The naked eye can see that the body of the Sky Patrol Demon Lord is shriveled and withered.

The flower in the hands of Qionghua Saint looks ordinary, but in fact it contains the power of Lady Baihua. The strongest strength of Lady Baihua is the power of withering and glorifying. It can recover a dying life in an instant, or make a fresh life wither and wither.

"Ah! The power of immortality

The Lord roared, and in his body, a strong and strange vitality broke out, competing with the strength of the hundred flower lady.

After all, the power of withering and glorifying is a rootless duckweed. In addition, the flowers in the hands of Qionghua sage only contain a trace of withering and glorious power, which is even less when scattered on a petal. After a breath, the power of withering and glory dissipates, and the body of the demon lord returns to normal.

"Ha ha, what about the lady hundred flowers? The Immortal King is the strongest existence."

The Lord of the sky patrolling demon laughed.

In the past, he was afraid of the flowers of the Lord Qionghua because he did not know how much power the flower contained. If it contained more, his immortal power could not be defeated.

Now it doesn't matter.


I don't know when, Li Fuchen came to the Lord of the Sky Patrol demon and chopped it down with a sword.


Blood splashed, and the body of the Lord of the sky patrolling demon was almost divided into two parts. There was a terrible sword Qi, and it was going to the origin of his body.

"Damn it."

The Lord of the sky patrolling demon can't stop the sword Qi at all. He can only urge the immortal power to stop it.

After consuming part of the immortal power, the sword Qi just declared to disintegrate.

"You forced me, immortal devil."

In the process of flying back, the main body of Sky Survey demon suddenly explodes, and then instantly reconstitutes a black shadow.

The shadow could not see any details at all, for he was completely vague, as if he were the manifestation of the power of immortality.

However, correspondingly, the breath of the Lord of the Sky Patrol demon at this time is much stronger than before, at least ten times stronger.

"With the power of immortality, to stimulate the potential of the body, no, it is overdraft of the potential of the body!"

Li Fuchen's pupil shrinks.

The current battle has evolved into a confrontation between the supreme forces.

The king of Qionghua has the power of the lady of flowers.

The Lord of the celestial demon has the immortal power of the Immortal King.

And his own killing Sky Sword also has the power of killing Heaven Sword at the highest level.

As for the jade star God, it has become the weakest link.

However, the master of jade star has been wandering the universe for many years, and maybe he has some powerful means.


On the undead island in the distance, the Lord Tieyun and the Lord of dark blue sword are looking for some fish that have missed the net.

Their strength is relatively low, participate in the siege of the demon lord, also can not help.

"It's really good enough. There's not a single fish in the net."

Master Tieyun and master of dark blue sword look at each other.

Ten demon masters and many top demon saints were killed by Li Fuchen. They couldn't imagine how strong Li Fuchen was.


"Immortal fist!"

The Lord of the celestial demon who inspired the immortal demon body threw out a fist, and the terrible black fist eroded the void, making a terrible noise.

"Think I'm a soft persimmon?"

Jade star Lord dark anger, this patrol demon lord, immortal badge!

Li Fuchen immediately guessed that the badge was the badge of immortality.

It is said that anyone who gets the undead badge can become a member of the undead Legion as long as he can inspire the immortal power in the undead badge.


Li Fuchen sent out a sword to shoot down the immortal badge.

It's just that the badge of immortality is extremely slippery. Li Fuchen's sword spirit has not been touched, but it has slipped to one side and can't be touched at all.

No sign of death.

Put away half of the flowers, Qionghua sage said: "it's OK, only true spirit is left. I'm afraid he can't raise any big waves."

The only one who can kill the other side is Zhenling. This operation is a complete success.

After all, even if the other side succeeds in taking the house, the strength is certainly not as good as before. At least it will take an extremely long time to recover the peak strength. Of course, it is very likely that the Lord of the Sky Patrol demon will not be able to recover the peak strength in his life.

It's not easy to find a body that fits in with your true spirit.

"Is the Lord of the celestial demon dead?"

Iron Cloud Saint Lord and dark blue sword Lord came.

"Only true spirit is left to escape." Li Fuchen road.

"It's just true spirit. It's not worth mentioning. Since the demon clan's affairs have been solved, I'll leave the dark blue plane in a few days." Lord Tieyun is relieved. Dark blue is too small for him. No one wants to stay in dark blue for a long time, especially after seeing the outside world.

"I'm going to report to Baihua City, too."The Lord of Qionghua nodded.

For all of you, the demon clan is basically disabled. Almost all of the demon masters accumulated over a million years have been killed before and after. The others have not returned. It is estimated that there are no more than ten demon masters who have not returned. These ten demon masters may have died in the universe.

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