Black vortex Island, it's easy to get in, but it's difficult to get out.

You need to go against the vortex to get out.

If it wasn't for Li Fuchen, whether he could come out smoothly or not would be a problem.

Returning to Blackwater, Li Fuchen didn't delay too long. After Shangguan Yu arranged for the future, he took the other party to the Holy Spirit continent.

On the vast sea, a fiery red boat was flying at top speed.

This flying boat comes from Zhu Hairong. It is a secret treasure specially used to drive on the road. Its speed is not slower than that of ordinary sages.

After seeing the floating dust of Li's home, I hope that the floating dust will not be eliminated directly.

It was the first time for Shangguan Yu to go to sea. He was a little nervous and excited.

The sea is the most dangerous place in the world. More than 90% of the monsters are concentrated in the sea, and only a few on the land.

"Li Fuchen, is it easy to meet the demon saint when he is on the sea?"

Shangguan Yu asked.

Li Fuchen shook his head, "it should not be easy. Although there are many demon saints on the dark blue plane, on average, there is only one demon saint in a large area of sea area, and it depends on which sea area."

In fact, not only the mainland is graded, but also the ocean. The closer to the center of the deep blue plane, the stronger the vitality of heaven and earth is. In the sea area near the low-level continent like Donglin, the vitality of heaven and earth is very thin. Basically, no demon saint is willing to stay there, and even the demon emperor is less. However, in the sea area near the high-level continent, there are more demon saints, often a large area of sea area There is a very strong demon Saint ruling, under him, there are many weaker demon saints.

Face is, Li Fuchen just finished, there is a disorderly hair man in the shape of the middle-level demon Saint stopped the boat's way.

"Is it the fire melting king?"

Hearing this, Li Fuchen's face changed, and the speed of the boat accelerated, turning into a fire rainbow through the void.

"I dare not to pay."

The man with disorderly hair is very angry. The elder brother believes in the fire melting emperor so much that the other party wants to pay off the debt. It's really hateful.

No matter how fast the flying boat is, it is only equivalent to the speed of an ordinary low-level saint. It is not long before a man with disorderly hair catches up with him.

"Tiandu mine!"

The random hair man launches the natural ability, one after another big torpedo thunders on the airship.

"That's bad enough."

Li Fuzhen collected the boat, and at the same time sent out a force and a sword to protect Shangguan Yu.

"You're not the fire melting king. Who are you and where is the fire melting king?"

The man with disorderly hair drank hard.

Li Fuchen shook his head, "give you two choices, either get out of the way or die."

Although the life force of the medium level demon saint is very strong, Li Fuchen can even kill Zhu Hairong. It is still certain to kill a middle level demon saint.

"Looking for death."

The man with disorderly hair launches more mines and blasts at Li Fuzhen.


Li Fuchen blows out a fist, and the mines explode one after another. The fierce and domineering fist force blows the other party out.

Although his body cultivation is only the initial state of unity, the hand of God is the top-level body training method. If it is carefully divided, it should be the supreme body refining method. Its strength is not comparable to that of ordinary demon saints.

"What, so strong?"

The man with disorderly hair was terrified and was about to leave.

"Want to go."

Li Fuchen gave the other party a chance, and the other party didn't know how to cherish it.


The fist force is like a comet impact, and contains a super gravity. The man with disordered hair is blasted out of the void, and the blood mist is filled.

"This guy is the king of body building."

In the same realm, the body refining king is almost invincible. No matter in attack or defense, it is top-notch, which is equivalent to the combination of the Terran saint and the demon saint.

The man with disorderly hair knows that if he delays, he will die.

"The phantom escapes from the water!"

A talent ability to start, random hair man into a mirage.


Li Fuchen a boxing out, phantom into a water burst.

"It's a talent evasion!"

Li Fuchen frowned and laughed bitterly.

Compared with the sage king, although the demon saint is not powerful enough, it depends on what kind of talent the other party awakens. Some demon saints who have awakened their powerful talent ability are still quite difficult to deal with, even if their noumenon is not a holy beast. For example, the demon saint who awakens the talent evasion skill will not want to leave the other party unless he can kill the other party with one move and a second.

Of course, the stronger the noumenon is, the stronger the innate ability of awakening is. Ordinary demon saints are hard to awaken too strong talent ability.

"Let's go."

The whole body exudes a layer of silver halo, Li Fuchen with Shangguan Yu rushed to the sky.


Deep in the ocean, a mirage looms and looms at a high speed."Huorong emperor must have been killed by him. He must go back and report it to elder brother."

After a while, the man with disorderly hair came to an undersea monster city. In this city, all the people living in this city are demon kings and monsters above the demon king. The city style is quite rough and ancient. Many buildings are clearly built with large animal bones.

In the middle of the city, there is an altar, on which the ancient lines are outlined with fine green crystal stones.


The man with disorderly hair appeared on the altar, and a green light flashed past, disappearing without a trace.

Like the Terran, there are many forces in the demon clan, of which ten are the most powerful.

One of them is called the mad demon palace.

The master of the mad demon palace is Zhan Tian Da Sheng. His strength is not inferior to that of the top emperor of human beings. His body is a medium level holy beast.

Under his command, there are eight demon kings.

One of the eight demon monarchs, purple thunder demon king is located in the city, purple thunder city square altar, a flash of green light, the man with disorderly hair instantly appeared.

Without stopping, the man with disorderly hair ran to the palace of purple thunder demon king.

He is the younger brother of the purple thunder demon king. There is a part of the same blood in both of them. However, he is not as powerful as the purple thunder demon king. The purple thunder demon king is not only a high-level demon saint, but also a low-level holy animal, and his blood has not reached the level of low-level holy beast.

"Wulei, in a hurry, what happened?"

Before the man with disorderly hair approached the palace, a voice fell into his ears.

"Brother, when I was outside, I accidentally saw the red fire flying boat of Huorong Shengjun. I thought it was Huorong Shengjun inside, so I wanted to invite him to zilei city. I didn't expect that it was not Huorong Shengjun, but a body refining Saint inside."

The man with disorderly hair went through the whole thing.


A purple lightning disillusionment, purple thunder Demon King appeared in front of the man with disorderly hair.

"You mean, he killed the Lord Huorong?" Purple thunder demon king has a head of purple hair, eyes are also purple, looks very strange and domineering.

"Mostly so."

The man with disorderly hair nodded.

"Damn it."

Purple thunder demon king is very angry.

He had no friendship with the fire melting emperor, and the other side was immortal, which had nothing to do with him.

The key is, a few years ago, he just made a deal with Huorong Shengjun, and he has already given some of the treasures to each other. He is not afraid that the other party will be repudiated. After all, although the Zhu family is strong, the mad demon palace is not vegetarian. If the other side dares to pay, he will not want to mix around the sea. However, he did not expect that Huorong Shengjun was killed directly and the treasure he gave to the other party It's like a water float.

"According to your position, he should go to the land of the Holy Spirit. I hope it will be in time."

Purple thunder demon king into a purple lightning, straight on the altar, with a flash of green light, disappeared.

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