In the night, a terrible and huge figure emerged.

This is a half human and half animal, with a human body, but the head is a monster's head, and its claws are also monster's claws. The body is covered with fine scales, and there is a spiral sharp angle on the head.

Not all monsters like to transform into human form, unless they have to deal with human beings, otherwise, monsters are basically not willing to transform into human forms.

"Did you kill master stepian?"

The humanoid monster walked slowly forward. Due to its large size, the earth trembled with each step, and countless gravel floated up and disintegrated into powder.

"Yes, come and kill me if you can."

Li Fuchen by force, the speed of the inverted shot increased.

"Where to go."

The monster in human form pursues.

The residents of the town were very moved. They didn't know where they were. Li Fuchen was leading away the demon saint. Otherwise, the aftermath of the two people's war would be enough to destroy the town and all the people in the town.

In the flying silver boat, Wu Zhuo asked nervously, "Uncle manyue, can you beat the demon saint?"

The great emperor of manyue said, "even if you can't defeat the demon saint, you should be sure of your life."

Li Fuchen's strength has refreshed his cognition again and again. In the small valley outside the half mountain city, Li Fuchen fights back the blood emperor, and the great emperor manyue knows that Li Fuchen's strength is enough to rank in the top ten of the emperor list.

But there are no more than five people in the Holy Spirit continent, below the king, who can really compete with the lower level demon saints.

There should be no more than three on the list of the great emperors.

"Come on, let's follow."

The great emperor of manyue steered the flying silver boat and followed him.

With the protection of the top flying silver ships, the low-level demon saint's attack is absolutely impossible to break. Once Li Fuzhen is in danger, manyue emperor is ready to meet him at any time.

Thousands of miles away from the town, Li Fuchen and humanoid monster, one after another flying.

"I still want to escape in front of my brute demon saint, dream."

Li Sheng shouts at the devil.


The ground was photographed with a huge paw print. Li Fuchen stopped and turned around, facing brute demon saint.

"No escape?"

Brute demon saint is murderous.

As soon as the emperor stepped on the sky died, he could not blame him. He didn't know how to deal with him. His fear made him hate Li Fuchen. If he didn't kill Li Fuchen today, how could he explain to Zhentian demon saint.

"Escape, why escape?"

Li Fuchen's eyes fell on the demon saint.

This is the first time that he was really face to face with the demon saint. Last time on the sea, he just fought with the low-level demon Saint secretly, and didn't even know what the other side looked like.

As a low-level demon saint, the demonic spirit of brute demon Saint contains strong rule power. Obviously, this is the rule power brought by blood.

The other side is huge, to that station, the space seems to be opened, and the rules of heaven and earth are also propped up.

Is this the demon saint!

Li Fuchen puffed out a breath, his eyes twinkled with war.

The demon saint is undoubtedly very powerful. He can open up the rules of heaven and earth only by his evil spirit. However, how about this? He has never fought a battle with the hand of stars since his successful cultivation. He should be able to force out the ultimate potential of the hand of stars by fighting with the demon saint.

"If you don't run away, I'll die."

Brute demon Saint rushed over.

Boom, boom

The man power demon Saint took the power line, and Li Fuchen's star hand also took the power line. The two men met hard, and the momentum was unimaginable. A hundred miles away, the wind and rain were shaking. The silver flying boat was like a boat on the sea, which could not stabilize the ship.

"Master is too strong."

Wu Zhuo and Wu Xi have shining eyes.

To be able to fight with low-level demon saints, what kind of strength is needed.

They only heard about it before, but now they see it with their own eyes.

Manyue emperor and others also held their breath and stared at the battle without blinking.

Fortunately, Li Fuchen and brute demon saint are hard to crack, and there is no mystery. The emperor manyue and others can barely see one or two.


With one paw of the demon saint, Li Fuchen was shot into the ground.

But the next moment, Li Fuchen flew out again.

Brute demon saint's attack is indeed very domineering. Even the regular force field can be easily broken. However, with the immortal body, it is difficult for the demon saint to hurt li Fuchen.


Brute demon saint is very surprised, he was clawed, actually not hurt?

"Die! Die! Die

Manly demon Saint again and again shot Li into the ground, but Li Fu Chen flew out again and again.

The immortal body of the stars makes Li Fuchen's body structure very close, just like the stars, there is a terrible attraction that binds the body.

"No way, brute force!"Brute demon Saint inspired the talent ability, his arms muscles inflated to twice as much as before, and once again beat Li Fuchen into the ground.


Although the body was not injured, but Li still felt unprecedented pain.

"It can't go on like this."

Li Fuchen inhaled with his right hand, and a small hill was sucked over by Li Fuchen, and he immediately smashed to brute demon saint.


The small hill was smashed, and the brute demon Saint waved his arm, and the smashed hill was shaken into powder.

"I said that you must die today, or else the spirit of trampling master in heaven will not rest in peace."

Just like a demon, the demon saint of brute force came to Li Fuchen, closed his fists and smashed it down.

Although Li Fuchen's spiritual consciousness could respond, his body could not respond. He could only raise his arms to block the blow.

The earth, like waves, rushes in all directions.

Visible to the naked eye, Li Fuchen's location has become a deep pit.

Brute demon Saint crazy, continue to hit down, again and again.

At the bottom of the pit, Li Fuzhen spurted out a mouthful of blood.

Finally, he got hurt.

His immortality of stars is only the primary stage, which is not really immortal.

If he can cultivate to the state of the hand of the moon, maybe the immortal star will be able to resist the continuous bombardment of brute demon saint.

Of course, if he can cultivate to the state of the hand of the moon, brute demon saint will not have a chance to hit him.

As soon as the star immortal body was broken, Li Fuchen felt the power of the hand of the star to be manic, and madly supplemented the body of the immortal star.

In the blink of an eye, Li Fuchen recovered as before.

One hour, two hours.

Li Fuchen's star immortal body, broken and standing, standing and breaking, the star hand strength, has consumed most of.

If it is a normal battle, we should not consume more than half of our strength after a few days and nights of war.

"It's been two hours."

Emperor manyue was a little anxious.

He can see that Li Fuchen's situation is not very good.

Also, the Holy Spirit continent, in addition to a few great emperors, who can fight with the lower level demon saint.

Forty percent, thirty percent

Li Fuchen's star hand strength, like the flow of water.

Each time you replenish the immortal body of stars, you will consume ten times as much strength as you need to fight.

But Li did not panic and did not intend to escape.

He knew that even if he fled, he could not escape anywhere, and the speed of brute demon saint was much faster than that of him.

20%, 10%.

When the power of the hand of the star was only 10%, li felt that his body was empty, and his heart was filled with indescribable emptiness.

But under the desperate situation, Li Fuchen's heart is actually unprecedented calm.

In the sea of souls, countless martial arts memories flash by automatically.

A memory about the world of mortal calamity is very striking.

The next moment, Li Fuchen can't help but run the world of mortals.

The force of the world of mortals, and the power of the hand of the stars, merge together.

Then, a wonderful scene happened, these two different forces, actually produced a fusion.

"Still alive?"

Brute demon saint can see that Li Fuchen is on the verge of extinction.

The other side can fight with him for several hours, which is beyond his expectation. However, no matter how brilliant the dead are, they are just dead people.


As soon as he tore his hands, he wanted to tear Li Fuchen in two.


A dazzling red light erupted, and a huge red fist blasted the brute demon Saint out.


The troll saint was dizzy and didn't understand what was going on.

"So it is. The world robbery has a trace of origin with the hand of God."

Li Fuchen knows it clearly in his heart.

He has not been in a crisis of life and death for a long time. He has always been in a favorable situation. He has never forced himself into a desperate situation. Although he has a very high understanding, even if he does not force himself into a desperate situation, his speed of progress is far faster than others, but if he encounters a crisis, his progress speed will undoubtedly be faster. After all, who will dislike his speed of progress too fast.

The world of mortal calamity is only a part of Jiujie Shenquan.

The hand of robbery is the sixth level of the hand of God.

These two, obviously have some origin, but all along, Li Fuchen can't find any trace.

I can't imagine that, at the time of life and death, the world of mortal calamity is automatically integrated with the strength of the hand of the stars.

With the combination of the two, Li Fuchen immediately felt that his hand of the stars had risen to a higher level. Although he could not reach the realm of the hand of the moon, he undoubtedly found a new way to indirectly enhance his power.

In addition, Li Fuchen's star immortal body seems to have changed.Whoosh, whoosh

A large number of heaven and earth elements pour into the body and condense into strength.

Ten percent, ten and a half.

In a short time, Li has recovered half of his strength.

"Since it's a combination of the hand of the stars and the world of mortals, I'll call you the hands of the world of mortals."

The light in Li Fuchen's eyes grew and died.

"What happened just now."

Brute demon saint has come back to find out.


With fist to claw, Li Fuchen and the other side fought hard.

This time, the two sides are equally divided.

No, Li Fuchen still has the upper hand.

Once he was able to resist the opponent's attack, Li Fuchen's spiritual superiority immediately showed up. He saw a red fist, breaking through the defense of the demon saint of brute force and slamming on the opponent's body. However, the other party's evil spirit protection was directly robbed in the face of the red dust hand, and even the scales disintegrated and died, losing vitality and vitality.

The hand of the world of mortals undoubtedly contains the characteristics of the world of mortal calamity, which can destroy all things.

To be exact, the hands of the world of mortals have strengthened the characteristics of plundering all things. Otherwise, it would be impossible for brute force demon saints to rely solely on the looting power of the red dust robbers.

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