"What a sword master, I have learned from the master of poison blade."

The master of poisonous blade laughs and doesn't use it anymore.

"The strength is good. I'll have a chance to exchange views."

Li Fuchen knows that when dealing with these cruel people, you should not be too "cowardly". On the contrary, you should be more ruthless than them. Only in this way can they not feel that you are bullying.

"Yes, I will."

In the eyes of the master of poison blade, the intention of killing disappears.

When the master of poison blade and Li Fuchen fell down, Master Yu Xingsheng said: "this time, I invite you to talk about two things. The first thing is my personal will. I hope you can work together to fight against the demon clan. As for personal gratitude and resentment, we will talk about it after leaving the dark blue plane. The second thing is related to Donglin mainland. It will be about a month before Donglin mainland will wake up completely, As far as I know, Donglin has a space-time channel leading to other star regions, so you can explore. Don't lead the wolves into your house, and bring the alien strong back to the dark blue plane. "

The number of demon owners coming back from the demon clan is more than that of the Terran saint. Among them, the strongest Demon Lord is called the sky patrolling demon master. Its essence is the high-level holy beast patrol Sirius. Its strength is not inferior to that of the jade star God. Its survival time is nearly one million years.

With the existence of the demon lord, the jade star God hopes that everyone can work together, otherwise, he will be too lazy to care about other people's personal gratitude and resentment.

As for the matter of Donglin, it is even more important that the space-time channel leading to the alien regions is not only an opportunity but also a danger. If one is careless, it may bring disaster to the deep blue plane.

The party lasted three days and three nights before it ended.

During the past three days and nights, Li Fuchen learned that the dark blue plane is located in a region called Yokogawa, which is about tens of thousands of light-years in size. There are 11 cosmic cities and hundreds of planes in it. However, in the universe, the star regions much larger than Yokogawa are everywhere, and some of them are even hundreds of thousands of light-years.

Among the star regions, Yokogawa's ancestors are the most powerful, and then they come to Baihua Niang and other heavenly kings.

The dark blue plane was once brilliant. The Immortal Emperor and the cursed emperor were invincible in Yokogawa. The ancestors of Zhujia demigod made Yokogawa's ancestors fear very much. However, as these ancient existence disappeared one by one, the dark blue plane in Yokogawa became small and transparent, with no sense of existence.

Near Huoshen mountain.

The shadow of the master of poisonous blade appears, opposite is the first ancestor of Zhu family, Tianhuo holy master, Zhu Sanqiu.

"His strength is not below me. Of course, if we fight to the death, I will surely kill him by seven or eight points." The master of poison blade is still very afraid of Li Fuchen. Although he is sure to kill Li Fuchen, Li Fuchen's dying counterattack is enough to make him seriously injured.

"I despise him."

Wish three autumn eyes flash cold light.

The stronger Li Fuchen is, the greater the price he will pay.

However, even if pay again big price, he also wants to kill Li Fuchen.

He had a premonition that the existence of Li Fuchen would affect the rise and fall of the Zhu family.

It's something he can't stand.

Returning to the land of the Holy Spirit, Li Fuchen continued to understand the Tianxing sword technique.

There are nine moves of Tianxing sword technique. Only when he understands the ninth move of Tianxing sword technique can he catch up with the swordsmanship of Jianjun at that time.

Once he understands the ninth move of Tianxing sword, the attack power of Kendo will reach a very terrible level.

, however, it is not an easy task to comprehend the ninth recruit. Li Fu dust sees the shadow of the eight strokes in the ninth strokes. Obviously, the ninth move is to integrate the essence of the eight strokes in the front.

Unknowingly, a month later, the wind and thunder anomalies over and around Donglin land completely dispersed, and a vast momentum rose.

"My roots?"

At this moment, many people in Donglin mainland can feel that their own root bones have been promoted without any reason. Ordinary people have been promoted to one star root bone, one star root bone to two star root bones, and some people have even promoted two three-star root bones all at once. This feeling is dark and mysterious. Usually, they need to pass the root bone stone to determine their own root bone Star.

"Ha ha, my root bone has been upgraded to seven star root bone, stronger than the genius of the peak generation of Donglin mainland decades ago."

On the top of the mountain, a young man looked up to the sky and laughed, full of energy.

All the sects in Donglin mainland call Li Fuchen's generation of talents as the peak generation, such as three Wangxing, six childe, four fairies and legendary genius Li Fuchen. With these people leaving Donglin, some people secretly sigh that there will not be so many top level talents in Donglin mainland from now on. However, it is true that the next generation of talents will emerge, no matter what Both quality and quantity are weaker than the genius of Li Fuchen's generation.

But today, everything has changed.

Many talents with four-star and five-star root bone leapt to the six-star root bone level, while those who were originally six-star root bone were promoted to the seven-star root bone level, such as the young man in front of him.You know, Li Fuchen's generation is strong, but at most, it is just a six star root bone, not a seven star root bone.

If it is normal for people in Donglin mainland to be promoted, then it is not reasonable for Li Fuchen, who is far away in the Holy Spirit land, to be promoted as well.

Although Li Fuchen's roots and bones have reached the top of the nine stars, they are not so pure and natural due to the promotion of various herbs and pills. Now, with a strange force entering the body, the root bone immediately becomes clear and indistinct, and there is a very pure Kendo power brewing in it.

Li Fuchen knows that this is the development trend of the root bone of kendo.

With his Yuanji sword skill reaching the level of second-class extreme state, the nature of his root bone has gradually changed. Now, with the help of strange forces, it is no doubt that he can get twice the result with half the effort.

"Is there an invisible line between me and Donglin

Li Fuchen guessed.

"In other words, all the people who left Donglin have connections with Donglin?"

Li Fuchen thought of Yan Qingwu and Xie Wang.

"By the way, it's the stars!"

Suddenly, Li Fuchen thought of a key thing.

The Xingyun mountain in Donglin continent is a collection of the qi movement of the whole Donglin continent.

Originally, when Donglin was just an ordinary low-grade continent, the star luck of Xingyun mountain was nothing, and Li Fuchen didn't pay attention to it.

However, from the current information, Donglin continent contains an unimaginable mystery, which is obviously more mysterious and powerful than that of the high-level mainland, so the star luck of Xingyun mountain is very important.

In Li Fuchen's opinion, any talent who has ever boarded the Xingyun mountain carries a lot of star luck.

He was once the number one star in the list of stars, and his star luck was even condensed into the mark of the real dragon. In terms of the number of stars, he was undoubtedly far more than others. Therefore, even if his roots had been upgraded to the top of the nine stars, he still received a gift from Donglin.

"Perhaps, as long as Donglin is born and bred, there is a trace of star luck in his blood."

Li Fuchen's secret way.

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