
The destruction of Kendo is very realistic. Seeing that the sword emperor suffered a loss in Li Fuchen's hands, he immediately did not enter Li Fuchen's body.

"I underestimated him. It's only been half a month, so much progress has been made."

This is the third time that the sword emperor has entered the sword world. When he entered the sword world for the first time, he made great progress, but he was definitely not as big as Li Fuchen.

Keep your figure steady, the sword emperor will not make a sword any more. With his pride, the first sword can't take advantage of it, so he won't produce the second sword. After all, it's not on the competition stage.

destroys the sword path and flows into the body, and Li duo has many destruction of the essence of kendo.

Destruction is the supreme power, which also runs through the material and non-material and is omnipresent.

If you want to say which is the most powerful among the super first-class Kendo, there is no doubt that it must be destruction kendo.

to be absorbed by the essence, destroy the sword road streamer as if completed the mission, from Li float dust body fly out, disappear in the distance.

"You are very good. You are the third swordsman who can block my sword."

The sword emperor's eyes were burning, staring at Li Fuchen.

Opening his eyes, Li Fuchen said: "you are also very good, actually reluctantly blocked my tianwai meteor."

The power of his meteor beyond the sky has surpassed the heartless sword emperor's unforgiving sword moves. With the heart of the sword, the three merciless swordsmen can't stop it. Obviously, the sword emperor's strength must be higher than the merciless sword emperor. Before, everyone looked down on the sword emperor and thought that the ruthless sword emperor's strength was not inferior to the sword emperor's. Now, how natural is the merciless sword emperor's progress At the same time, how can the emperor of the sword stand still? It is not easy to expand the gap between them.

"Ha ha, it's belittled. If you're out of the sword world, I'll fight again!"

In the past, although the jianhuang regarded Li Fuchen and the merciless Jiandi as their opponents at the same level, there was a huge gap even at the same level. However, Li Fuchen's strength was significantly increased several times, even if it was the jianhuang, he had no chance to win.


Li Fuchen nodded. He knew that the sword emperor didn't go all out just now, but how did he go all out? Not to mention Yuanji sword technique, he just did it at will.

and other emperor left, Li floating dust began to experience the fusion of destruction of Kendo after the change of their own kendo.

As the existence of Taiji Kendo, destruction Kendo contains the ultimate destruction skills.

Lee floating dust can feel, absorbed the destruction of Kendo essence, Yuanqi sword road gradually has the highest breath, before Yuanji swordplay, said it is supreme Dao, but in fact is only the floating dust of wild hope.

"The power of ten thousand swords has doubled. It is not exaggeration, but the boundlessness of swords has finally reached the extreme state."

Li Fuchen's face was full of joy.

If he didn't enter the sword world, he wanted to push Yuanji sword technique to the extreme level. Without more than ten years of hard work, it would be impossible. This is still him. Even if it was a hundred years and a thousand years, he would not be able to cultivate a martial arts to the extreme.

"I don't know when Yuanji sword skill will reach the extreme state."

absorbed the essence of Tai Chi Dao and destroyed the essence of kendo. The yuan Qi Dao of Li floating dust has reached the top level of forty-second levels. It is only one step away from the forty-third level. Once this step is over, Yuanji's sword skill can reach the extreme.

You should know that even if it is the holy monarch of one realm, few people possess the extreme realm skills. Generally speaking, those who possess the extreme realm martial arts are already the best among the sages. Those who possess the extreme realm skills are the outstanding ones among the sages.

Time flies by, a month from the end, only the last day.

Jianhuang was a little helpless. In this month, he found two super first-class Kendo streamers. Unfortunately, the first super first-class Kendo streamer was Zaohua Kendo streamer. If he had no chance, Zaohua Kendo would not be attracted at all. The second super first-class Kendo streamer was destroyed Kendo streamer, but was robbed by Li Fuchen. Finally, he absorbed only three first-class Kendo streams Light and a lot of second and third stream Kendo streamers.

Of course, along the way, he has not only encountered three first-class Kendo streamers, but with his Kendo carrying capacity, he can only carry three first-class Kendo streamers or one super-first-class Kendo streamers. If he exceeds them, he will damage his own kendo.

Not everyone can absorb the light of Kendo like Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen can absorb the light of Kendo infinitely. Firstly, Yuanji Kendo has a deep intention and has the shadow of supreme kendo. Secondly, Li Fuchen's soul and true spirit have already reached the level of sage king, especially the soul, which is better than Shengjun.

"There is still one day to go. I don't know if I can have a look at Wuji kendo."

At the end of the day, Li Fuchen was no longer obsessed with the pursuit of super first-class Kendo, but had a strong curiosity about Wuji kendo.

Although his Yuanji Kendo has the shadow of supreme Kendo, he did not achieve it after all. However, the Wuji old man's Wuji Kendo is a real supreme kendo.

In the depths of the sword world, the sword emperor's ink mark sits on his knees. On his body, the shadow of a black-and-white sword looms.For a long time, he opened his eyes, and there was a terrible sense of birth and death in his eyes.

His luck is good. He failed to capture a super first-class Kendo streamer in the previous two trips to the sword world, but this time he caught a light of life and death.

comprehends the essence of life and death, and his only way is progress.

"Super class Kendo streamer I have got, Wuji Kendo, where are you?"

The sword emperor grew up with a terrible sword in the sky. The whole person seemed to be a immortal sword standing in the void of the sword world.


It seems to be in response to the call of the sword emperor. In the depth of the sword world, there is a trace of ethereal, but the boundless and boundless sword idea escapes.

"Wuji Kendo!"

As soon as the sword emperor's eyes lit up, only my Kendo broke out.

At the same time, in another place in the sword world, a man is also calling for Wuji kendo.

This is Li Fuchen.

I saw that his whole body was full of sword ideas, and Yuanji Kendo made him feel like a black hole. In the black hole, the sword light circulates and circulates endlessly.


A very vast but also very secret sword sense permeates from the empty air, responding to Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen's sword meaning, following this mysterious sword meaning, traces back to the source, and finally sees the "Wuji Kendo" in the depths of the void.

Wuji Kendo is like an egg, quietly suspended in the unknown space.

Aware of Li Fuchen's sword, the egg beats like a heart.


In a trance, Li Fuchen felt that heaven and earth were all transformed into nothingness, and everything seemed to return to chaos.

"Is this the true meaning of Wuji Kendo?"

When he regained his mind, Li found that several hours had passed, and he did not feel at all.

If Wuji Kendo was the enemy, Li Fuchen felt that he had died a thousand times and ten thousand times.

At the end of one month, a repulsive force emerged in the sword world, which excluded all people from the sword world.

Li Fuchen knows that this repulsive force is actually the power of Wuji kendo.

Wuji Kendo is the core of sword world.

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