"Unfortunately, I said that Li Jianxin could not be the fourth move of Tianxing sword."

"If it's done, it's not Li Jianxin who lies on the ground now, but Li Fuchen."

It's a pity that you can't see the fourth move. It's a pity for Li Jianxin.

This battle ended with Li Jianxin's grudging defeat. As everyone knows, the swordsman competition is coming to an end. The next thing is to see the merciless sword emperor and Li Fuchen. Who can laugh the last? Of course, the premise is that the merciless sword emperor can defeat the heart sword emperor and Li Jianxin. Otherwise, he will not be qualified to fight with Li Fuchen.

"No. 2 competition platform, rather than against Xiao Yuan."

They are both veteran top swordsmen. The battle between them is hard to imagine. Even, people can see that the state of xinjianhuang and merciless Jiandi in the first world war seems to have improved a lot. In xinkendo, the most important thing is the state. When the state is high, the combat effectiveness will naturally increase.

"Merciless sword emperor, you and I have fought several times. I have never won you. This time, I will reverse my fate."

The heart of the sword emperor is fierce, but the heart of the sword is clear. The ruthless sword emperor's moves can't escape his eyes.

"Don't you understand? There is a qualitative gap between you and me. "

The merciless sword emperor wields one after another dazzling white light, forcing the heart sword emperor to be unable to fight back.


The sword emperor of the heart breaks out his unique skills, and the sword spirit of the stormy waves rushes to the merciless sword emperor.

The heartless sword emperor leaped back and waved his sword in his hand. Countless white lights shot at him, making his heart palpitation clean, as if spring snow met the sun.


The sword emperor of the heart immediately sent out a killing move. The rules of Kendo evolved into the true meaning of death, enveloping the merciless sword emperor.

"The sword is merciless!"

The merciless sword emperor's long sword revolves around, and the cold white sword light shines on biwutai. The death essence of Xinshang's sword moves will melt as soon as it meets the white sword light, and it will not work at all. The frozen void sword field can't stop Jianhui's expansion and retreat.

"The sword has been merciless, so there is no fear of death. A truly merciless sword can kill gods and Buddhas when they encounter gods."

Li Fuchen saw the true meaning of heartless kendo.

Merciless Kendo, sacrifice their own feelings, in exchange for fear.

Can imagine, when a person, without fear, how terrible.


A mouthful of blood spurts out, the heart sword emperor flies upside down.

This time, he failed again.

He never won the battle against the merciless sword emperor.

The opponent's Kendo has no weakness at all. He suspects that even if the swordsman comes here, he may not be able to defeat him.

"The heart sword emperor was not wrongly defeated."

Li Fuchen sighed.

Merciless Kendo is definitely a terrible Kendo, more terrible than he imagined.

Having been exposed to a lot of kendo, Li Fuchen has an intuitive feeling in his heart.

There is no doubt that heartless Kendo and ordinary Kendo are of the same level. Li Fuchen regards them as the first-class kendo.

The heart sword King's heart Kendo is also very strong, but compared with the ruthless Kendo and ordinary Kendo, it is still a little bit worse, which can be regarded as the super first-class kendo.

As for the star Kendo of Tang Xing, it can only be regarded as the first-class kendo.

Murong Yuyu's Dishui Kendo is a second rate kendo.

And on top of the super first-class Kendo, there is Wushang kendo.

Li Fuchen thinks his Yuanji Kendo is Wushang kendo.

Of course, Kendo is not directly related to the strength of the swordsman.

If a swordsman studies second rate Kendo deeply, he may be able to defeat someone who has a first-class kendo.

Only when the Kendo is raised to the limit, the strength of Kendo will affect the strength of the swordsman.

After all, your limit can't compare with others, which means that you can't compare with others in the end.

However, generally speaking, those who can create powerful Kendo will be extremely powerful, and will not be too weak and mediocre.

"The heart sword emperor still can't defeat the merciless sword emperor."

"The rise of the merciless swordsman is no less than that of the sword emperor. Before the last swordsman competition, he did not enter the list of swordsmen, not even in the list of great emperors. Like Li Fuchen before this swordsman competition, his native place is unknown."

"It seems that the heart sword emperor can only rank fourth. Li Jianxin is either the second or the third."

"Yes, it depends on whether the merciless sword emperor can defeat Li Fuchen, the Kendo demon."

Everyone has called Li Fuchen a Kendo demon. Now it is not Li Fuchen who challenges others, but someone else challenges Li Fuchen.

I don't know how long it's been.

"No. 6 martial arts competition stage, rather than Li Jianxin."

Li Jianxin's injury has been recovered. Facing the merciless sword emperor, he dare not be careless. As soon as he comes up, he displays the Tianxing sword technique.

Tianxing sword technique is the top fast sword.

Unfortunately, the ruthless Kendo pursues fast and accurate.When it comes to sword speed, it's heartless. If the sword emperor can compete with Li Jianxin, Li Fuchen is much worse.

Of course, if Li Fuchen uses the Yuanji sword technique, he can still compete in the speed of the sword. The first move of Yuanji sword is boundless, which is just as fast as that of the third move of Tianxing sword, Tian Fengshen.

The intention of Yuanji sword technique is the origin of kendo, which is the top level in all aspects.

In addition, although the speed of Xutian sword is not as good as that of Tianxing sword, in terms of effect, it is not inferior to Li Jianxin's Tianxing sword. No matter how fast you fly, I will shorten the space, and I can reach the destination with you, even earlier than you.

Otherwise, Li Fuchen would not defeat Li Jianxin with the method of virtual sky sword.

The duel between fast sword and fast sword made this war more intense and thrilling than that between Li Fuchen and Li Jianxin.

On the competition stage, you can only see the dazzling white light and the amazing sword light interweave and collide.

"Too fast, faster than the battle between Li Fuchen and Li Jianxin."

"I thought the Tianxing sword technique would be the fastest sword technique. I didn't expect that the merciless sword emperor's merciless sword technique was not slow at all. Besides, the merciless sword technique was more accurate and cruel."

"Don't worry, Tianxing sword is the second move, but one move is faster than the other. It's not the time to judge which one is faster."

As the crowd spoke, Li Jianxin made a second move.

The speed of the second move is slightly slower than that of the first move, because the speed is affected by the superposition of sword light.

However, compared with the first move, the second move is almost irresistible. On the competition stage, a river of light flows rapidly to the merciless sword emperor.

In the face of this move, the merciless sword emperor used the move to crack the fifth move of the heart sword emperor. His body leaped back, and a sword was thrown out, and countless sword lights shot. But this time, the sword light did not disperse, but gathered together. It looked like a river of light.


The two rivers of light collide with each other, and the intense light fills the whole Fengyun arena, and even leaks out towards the outside of the arena.

When the light is a little dimmer, Li Jianxin's body disappears. The third move, Tian Fengshen's quick chop, starts instantly. An extremely fierce fluctuation attacks the merciless sword emperor.


Since the sword emperor's ruthlessness, it seems that the sword has burst out in the space for the first time since it hit the crack.

Li Jianxin's Tianfeng is cut fast and blocked.

Everyone's like a ghost.

You should know that before, Li Fuchen couldn't completely block the wind in Li Jianxin's heart. As soon as the sword touched, it broke.

"His ruthless Kendo has been infinitely close to the extreme."

Xuanming sword King praised.

The tiger tooth sword master and the hundred flower sword master nodded to block the third move of Tianxing sword technique. They either condensed the heart of the sword and the heart of emptiness, like Li Fuchen, or pushed the sword to the level of infinitely close to the extreme.

When the two swords against each other, both sides can't move, because the speed of their swords is too fast. When they impact together, they produce a terrible void "Stickiness". At this time, whoever can't hold on first will lose in a mess.

The space crack is like black lightning. It bursts out between two people. The amazing energy is constantly collapsing and brewing. It will explode at any time.


Suddenly, there was a crack on the surface of Li Jianxin's long sword that could not be observed by naked eyes.

Only Li Jianxin can feel this crack.

"Li Jianxin is defeated."

Li Fuchen also saw the crack.

Don't forget that he has the spirit sense of a king, and his soul is stronger than that of a king.

Click, click

More cracks appeared. Then, the sword in Li Jianxin's hand was broken into hundreds of pieces, which were shot backward and penetrated into Li Jianxin's body.

Thousands of tiny blood arrows spattered from Li Jianxin's body. Li Jianxin flew upside down, and a blood arrow was ejected from his mouth.

This time, Li Jianxin didn't force to use the fourth move. What's more, he can't launch the fourth move at all in his current state. It's estimated that once he starts, he will be seriously injured.

"Who said the old swordsman can't do it, merciless sword emperor, but directly broke Li Jianxin's third move."

"Merciless Kendo, not so gorgeous, but undoubtedly the most terrible kendo."

In the audience, people were shocked by the power of the merciless sword emperor.

Even the sword emperor Chu maniac took a cautious look at the merciless sword emperor.

"Merciless swordsman, I'm waiting to fight you."

The sword emperor's body exudes the sword power of the emperor of ten thousand swords, just like the master in the sword.

The merciless sword emperor really makes him feel pressure. When he comes to their level, even fighting is only good for him, not bad for him. He can make progress so fast because he has made several exchanges with Jiandi. If there is no opponent and no pressure, how can Kendo progress quickly.

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