombie emperor is absolutely the first in Tianzhu mainland. So far, no one has hurt the zombie emperor, so we should suppress him at most.

Li Fuchen wounded the zombie emperor with one sword, which is too ridiculous.

Li Fuchen's attack power has surpassed the top emperor and reached the level of quasi saint.

"No, it's the sword."

Tianhuo old man's eyes fall on Li Fuchen's sword.

This sword exudes a terrible sword meaning. In front of this sword meaning, the rules of heaven and earth all retreat.

"Heaven level high level sword!"

The old man took a breath of cold air.

There is only one high-level weapon in Tianzhu, which is in the hands of the most powerful emperor in Tianzhu.

In addition to the emperor Tianzhu, the weapon levels of other emperors are all mid level.

The sky level high-level weapon contains powerful rules, which can make the rules of heaven and earth retreat.

In this way, who can stop it.

The reason why Li Fuchen was able to break through the body defense of the zombie emperor was obviously that he weakened the true meaning of the body surface rules of the zombie emperor by killing the sky sword. Otherwise, the sharpness of the killing Sky Sword alone would not hurt the zombie emperor.

"Heaven level high level sword?"

The skeleton emperor's face was gloomy.

He knows better than anyone about the power of the sky level high-level weapons. In fact, if the emperor Tianzhu didn't have high-level weapons, he would not be inferior to the other side."What a terrible sword."

The corpse emperor was cold in his heart.

Fortunately, when Li Fuchen fought with him, his Kendo strength was not so strong. He only fought with him by refining his body strength. Otherwise, he would have been split in two by Li Fuchen's sword. There is no chance to stand here.

"Damn it."

The zombie emperor was furious, and countless fist shadow flashed to Li Fuchen.


The transparent blade ignores the distance between the two sides, leaving holes in the zombie emperor.

The virtual Sky Sword technique is the highest level sword technique of the heaven level. This is because Li Fuchen did not understand the virtual Heaven Sword world. Otherwise, one sword would be enough to severely damage the zombie emperor, instead of the current small skirmish.

See, the zombie emperor had to shrink his body.

The body is too big and the goal is big.

"Zombie blood, burn."

Like the flying corpse emperor, the zombie emperor was forced to burn the blood of zombies by Li Fuzhen.

A layer of burning blood covered the body surface of the zombie emperor.


Blood burst out, the zombie emperor hit Li Fuchen.

This fist is undoubtedly several times stronger than before. When one blow blows out, the void vibrates and even collapses a little. If the body is hit, the top emperor will be seriously injured. This is also the way for the zombie emperor to survive.

He can't use it until the critical moment.

"The blade of the void."

Killing sky sword, covered with a layer of transparent blade light, Li Fuchen chopped his bloody fist with a sword.


The void rolls and twists, and dark cracks spread.

This time, Li Fuchen failed to hurt the zombie emperor. The fist strength of the other side made the void collapse. His sword of killing heaven was like falling into the mire and had no place to exert force.

However, Li Fuchen does not believe that the blood of the zombie emperor can always burn.


The zombie emperor roared and his fists became more and more fierce.

Li hit his target in a short time.

As long as one punch, Li Fuchen should lose his combat effectiveness.

Just after a few hundred fists, the blood consumption of the zombie emperor is not small, but even the corner of Li Fuchen's clothes is not touched.

The other side's reaction speed is really incredible, his every move, as if in the other side's eyes.

How did he know that Li Fuchen's true spirit had transformed into the Holy Spirit. Under the induction of his spirit, the track of the zombie emperor's next blow was calculated by Li Fuchen. It was a fool's dream to hurt li Fuchen.


Two transparent blades follow the eyes of the zombie emperor.

Although the zombie emperor quickly deflected his head, he was still scratched.

Suddenly, there are two blood holes in the temple.

Fortunately, his whole body is covered with the power of blood, the wound is not deep, otherwise, he must fall into absolute inferiority.

"Skeleton emperor, this son is difficult, help me quickly."

At the moment, the zombie emperor can't face it.

Li Fuchen is not a powerful top emperor at all, but the great emperor, the real emperor.

Even the general emperor is not as strong as Li Fuchen.

In the eyes of the zombie emperor, Li Fuchen clearly has the strength of the top emperor and the attack power beyond the top emperor.

"How strong!"

Yang Deng and Yang long are stupid.

They know that Li Fuchen is very strong, but they didn't expect to be so strong. Even the zombie emperor has to ask for help. In Tianzhu mainland, besides Tianzhu emperor, who can do anything about him.

Immediately, they were excited again.

The Yang family has the background of Li Fuchen. In the future, in Tianzhu mainland, there is no doubt that the wind will get the wind, and the rain will get the rain, which is much stronger than the background of tianhuimen.

This is not to say that tianhuomen is not as good as Li Fuchen. The main reason is that tianhuomen can only help the Yang family when they are in a life and death crisis. There is no relationship between Li Fuchen and tianhuomen.

Tianhuo old man has a little regret at the moment.

Knowing that Li Fuchen was so strong, he would never stand idly by.

As long as we can make friends with Li Fuchen, the discourse power of tianhuomen in Tianzhu mainland will be greatly increased, reaching the level with Tianzhu gate.

But it's not too late.

Seeing the skeleton emperor slapping Li Fuchen, Tianhuo old man waved his cane, and a fire dragon dispersed the palm wind.

"Tianhuo old man, what do you mean?"

The skeleton is full of murderous spirit.

He had ordered the skeleton army not to attack the Yang family. He planned to kill the Yang family after taking Li Fuchen and Yan Qingwu. Unexpectedly, Tianhuo old man did not want to attack the Yang family.

Old man Tianhuo said: "more is better than less. I can't stand it."

"Don't put gold on your face. Today I'll show you what I'm doing."

The white bone crown on the skull emperor's head glows, and a layer of terrifying power converges into the skeleton emperor's body.Boom!

Heaven and earth vibrate, and emptiness crisscross.

"Is this?"

The old man was shocked.

"Old man, die."

The skeleton emperor slapped the sky fire old man with one hand.

This slap is so fast that it confuses the concept of time and space. Tianhuo old man's reaction is slow. Before he can make full use of it, he is slapped out.

"What is this secret?"

Tianhuo old man looks ugly.

He can be sure that the white bone crown on the skull emperor's head is very unusual. Ordinary heaven level secret treasure has no such great power at all.

The skull emperor sneered: "old man Tianhuo, this white bone crown on my head is made from the skull of the emperor. It contains the power of the emperor. It was not intended to be exposed. Today, since you want to die, I will make you complete."

In the past, the best secrets of the great skeleton were the three skeleton treasures, namely, the skull Cape, the skeleton necklace and the skeleton bracelet.

Since he got the white bone crown, he has already abandoned these three skeleton treasures and left them in the borrowing treasure Pavilion. After all, the skeleton secret treasure is only the middle level secret treasure of heaven level, and the white bone holy crown is the heaven level high-level secret treasure, which can't be compared.

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