Fenglin water garden is a famous residential area in Cangjiang city.

In a courtyard in Fenglin water garden, Wu Feiyan is chatting with Wu Xi and Wu Zhuo, and Tong Qianshan is also there.

"Xi Xi, Zhuo Zhuo, you can rest assured that you will not suffer with your aunt in the future."

Wu Feiyan promised.

"Thank you, aunt."

Wu Xi nodded and her eyes were red. After all, Wu Zhuo and she were still children, but they experienced many things that adults could not bear.

"Not only is your aunt here, but also your uncle."

Tong Qianshan tried to save his image.


Wu Feiyan snorted coldly.

Outside the yard, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll go."

Tong Qianshan got up and walked over.

"Budweiser, why are you here? Who is this?"

When Tong Qianshan opened the door, it was Budweiser and an old man.

Tong Budweiser said: "Qianshan, no matter what happens, it's the family's decision."

He led the old man into the yard.

Some of the monks in tongqianshan were confused and closed the yard door.

Wu Feiyan looked over here. Seeing the old man, Wu Xi pointed to the old man and said in a trembling voice: "Auntie, he's from Wu Chengkang. He must have come to take us."

"Wu Chengkang's people?"

Wu Feiyan's face sank.

The old man was Wu Xinhai. He laughed, "Miss, young master, after all, you are from the Wu family. Please go back with me!"

"We're not going back."

Wu Zhuo pulled out his sword and pulled it out of his sheath.

It's a pity that his cultivation is too low and his age is too young. No one takes him seriously.

Wu Feiyan looked at Tong Budweiser and said, "Budweiser, what do you mean?"

Tong Budweiser was expressionless and said, "we Tong family and Wu family, after all, are family friends. We can't take care of Wu family's affairs. You don't have to deal with this matter, Feiyan."

Wu Feiyan's eyes are red and her body is full of murderous spirit. Today, who dares to take Wu Xi and Wu Zhuo away, she will fight with anyone.

"Wu Xinhai, you old man."

At this time, heard the movement of the man Yue emperor with his men rushed over, angrily yelled.

Tong Budweiser's eyes were horizontal, and an invisible force suppressed the man Yue emperor, making these people unable to move or speak.

As the grandson of Tong Heng, Tong Budweiser can only control part of the array, but it is enough to suppress any emperor.

You Sen made an example of this group of new people

At this moment, Tong Qianshan did not understand what was going on.

"Budweiser, Wu Xi and Wu Zhuo are my nieces and nephews. Please let them go."

Tong Qianshan stands in front of Wu Feiyan.

Tong Budweiser said: "Qianshan, I told you just now that this is the family's decision. You and I can't change it."

Tong Qianshan said in a hurry: "I'll go there and say it's not good today."

He said just now that he would not let Wu Xi and Wu Zhuo suffer. He would slap him in the face at the next moment. How could he stand it? Besides, he did not want Wu Feiyan to be sad.

"Qianshan, there is no business for you, and there is no matter for flying swallow. We are all staying at one side."

Budweiser did not have time to grind with the two people, and directly suppressed them.

"Hey, miss, young master, come back with me!"

Wu Xinhai walks to Wu Xi and Wu Zhuo with a smile on his face.

The two little guys were shivering and helpless.

Wu Feiyan, who was oppressed by the town, almost gaped at her eyes and was extremely sad and indignant.

"The hands of the Wu family are really long enough."


A cloud of blood fog exploded, and Wu Xinhai died instantly.

In the backyard, Li Fuchen came slowly.

Tong Budweiser pupils shrink, too fast, Li Fuchen's hand, as fast as lightning flint, so that he did not have time to protect Wu Xinhai.

When Wu Xinhai died, Budweiser didn't know what to do. He couldn't take Wu Xi and Wu Zhuo personally and send them to the Wu family!

"Do you know that killing people is not allowed in Cangjiang city?"

Budweiser said in a deep voice.

No matter how the next gaffe develops, Li Fuchen has violated the rules by killing people in Cangjiang city.

"What about killing people?"

Li Fuchen slipped out a jade talisman in his hand.


With a wave of Budweiser's hand, the power of heaven and earth is up and down, and the force of terrible array suppresses Xiang Li Fuchen.

Tong Heng, as the city Lord of Cangjiang City, is the elder of all. If he comes here and is suspected of bullying the small, it will be different if Tong Budweiser comes here. Moreover, in Tong Heng's opinion, it's the same if he comes over or Tong Budweiser comes over. The low-level array of level 9 can bind the low-level monarch, even if it can only control part of it. It is not fun to suppress a great emperor.Crackling!

However, Tong Heng and Tong Budweiser miscalculated the strength of Li Fuzhen. Facing the incomplete level 9 low-order array, Li Fuchen was just the hand power to move the stars. A terrible gravitational rule broke out, and the array was twisted and collapsed at the moment of strength.


With a wave of Li's hand, Wu Xi, Wu Zhuo and manyue emperor were sucked in. Immediately, Li Fuchen crushed the jade symbol in his hand.


The dazzling light bloomed, and Li Fuchen and others disappeared without a trace.

"Quasi nine level Wanli teleportation symbol?"

Budweiser was gloomy.

The teleport character is hierarchical, then the transmission distance.

The quasi level nine teleportation Rune can't tear apart the low level nine transmission array. However, because Tong Budweiser can't completely control the array, and Li Fuchen's strength is too strong, he actually repels the power of the array.


Thousands of miles away from Cangjiang City, a light came down, and Li Fuchen and others flashed out.

The teleportation Rune can only teleport a distance of ten thousand miles. Although the void storm is severe in the Holy Spirit land, the probability of encountering a void storm is too low to be ignored. Of course, no one builds a teleportation array that can only transmit thousands of miles, which is too wasteful.

"Fortunately, I got a quasi level 9 teleportation Rune on Feiyin island."

Li Fuchen congratulated himself.

This quasi nine level teleportation rune is one of his spoils.

"Cangjiang city can not stay, Tong family and Wu family have obviously reached an agreement."

Li Fuchen road.

Man Yue nodded, "I should have thought that the Tong family valued Wu family, not Wu family."

"What about Auntie?"

Wu Xi worried.

The great emperor of manyue said, "your aunt is a child's family. There will be no danger."

With a sigh, Li Fuzhen looked at Wu Zhuo and said, "you are the root of nine star kendo. You are gifted. I have made some achievements in kendo. I don't know if you would like to be my teacher."

If the other party doesn't want to learn from him, he arranges the other party and leaves.

Of course, if you want to learn from him, he can only take the other side.

"Master Wu Zhuo, don't agree soon."

The great emperor of manyue was overjoyed.

Although Wu Zhuo is the root of nine star Kendo, he is destined to become the emperor in the future, but it will be at least several decades and hundreds of years later.

At present, Wu Zhuo can't catch up with Li Fuchen's achievements in kendo.

"Disciple Wu Zhuo is willing to."

Without the help of the emperor, Wu Zhuo knew that this was a rare opportunity. He quickly knelt down and held his disciple's ceremony.

Although he was only seven years old, he was naturally sensitive to kendo. That day, Li Fuchen and Jianyu emperor had left a deep impression in Wu Zhuo's heart.


Li Fuchen smiles and nods.

"Master, what about my sister?" Wu Zhuo looks at Wu Xi. He doesn't want to be separated from his sister.

Li Fuchen said, "Wu Xi, would you like to be my registered disciple?"

"Disciple Wu Xi is willing to."

Wu Xi looked happy.

Although she was only a registered disciple, she would be satisfied as long as she could be with her brother.

"Well, you can follow me from now on."

Wu Xi's aptitude is a little poor, but he is also the root of eight stars. It's OK to be a registered disciple.

With the top flying silver ships, Li Fuchen and others soon left Cangjiang city and flew to the depths of the Holy Spirit continent.


Cangjiang City, the Lord's mansion.

Tong Heng's face is not very good-looking.

If Tong Budweiser was not good enough, he would go to suppress Li Fuchen even if he had a reputation of bullying the small.

"They should not have escaped."

Budweiser road.

Tong Heng said: "even if we can catch up with him, the sword rain emperor is not an opponent. We Tong family, who is the opponent?"

There are no top 100 masters in the Tong family, only one in the top 200.

And it's not in Cangjiang city.

"What about that?"

Tong Budweiser is not reconciled. After all, Li Fuchen ran away from him.

Tong Heng said: "this matter or to the Wu family, they should have a way to track."

Out of the city, personal strength is the most important, otherwise everything will be closed.


Flying silver boat, in the training room.

Wu Xi and Wu Zhuo are standing there.

Li Fuchen asked the two, "what sword techniques have you learned? Come and have a look."

He wants to see how talented they are in kendo.

"I'll go first."

Wu Xi first displayed a set of relatively gorgeous sword techniques.

Li Fuchen nodded, worthy of being from a family of swordsmen. This talent of Kendo is invaluable.

Next came Wu Zhuo.Wu Zhuo's Kendo talent surprised Li Fuchen. He had never seen such a good Kendo talent in his life.

The root bone of Jiuxing Kendo is indeed the root bone of Jiuxing Kendo, which is rare in the world.

"Kendo is the way of the day after tomorrow. Everyone's Kendo is different. But Kendo should also follow the law of heaven, so it will eventually converge. Your Kendo talents are good, but it is because of the good Kendo talents that we should lay a solid foundation for our future development."

Li Fuchen doesn't know if he can teach his apprentice well. However, he knows that the foundation is the most important thing. Although the two people have learned several sets of sword techniques, their foundation is still a little poor. From the bag, Li Fuzhen takes out hundreds of secret scripts, all of which are low-level yellow sword scripts, which Li Fuchen spent a night writing.

"Next, you should learn all these swordsmanship, and learn to master them. Then I will test you."

Li Fuchen road.

"Yes, master."

Wu Xi and Wu Zhuo nodded, full of energy.

Time flies by.

The two brothers and sisters are learning the Yellow level low-level sword technique, and Li Fuchen is also studying his Yuanji sword technique.

Compared with body training, his Kendo is still too shallow.

Yuanji's sword technique will be a masterpiece of his swordsmanship. Once it is created, it will never be worse than that of Xutian sword.

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