
A light from hundreds of thousands of miles away flies to the metal gate.

Li Fuchen can see at a glance that there is an alien saint in the light.

The Wuzu ruins have a high demand on the strength of explorers. It is almost inevitable to enter the Wuzu ruins below the holy master, because the forbidden traps or witchcraft in them are corresponding to the Holy Lord, and they can't bear them at all.

After a while, Li also entered the metal gate.

Outside the metal gate and inside the metal gate, there are two worlds.

Inside, there is a huge passage, which is completely prepared for the giant. It is ten li high and four Li wide. It is paved by pieces of dark brown stones with the size of 10 meters. On the wall of the passage, there are two torches every hundred Li. The torch has not been extinguished for countless years, and the light is flickering.

"The metal gate will send the entrants to a place outside the Wuzu ruins randomly. I don't know where I am now and where I am."

The swordsman guild has many missions about Wuzu ruins, one of which is a long-term mission. The task content is to supplement the Wuzu ruins map.

The remains of Wuzu are too dangerous. If you are reckless, the emperor will fall.

And if you have a map, you can save a lot of time and danger.

Unfortunately, the Wuzu ruins are not only dangerous, but also very huge. Up to now, the maps drawn by the swordsman's guild can't meet the needs of Wuzu ruins, and many of them can't be connected, one east and one west.

Taking out a crystal ball, Li Fuchen began to draw a map.

This crystal ball is called the sky crystal ball. It is the same thing as the crystal ball used to explore the wild secret place on the dark blue plane.

However, there are also different levels of the sky crystal sphere. The sky crystal sphere used in the deep blue plane is only a low-level one. At present, this sky crystal ball is a high-level one, which is specially used to map the dangerous places of cosmic relics. After all, the space force contained in the low-level crystal sphere is too small to scan cosmic level relics and dangerous places, and it is easy to be disturbed.

Along the vestige passage, Li Fuchen is not fast or slow forward.

After traveling for thousands of miles, there are two forks, one to the left and one to the right.

"Male left, female right."

Li Fuchen goes to the left fork.


In the ditches on both sides of the passage, the sound of running water sounded, as if something was swimming.

Li Fuchen's spiritual sense swept past and found that it was a group of strange fish.

Ignore these strange fish, Li Fuchen continues to move forward.

An hour later, Li Fuchen took a look at the crystal ball, and his brow frowned. The map drawn in the crystal sphere was a line of seven turns and eight turns, and there was no area at all.

Unconsciously, Li Fuchen came to a hall.

In the hall, the lights are bright, and the light of treasure is flickering, shaking people's hearts.

But it's not so easy to get into the hall. In the front of the passage, there are five colors on the stone slabs on the ground. Just now a lord wanted to fly past, he was immediately cut into diced meat by countless empty silk threads, and then was devoured into nothingness by a group of sudden flying insects.

"You can't fly through the air."

In front of the hall, in addition to Li Fuchen, there is also a lord of the fog hidden clan.

He frowned and his eyes fell on the five colored slabs.

If there is no accident, the key to entering the hall is on the stone slab.

"Sir, I don't know what you think."

The Lord of the Wu Yin nationality turned and asked Li Fuchen.

Li Fuchen said: "this is obviously a forbidden trap, but unfortunately, I have no research on it."

If there are people who are proficient in forbidden traps here, through the distribution of five colors of stone slabs and the flow of energy in the void, we can roughly find some rules.

Of course, although Li Fuchen has no research on the forbidden trap, his soul power can see through the forbidden trap.

Some of the stone slabs in these five colors have hidden mechanisms under them, while others do not.

"Red, white, green, yellow, black."

Li Fuchen found a correct route.

Without any hesitation, Li Fuchen stepped on the red slate, followed by white slate, green slate, yellow slate and black slate.

In the blink of an eye, Li Fuchen came to the opposite side.

"It's amazing. I found the law in a moment."

"I wanted to kill him, but fortunately I didn't do it."

The face of the Lord of the fog hidden clan showed a happy color and followed closely.


But when the Lord of the Wuyin clan stepped on the green stone slab, a drop of green liquid suddenly dropped on him.

This drop of green liquid is very terrible. The body of the Lord of the fog Yin clan is directly eroded into a big hole. The bright green color spreads quickly.

The Lord of the fog hidden clan wanted to counteract the corrosive force by atomizing his body, but it was no use. In the thick fog, the bright green was still spreading. After a while, all the fog was dyed green, and then the fog disappeared."What a vicious liquid."

Li Fuchen changed color slightly.

After atomizing their bodies, they can ignore most of their attacks. In principle, a drop of venom should not kill them.

"With my star immortal body, I should not be afraid of this poison, but I will also be injured."

Li Fuchen did not enter the hall, but returned to the passage and picked up the space ring of the Lord of the fog hidden clan.

"That's right. It's worth about 500000

Open the space ring, Li Fuchen nods.

The Lord of the fog hidden clan has not a strong breath. It's good to have a fortune of 500000 spirit stones.

Entering the hall, Li Fuchen saw a scroll and a small puppet on the bar at the end of the hall. It was these two things that twinkled with light.

Li Fuchen goes to the case.


Just as Li Fuchen approached the Tiao, two armored puppets on both sides of the Tiao came to life.

These two armor puppets are empty inside and covered with armor, as if there is invisible force supporting the armor.

"This should be a sorcerer puppet."

Li Fuchen didn't care.

Witchcraft is mysterious and strange. In Li Fuchen's opinion, there is a shadow of witchcraft in the dark blue plane.

The sorcery puppet on the left side raised his axe, and one of his axes struck Li Fuchen. On the right side, the sorcerer puppet raised his spear to stab him.


Li Fuchen opened two witchcraft puppets with one sword, and then, in the room of electric light and flint, he chopped a sword into the head of the left sorcery puppet.

The helmet was knocked out by Li Fuzhen, but what made him frown was that the helmet flew back and landed on the shoulder of the sorcerer puppet again.

"Must the power of witchcraft be consumed?"

If that's the case, witchcraft puppets are a little scary.

You know, with Li Fuchen's strength, a sword at will is enough to kill the top Lord.

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