A strong soul has one advantage. On the way, Li Fuchen can divide his mind into two parts. He can understand while he is on the way.

After half a year's journey, Li Fuchen saw numerous stars, and the stars' rules were different. This made Li's understanding of the rules of stars more comprehensive, and the realm of the hand of the sun rose from the later stage to the peak.

After reaching the peak of the hand of the sun, Li Fuchen's physical strength has been greatly improved. If we say that he was just an ordinary top-level monarch before, he can be regarded as a medium-sized top-level emperor now.

The universe has no years. More than half a year later, Li Fuchen finally arrived at the nearest transmission star.

The teleportation star is obviously a man-made star, which looks like a metal star from the outside.

The transmission star is not big, about 450 miles in diameter. There is nothing on it but a towering transmission platform.

At the moment, there are already many foreign kings waiting here.

Li Fuchen was greatly enlightened when he saw these foreign kings. Some of them looked like Tyrannosaurus Rex with a long tail behind them. Some of them were stone bodies and some were vitality.


Li Fuchen saw the sage of Lingguang.

Although the Lingguang people are similar in appearance, it is difficult for outsiders to distinguish them. But Li Fuchen is sure that he did not admit his mistake. His soul power can distinguish the most subtle differences.

Obviously, the king of Lingguang was much faster than Li Fuchen, and he didn't know when the other party arrived.

"There are still two people missing. Don't worry."

On the surface of the stars, a metal man appeared and said.

This wait is more than a month, finally, this day, a one-off two saints, the two saints covered with white cuticle, head with a pair of white horn, looks very fierce.

"You Bai nationality!"

Li Fuchen recognized the race of the other party at a glance.

This race is known for its fearlessness of death, and few people are provoked.

"Now that we are all together, let's stand on the conveyor."

As the voice of the metal man fell, a faint light flickered on the platform.

Whoosh, whoosh

Twenty saints fell on the transmission platform one after another.


The next moment, a beam of light pierced the universe and disappeared.

All souls, a star around the city of spirits.

There are many transmission platforms on the wanlingxing transmission square. On one of the transmission platforms, the light column comes down, showing the figure of Li Fuchen and other saints.

"Is this the city of all souls?"

Looking around, Li Fuchen was shocked.

In the dark universe, there is a huge city suspended. This city is about the size of a high-grade continent. The city wall alone is millions of miles high, stretching out for hundreds of millions of miles. Under the city, there is a large piece of land. On the edge of the land, there are many waterfalls falling down. Each waterfall is millions of miles long Tens of thousands of miles thick, and exudes a dreamlike light.

There is only one gate in the city of all souls. On the gate, there are three large golden characters of "all souls city".

In Li Fuchen's opinion, these three golden characters are obviously written by the invincible strong. Just a glance at them can make people's Qi and blood stagnate and their hearts be suppressed.

Outside the city gate, a golden Boulevard stretches out to the depths of the universe.

On the Golden Avenue, a large or small figure is queuing up to the gate.

"It's a cosmopolitan city."

Among all the sages, some of them came to the cosmos for the first time. They were shocked by their big mouth.

Soon, Li Fuchen and other saints also joined the queue and walked to the gate of the city.

"It's too slow. When will it be?"

The Tyrannosaurus Rex, with a tail behind it, complained.

However, he only dares to complain that this is not his hometown. If he dares to mess around here, he will die miserably.

fortunately, as like as two peas of the same city, the others moved directly to the city.

After waiting for a long time, it was finally Li Fuchen's turn to wait for the emperor.

"One of the best spirit stones or 10 million top-grade spirit stones. Remember, don't lose the talisman. If you have the talisman, you don't have to pay for it within ten years." A soldier headed by a high king is the guard of the city.

"All the expenses for entering the city require a top-quality spirit stone. I really don't know how much of the best spirit stone accumulated on the king of all spirits over the years."

Li Fuchen raised his eyebrows.

In the universe, it is the same as the emperor, and the gap is huge. It is normal that the owner of a city has a hundred times as much wealth as the ordinary emperor. To tell the truth, Li Fuchen can't imagine how many excellent spirit stones he has, and estimates that he has tens of thousands of excellent spirit stones. In the eyes of the other party, it is only a drop in the bucket!Li Fuchen has a large number of top-grade spirit stones, so he chose to pay 10 million high-quality spirit stones instead of a top-grade spirit stone. After

paid Lingshi as like as two peas, Li's dust was just like the one of the city of the thousand souls. The breath of the charm came to a very slow speed and could not be restrained.

"This talisman of entering the city should contain the breath of the heavenly king. It is almost impossible to fake it."

With a sigh of emotion, Li Fuzhen put away the talisman and went to the city.

Too wide!

The streets of Wanling city are unimaginable wide. They are thousands of miles wide. The buildings on both sides are hundreds of miles high. Some of them are even thousands of miles high.

Li Fuchen is not stupid. Naturally, we can see that the road is so wide for convenience.

After all, the lives of all races vary from high to low, from big to small. Without a unified standard, we can't all take the human race as the standard. Moreover, the heavenly king of all souls is not a human race. People should use it according to their own race.

Of course, too high is not enough. If a demon Saint enters the city of spirits with his own body, his body is thousands of miles in size. The streets can't hold it, nor can the houses.

Therefore, some too big races can only make their bodies smaller, but if their bodies are not particularly large, they do not need to change. They can enter the city by themselves.

In the city, not only the monarch, but also the existence below the monarch is the most important.

reproduction is the characteristic of most ethnic groups. A city that has existed for countless years will naturally have no lack of life.

"It's too small. Make it bigger."

Li Fuchen's body expanded and turned into a giant with a height of 10000 meters.

As the holy monarch of refining body, Li Fuchen can easily become thousands of times bigger, and does not affect the combat effectiveness.

Ten thousand meters height should be the most suitable height for all souls city. This kind of feeling is like coming to a human city. Everything is normal.

"Go to the shop first."

The purpose of Li Fuchen's coming to Wanling city is to change his resources into the best spirit stone. Therefore, we should know the specific price first, and then the provincial will be slaughtered.

Li Fuchen stopped in front of a two story shop 200 Li high.

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