It is said that he is the only one who has retreated after fighting with the "emperor of heaven" who is the first in the list of great emperors. In fact, his strength can be comparable with that of low-level demon saints decades ago. Now he has the real power to kill ordinary low-level demon saints.

Among all the people present, only a few people, including the sword emperor, have seen the sword emperor himself for the first time. In the past, they have only heard of the name of the sword emperor and seen the image of the sword emperor.

"Is this man the sword emperor?"

Tang Xing Murong Youyu and others feel great pressure.

If we say that the sword emperor gives them the feeling of emperor in the sword, then the feeling of the sword emperor is the God of the sword. Of course, the God in the sword refers to the level of Dharma Realm, not including the unity state.

"I can't imagine that the other party has cultivated the realm of man and sword to such an extent."

With Li Fuchen's eyesight, it is not difficult to see that the sword emperor took the line of combining man and sword.

The combination of man and sword is also called "Wei Wo Kendo".

Only me Kendo is a very extreme kendo. People who practice this kind of Kendo have already regarded themselves as swords. People and swords are inseparable from each other.

"I've met the master swordsman."

In front of the tiger tooth sword saint, the sword emperor ink mark did not dare to be presumptuous and made a courtesy.

Tiger teeth sword master nodded, "since all the people have come, I will open the sword world. I hope you can gain something in the sword world."

As he said this, the tiger tooth sword master turned his hand, and a sword shaped token appeared in his hand.


The sword shaped token melts into the void, and the next moment, a sword shaped light gate appears.

"All in!"

The tiger tooth sword Saint drinks high.

Hearing this, all of them plundered into the sword world.


Sword world is the holy land of swordsman Association.

Legend is created by Wuji old man, the first president of swordsman Association.

The most primitive sword world has no other effects except the clear rules of kendo.

However, it may be the Wuji Kendo which contains the Wuji old man. Over the years, the sword world has absorbed a lot of sword meaning. After taking root in the sword world, these swords began to absorb the same sword meaning between heaven and earth. Over time, a variety of sword techniques have been formed in the sword world, such as sharp gold sword, green wood sword, soft water sword, flame sword, thick earth sword, star sword, Emperor sword and heart Kendo, merciless Kendo, soliloquy

No matter how rare Kendo is, there are all kinds of swordsmanship.

Of course, the rarer Kendo is, the harder it is to grow. After all, Kendo in the world of swordsmanship needs to absorb the meaning of sword. However, there are not many practitioners of rare Kendo for countless years. Where can there be so much sword spirit to absorb.

Among them, the most powerful and rare is the Wuji old man's Wuji kendo.

Wuji Kendo is generally recognized as the supreme kendo. When the Wuji old man was alive, no one was his opponent in the dark blue plane. Even in the universe, the Wuji old man also made a great reputation and was one of the super strong men in the universe.

After entering the world of swordsmanship, their goals are basically the same. First, they can understand the rules of Kendo with the help of the sword world. Second, they need to find the same kind of Kendo to strengthen their own kendo. Third, they should look for Wuji Kendo and feel how powerful Wushang Kendo is.

In a gray space, Li Fuchen's twelve people came to us in an instant.

"Is this the sword kingdom? What a clear Kendo rule

Murong Youyu was shocked when he came to the sword world for the first time.

If the external Kendo rules are hidden in the void like a veil that is hard to lift, then the Kendo rules in the sword world are exposed and can be easily captured.

It's like a fish in water to understand Kendo rules here.

"Kendo rules are so clear that sometimes it may not be a good thing." Heart sword emperor said at will.


Yuwen Haojie is puzzled.

Song Shanhe, the sword emperor of Shanhe, explained: "the rules of Kendo are too clear. At first, progress is very fast, but after a long time, you will be confused. Don't ask me why, because I don't know. This time I come here, I just want to find the same Kendo and strengthen my own kendo."

Li Fuchen said: "it's very simple. It's too easy to get something. The perception is not deep enough. It can't be imprinted into your heart. In other words, it can't be completely integrated into your own kendo. It's just like you found a treasure on the road. It's just that you're lucky. It's not that you have the ability. It's because you can't pick up treasures every day and feel the rules of Kendo in the outside world, although it's very difficult But this process is actually a part of our Kendo, and in the world of swordsmanship, this process is missing. "

Although the golden amulet made Li Fuchen go all the way, he didn't completely rely on the golden rune. Now, even if he lost the golden rune, he was confident that he could reach the peak of kendo, which would not be inferior to those super powerful people in the universe. The golden Rune paved a broad road for him, but if he could not, everything would be floating clouds.

Smell speech, the sword emperor is merciless, the sword emperor and the heart sword emperor, are some surprised staring at Li Fuchen.No wonder the other side can win the first place in this swordsman competition. This extraordinary understanding ability is really beyond the ordinary people's ability.

"It doesn't mean that entering the sword world is not as good as we thought." Tang Xing questioned.

The sword emperor said with a smile: "it's not necessarily. As long as you are strong enough and have a strong heart, you can understand the rules of Kendo for a long time. Compare yourself to a bottle of ink. The rules of Kendo in sword world are water. As long as you have enough ink, you can hold more water and keep the color of ink. The sword world is opened once every 20 years, It only lasts one month at a time. If you are strong enough, it will be OK for you to understand the rules of Kendo every day. Of course, if you are not strong enough, maybe you will understand for three or five days. If you continue to understand, you will lose more than you gain. "

"I see."

Murong Yuyu knows clearly that there is no perfect thing in this world.

Of course, in spite of this, the sword world is only a harm to them.


In the grey sword world, there are streamers flashing from time to time.

These streamers contain amazing sword meaning.


A golden streamer, through the crowd, that kind of cutting feeling, makes people numb.

"This is Ruijin kendo."

Yuwen Haojie is surprised.

He had a feeling that if he had a hard fight with the golden streamer just now, he would definitely be cut in half.

Entering the sword world, we quickly separated.

"I don't know where the rules of the sword world can improve my kendo."

Li Fuchen randomly found a place to sit down and began to understand the rules of Kendo in the sword world.

The rules of Kendo in the world of swordsmanship are too clear. Just after a little understanding, Li Fuchen felt that his Kendo rules perception level went up in a straight line. As soon as his perception of Kendo rules rose, so did the power of the sword technique, whether it was meteor sword, Xutian sword, Yuanji sword.

One day, three days, five days

Li Fuchen, like a hungry beast in the desert, is crazy to absorb the rules of kendo. For a period of time, Li Fuchen's area even produced Kendo anomalies, so that many Kendo streamers were attracted.

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