In the next few days, Li Fuchen has been consolidating and getting familiar with the realm of the hand of the moon.

A week later, he has been able to fully control the starburst rules. Even if he only shoots out a stone, the stone will run through the enemy like a comet under the influence of the star rule.

Coming to the swordsman Association, Li Fuchen is ready to take another intermediate task and upgrade his swordsman level to level 5.

Although he still needs 2000 contribution points to be promoted to level 5 swordsman, Li Fuchen does not intend to take on an ordinary intermediate task. After all, there are level 6 swordsmen after level 5 swordsmen. Therefore, the task with more contribution points is his first choice.

This time, there was no such task as 10000 contribution points waiting for Li Fuchen. After choosing for a while, Li Fuchen took on the task of the guild which paid 4000 yuan.


On top of the city, ten times faster than silver.

In the light, Li Fuchen's face showed a smile.

After reaching the realm of the hand of the moon, the rules of the stars emanating from him can distort the void and shorten the distance between two points.

Originally, his speed was no slower than the top flying silver ships, but now he is ten times faster than the top flying silver ships.

If he wants to, he can drive back from Jinsha city to Qiuye city in less than three days.

Before that, it took more than three months to take the advanced flying silver boat from Qiuye city to Jinsha city.

After a while, Li Fuchen came to the Wanyao grottoes.

Wanyao grottoes, as the name suggests, is the place where monsters gather.

There is a kind of plant called demon heart fruit, which can't be graded, because it is of little use to martial arts.

A flash of body, Li Fuchen along a huge cave into the Wanyao grottoes.

Wanyao grottoes are very large, just like an underground world. They are boundless and far-reaching. They are different from the outside world. Even in the daytime, there are strong rules of darkness. If any human enters here, the strength will decline, and Li Fuchen is no exception.

The spiritual consciousness spread out, and within a radius of 500 Li, there was no trace of it.

Half an hour later, Li Fuchen found a demon heart fruit.

Demon heart fruit is a kind of vine fruit. There are usually three fruits on a tree. Each fruit is fire red, just like a luminous ruby.

However, on the side of the demon heart fruit, there is a demon family emperor guarding there, which is a dark emperor python.

Dark emperor Python contains powerful dark blood. In Wanyao Grottoes or at night, its strength is doubled, and its psychic sense is many times stronger than that of other demon emperors. Although Li Fuchen exerts the invisible charm, where can he hide from the dark emperor Python.

Of course, if you really want to hide your whereabouts, Li Fuchen can still hide it, but he doesn't think it is necessary.

After all, this is just a dark emperor python, not a demon saint.

Even if it's a demon saint, it depends on what level the demon saint is. Li Fuchen is not afraid of the general low-level demon saint. Just after reaching the state of the hand of the moon, he just needs a decent opponent.


The dark emperor Python's thick body crouched up. On the Python's body, a piece of dark scale was the size of a basin. The thick dark evil spirit was like a black flame, and like countless tentacles, it spread in all directions.

"Who gave you the courage to set foot in the Wanyao Grottoes?"

Diablo Python is a little excited, but also a little strange.

This is the Wanyao grottoes. It is impossible for human beings not to know about it. If they know it, they dare to come. They just don't know whether to die or not.

"There is a demon heart fruit in Wanyao cave. I will come. Don't stand in the way, or I won't mind killing you."

Li Fuchen untied the invisibility mantra, reached out and sucked the three demon hearts into his hands.

Dark emperor Python a Leng, immediately angry, "looking for death, never human dare to talk to me like this."

The speed of the spread of Diablo is increasing rapidly. As a Diablo, his diabolical spirit has a strong phagocytic effect. As long as any human being is caught by the Diablo spirit, his bones and flesh will melt and become his nutrient.

However, this time, he encountered a hard stubble. Before his dark evil spirit spread, Li Fuchen's star rules had covered the dark emperor python. Then, the dark emperor Python was crushed into blood mud, and could not find a complete skeleton.

The movement here still attracted the attention of many demon emperors. When they noticed that human beings had mixed into the Wanyao grottoes, they became angry one by one. They usually went out to wipe out human beings. When did they get mixed into their own nest.

One after another, the evil spirit soared to the sky, in all directions, dozens of demon emperors rushed over, including many demon family emperors.

Li Fuchen shakes his head, the star rules a put, all demon emperors are pressed into blood mud.

"There are still seven demon heart fruits."

Li Fuchen continued to go deep into the Wanyao grottoes.

In less than half a day, the number of demon emperors who died in Li Fuchen's hands has exceeded 1000, which is a very large number. You know, the number of demon emperors in the whole Wanyao Grottoes is only over 100000.

"Twelve heart nuts, enough."

Put away the three demon heart fruits just got, Li Fuchen returns according to the original way."Human beings, have killed so many great emperors of our family, and left like this?"

A burst of thunder like voice sounded, the depths of the Wanyao grottoes, a group of darkness over, the sense of terror of oppression, people panic.

"How about leaving?"

Li Fuchen turns around and faces the spreading darkness.

There are two demon saints in Wanyao cave, one is called dark Lin demon saint, and the other is bone fire demon saint. Both of them are low-level demon saints. If Li Fuchen guesses well, the demon saint in front of us should be dark Lin demon saint.

Soon, in the dark, a huge body covered with dark red scales came out.

Dark Unicorn demon Saint contains the blood of dark unicorn, which is a high-level holy beast, and is one of the overlords in the universe.

Although it is not a holy beast, the dark Unicorn demon saint is much stronger than ordinary low-level demon saint.

"How dare you."

Dark Lin demon in the eyes of the fierce light flashing, he is difficult to understand, Li Fuchen where the self-confidence.


Just a little hesitation, the dark Lin demon Saint immediately launched a thunderbolt, and burst out a black flame towards Li Fuchen.

"Just in time."

Li Fuchen raised his fist and blew it out.


The void is twisted and its huge fist is like a dazzling comet colliding in the Dark Universe. Wherever it goes, everything is destroyed. Even the dark rules of Wanyao Grottoes have retreated.

In the surprised eyes of the dark Lin demon saint, the black flame was blown away, and his fist was as powerful as a broken bamboo. The sound of smashing bones sounded. The dark Lin demon saint's chest sank, and his huge body flew upside down. Dozens of demon emperors were killed on the way.

"Impossible?" A mouthful of demon blood spurted out, and the dark Lin demon Saint felt that his world outlook had been overturned, and he hit himself with a blow. Was the other side a saint who had hidden his accomplishments? Yes, it must be a saint. If it was not, it would not have been possible for him to fly with one fist.

"Run away."

Without any hesitation, the dark Lin demon Saint turned and ran away.

The Wanyao grottoes are very large and complex in terrain. In the past, it was not that there were no saints to hunt them down, but they all escaped. Otherwise, he and the bone fire demon Saint would not regard it as an old nest.


Li Fuchen did not go after him. This is the enemy's nest. He is not sure to kill the other party. It's better not to waste time.

After this war, Li Fuchen also roughly understood his own strength.

Dark Lin demon saint is obviously more than twice as strong as brute demon saint, but he still flies with a fist. If he is faced with brute demon saint, he can definitely hurt the opponent with one blow.

According to the original road, Li Fuchen left the Wanyao grottoes.

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