It has been a long time since Zhentian demon Saint slaughtered Terrans. Terrans and demon clans have gradually forgotten about it.

There are too many members, both demon and Terran. Every day, the number of new born is far more than the number of dead.

Especially for the emperor, their life span is as high as 100000 years. They have been used to life and death for a long time. They do not care about this disaster.

Autumn leaf city, an area of 100 acres of manor.

Li Fuchen opened his eyes slowly.

"The forty second level of Yuanji sword skill is in the middle stage."

More than two years have passed since the last incident.

In more than two years, Li Fuchen made further progress, and Yuanji sword skill stepped into the middle stage of the 42nd level.

Don't underestimate the promotion of a small realm. Only Li Fuchen knows how great the changes will be brought about by the promotion of this small realm.

After all, the closer we get to the extreme, the more difficult it is to upgrade, and correspondingly, the more terrifying is the enhancement of strength.

Just like the top ten and the top hundreds of the great emperor list, we are all close to the extreme situation, but the strength difference is more than ten times.

At this moment, Li Fuchen's Kendo strength finally caught up with the physical strength, and the two finally kept abreast.

Standing up, Li Fuchen walked out of the house and came to the training ground, which covers an area of tens of acres.

On the training ground, Wu Zhuo and Wu Xi are exchanging swordsmanship.

A few years later, Wu Zhuo was 11 years old, and Wu Xi was 16 years old. Both of them had reached the triple realm of fighting spirit. If they got to the emperor's heaven and earth, it would be enough to frighten people to death.


The swordsmanship of the two men is very exquisite. The ordinary Xuan level sword technique is used in their hands, which is comparable to the prefecture level sword technique.

Over the years, Li Fuchen has at least trained them thousands of sword techniques, and the foundation of Kendo is incomparable.


Wu Zhuo and Wu Xi are going to stop fighting.

"Go on, Wu Zhuo, don't blindly look for the other party's flaws. If there are no flaws, you can make them. Wu Xi, your sword is too gorgeous. After learning so many sword techniques, can you only learn gorgeous? Gorgeous can be, but all this should be based on the more gorgeous and more dangerous foundation. "

Li Fuchen doesn't teach them how to practice swordsmanship. He just tells them how to fight when they are fighting. The rest depends on their own nature.

After Li Fuchen a point, the scene suddenly fierce.

Li Fuchen is still on, continue to tell two people, seems to be forced out of the limit of two people.

"Wu Zhuo, the sword is faster. Do you know why your sword is not fast enough? Because your heart is not sincere. When you are religious enough to Kendo, you can really achieve the Kendo realm you want."

Li Fuchen found a shortcoming of Wu Zhuo.

The opponent may be too gifted in kendo. He learns it very quickly. He has a feeling that his Kendo is just like this. Although the foundation of Kendo is thick, it is not deep enough.

Of course, it is also possible that Li Fuchen's demands are too high. After all, the other party is only an 11 year old child. In the mainland of Donglin, he is just on the road of martial arts.

This competition had been going on for an hour. When they stopped, they were already sweating and pale.

Li Fuchen's advice, as if possessed by demons, let them unconsciously squeeze out their own potential, the side effect is that the mind consumes a lot.


Autumn leaf city, a very prosperous city.

The reason why he stayed in Qiuye city was not that Li Fuchen felt that his strength had risen so much that he could ignore the low-level array of level 9.

In fact, with his strength, facing the low-level array of level 9, he is still a lot worse.

Li Fuchen dares to come in because this city is the city of swordsman Association.

The so-called swordsman association is an organization established by swordsmen. All of them are swordsmen from top to bottom.

Even Jiandi and jianhuang are also members of the swordsman Association.

According to the strength and contribution to the swordsman Association, the swordsmen of the swordsmen association are divided into nine levels, from low to high, they are level 1 swordsman and level 9 swordsman respectively.

If you want to become a swordsman of level 1, you must first achieve the Dharma Realm, and then you must pass the level 1 swordsman test of the guild.

To become a level 2 swordsman, you should not only pass the level 2 swordsman test, but also accumulate 100 guild contribution points.

To become a level 3 swordsman, you need to accumulate 500 guild contribution points.

And so on.

It is said that the sword emperor and the sword emperor are already level 8 swordsmen and honorary elders of the swordsmen Association.

The status of the honorary elder is equal to that of the branch president.

You know, being a member of the swordsman guild has many advantages.

First, you can hide in the swordsman guild and seek the protection of the guild. Although there are no swordsman guild branches in many cities, there are also many cities with swordman guild branches. As long as you hide in the swordsman guild branch, even if the enemy is a strong one on the emperor's list, you don't dare to break in. Otherwise, you will be the enemy of the swordsman's Guild until death.Second, if you buy accommodation in guild cities, you can get a discount. The higher the level, the more discount.

Third, you can use contribution points to purchase resources within the guild.

Fourth, when the level reaches level 6 swordsman, you can post tasks in the swordsman guild.

In a word, the higher the level, the more benefits they will enjoy. Some swordsmen without background are proud to join the swordsman Association.

Li Fuchen is a level 4 swordsman at present. The reason why he did not become a more advanced swordsman is that he has no contribution points. If his contribution points are enough, it is not difficult to become a level 8 swordsman.

"It's time to make contributions."

Li Fuchen is not so arrogant that he does not need any background.

In the Holy Spirit land, any king can easily kill him. If he has the background of swordsman guild, the other side will be more or less afraid.

But the premise is that the level must be high enough.

As a level 1 swordsman, the swordsman guild will not put too much energy on you. At most, when you hide in the guild, it will only protect you, and will not give you any other help.

In the swordsman guild, there are two ways to earn contribution points.

The first is to complete the task of the guild.

The second is the above spirit stone exchange.

However, the exchange rate is very high. Only one thousand high-quality spirit stones can exchange for one contribution point, and ten million is ten thousand contribution points, which is not enough to become a level five swordsman.

Li Fuchen guessed that this is a rule made for those swordsmen who are extremely powerful and unwilling to do low-level tasks. After all, in the swordsman Association, if you want to take on a task, you should also depend on your own level. If you are only a level-1 swordsman, it is impossible to take a high-level task.

Li Fuchen can become a level Four swordsman, which is the result of spending 3 million high-quality spirit stone.

Of course, he can't spend too much of the top spirit stone to exchange contribution points.

After all, it takes 20000 points to become a level 5 swordsman and 150000 points to become a level 6 swordsman. This is not a small number. Even Li Fuchen will be heartbroken.

when he came to the branch of the swordsman Association in autumn leaf city, Li Fuchen entered it and went to the mission hall.

In the mission hall, people come and go.

There are tasks issued by guild and swordsmen above level 6.

Generally speaking, the tasks issued by the guild are reward contribution points.

The mission and mission of doping is to release the spirit point.

Directly ignore the low-level task, Li Fuchen came to the intermediate task area.

As a level 4 swordsman, he can take intermediate tasks.

"Ten hearts of the devil, 3000 contribution points."

"Sword teeth of the demon beast, 2000 contribution points."

"Jianqi lake, the lake side, 5000 contribution points."


Li Fuchen did not go to see the private mission, he saw all the guild tasks.

"The water task of Jianqi lake is OK."

Li Fuchen nodded. What he needed was the kind of task that reward a lot of contribution points. As for the difficulty, he didn't care about it. After all, with his strength, the intermediate task was not difficult at all.

Tear down the task list and Li Fuchen leaves the branch.


Jianqi lake is one of the dangerous places in the Holy Spirit continent.

It is said that Jianqi lake was originally just an ordinary lake. Later, the body of a Kendo sage fell into the lake, which gave birth to the will of the lake. If the will is not extinguished, the sword spirit of Jianqi lake will not be extinguished.

In the distance, Li Fuchen saw Jianqi lake.

Jianqi lake is not big, it is only a few miles in size.

The water of Jianqi lake is surging with cold light. It doesn't look like the lake water, but it looks like it is composed of countless fine sword blades.

In the sky above Jianqi lake, there is a vast white fog. Take a closer look, where is the fog? It is clearly sword Qi.

"It's strange."

Li Fuchen's secret way.

There are many swordsmen collecting water on the Bank of Jianqi lake.

However, the sword spirit in the lake is too violent. From time to time, some swordsmen are killed. Some swordsmen are more powerful and successfully collect the water from the lake. However, their bodies are also dripping with blood, just like being cut by thousands of knives.

"The Jianqi lake is too dangerous. It took a month to collect a small bottle, and it was impossible to carry it."

A short haired swordsman with seven accomplishments of FA Xiangjing sighed.

"Normally, even the Kendo emperor can only collect a small bottle of lake water a day, not to mention you."

Said his friend.

The swordsman with short hair said, "I heard that the sword emperor once came to fetch the water of Jianqi lake. He took one side in a day. I don't know whether it is true or not."

One side is equivalent to a water tank. He could not collect so much water from Jianqi Lake in a hundred years.

"That's the sword emperor. It's one of the most terrible Kendo emperors. We can't compare it."

"So it is."

While they were talking, Li Fuchen had come to the Bank of Jianqi lake."Be careful, my friend. Don't get hurt by the sword spirit."

When they saw Li Fuchen go straight to Jianqi lake, they couldn't help but remind them.

Li Fuchen said: "thank you for reminding me. I have my own discretion."

Ding ding ding ding ding ding

Just as Li Fuchen approached Jianqi lake, the vast white sword Qi rushed in and cut on Li Fuchen's body protecting sword yuan.

"No wonder these people are so hard to get water from the lake. The sword power is really powerful."

Thinking flashed in his mind, Li Fuchen bent down and began to take water.

To get water from Jianqi lake, a special container is needed. Li Fuzhen's container is a water tank. The surface of the water tank is densely covered with lines, and the array is clearly arranged.

However, Li did not dare to directly immerse the water tank into the lake water. In that case, the water tank would not be able to bear it and would break apart. Li Fuchen immersed his right hand into the lake water and reached for a suction. A ball of water was thrown into the water tank by Li Fuzhen.

"Water is taken directly by hand."

Around, people are dementia.

Generally, they are made of sky class metal spoons to get water, and each time they take water, the speed is very fast, otherwise, the spoon will be destroyed. Nevertheless, every time they take water, they are careful. Most of the time, a spoon of water will be spilled, and only a few drops are saved. As for taking water with a larger spoon or scoop, it is not realistic, because the collected lake The more water, the more sword Qi it will cause. If they dare to collect too much lake water at once, the sword Qi will cut them into blood mist.

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