Shenye city.

On the manor lake, Li Fuchen sat still as usual.

"My Yuanji sword technique has a far-reaching intention and goes directly to the origin of chaos. Strictly speaking, it belongs to chaos Kendo or the original Kendo, which is supreme kendo."

There are many levels of Wudao, such as Wushang Wudao, super first-class Wudao, first-class Wudao, second-class Wudao and so on.

However, no matter how weak the martial arts are, if they understand the chaotic state, they can also reach the level of supreme martial arts.

For example, if the Fengyun sword master has no first-class sword master, he is also the master of red sword.

As for how to understand the state of chaos, in fact, it is not difficult to say that it is simple.

The premise is that you should practice your own martial arts to the extreme. After reaching the extreme, you can have new changes.

Just like the pure Yin martial arts, once you practice to the extreme, you can also produce Yang. Yin and Yang blend with each other, which is chaos.

The truth is the same.

It depends on personal savvy.

Li Fuchen's Yuanji Kendo contains chaos state in theory, so it can be called Wushang Kendo theoretically.

Of course, this is only in theory. No martial art can be said to be a supreme martial art until it reaches the supreme level.

With a deep vision, Li Fuchen flicks his finger and spreads a wisp of sword Qi, which seems to contain both a world and a chaos. It circulates over the lake for a long time.

If there is a king of Kendo here, you can see that Li Fuchen is getting closer and closer to the realm of Tianjun. This sword Qi alone is enough to trap and kill a peak saint.

"It's almost there."

Compared with before, Li Fuchen's swordsmanship level has improved a little. Now he has been able to draw 81 strands of Kendo's original power. Unfortunately, this original power of Kendo is just a drop in the bucket, and it is difficult to transform his Kendo blood into a supreme one.

However, Li Fuchen knew that once he was promoted to the emperor, he would be at least the best among the ordinary emperors. To defeat those weak emperors, he was afraid that it would be the same as playing.

After all, Wudao blood is the first-class fighting blood.

And Li Fuchen's Yuanji Kendo is very important.

"Is it going to change?"

Suddenly, Li Fuchen's eyes changed, with a happy color.

Silver moon city, a clean and chic courtyard, the werewolf Li Fuchen sits on his knees with thick black air curling up, accompanied by dark lightning.

In his blood, the black Rune had already filled the whole blood, and the golden Rune representing the golden werewolf was swallowed up and disappeared.

A dark force of terror gushed from the blood, almost endless.


Surging dark power, let the werewolf Li Fuchen can't help but begin to transform.

In the past, the werewolf that he transformed was a werewolf with dark golden hair.

Now, his hair is pure black. When the light goes by, it doesn't reflect light at all, and is directly swallowed up. As a result, Li Fuchen, a werewolf, can only see a black outline. What he looks like is not clear at all.

At the same time, the body shape of the werewolf Li Fuzhen is also growing rapidly, 100 meters, kilometers, 10000 meters, 100000 meters, million meters. In a short time, the body shape of the werewolf Li Fuchen broke through the height of 10 million meters, and there is a trend of growing larger, which is suppressed by the wolf man Li Fuzhen.

He knew that this was a phenomenon beyond the control of the dark forces.

The power contained in a monarch is too great. If we say that the power in the saint's body is a river, then the power in the emperor's body is a sea, which can't be compared at all.

The reason why the emperor has such surging power is that the supreme blood is actually equivalent to a small source.

The universe has thousands of sources, so the power of the universe is vast and endless. The king of heaven has a small source, which means that he is a small universe. The power is not vast and endless, but as long as the output does not exceed the output, the power is also inexhaustible.

All of a sudden, there was so much power that even the werewolf Li Fuchen couldn't control it.

"Dark origin, is this someone breaking through the emperor?"

In the city of silver moon, many heavenly kings are raising their heads.

As emperors, they are very sensitive to changes in the universe.

"Once you break through the emperor, you will be free and at ease. I don't know who is the lucky one." There is a king with a smile in his mouth.

The emperor is undoubtedly at the top of the universe.

As long as you don't get killed, you can live thousands of young and relaxed pines, and the universe is so big that you can go almost anywhere. If you want to go to other star regions, it's simple and takes a little time.


In the secret place of the city Lord's mansion, a silver haired woman with silver moon mark nodded.

Million meters.

100000 meters.

Ten thousand meters.

Although a bit caught off guard at the beginning, Li Fuchen, a werewolf, still controlled the dark forces.When the body returned to normal, the werewolf Li Fuchen had completely controlled the dark forces, and there would be no risk of losing control.

"Is this the blood of the Diablo werewolf?"

The source of Qi and blood in the body has been integrated with the blood of the dark werewolf, and they are inseparable from each other.

At this point, the origin is blood, blood is the origin, regardless of each other.

In other words, at the moment, he is not so easily injured.

At the level of the Lord, the greatest fear is that the source is injured, because once the source is injured, it will affect all aspects. If it is not treated as soon as possible, it will even become a disabled person.

Now the origin is the blood, and the power in the blood is constantly flowing. It is undoubtedly difficult to hurt the origin.

"No wonder the emperor wanted to kill him. It was very difficult."

Li Fuchen, a werewolf.

Whew, spit out a breath of breath, wolf man Li Fu dust raised his head, eyes in the light overflowing.

This time, when he was promoted to the emperor of heaven, the consumption of the best spirit stone was not 50 million of the original estimate, but 150 million of the best spirit stone, three times of the estimated.

The reason is that we don't have a correct understanding of the supreme blood. When the blood is full of black runes, all the black runes resonate, and they devour the aura of 100 million excellent spirit stones. Only then did they formally transform.

Of course, the 100 million best spirit stone is nothing to today's werewolf Li Fuchen. As long as he is willing, he will soon earn back the 100 million best spirit stone.

"First get familiar with the power, and after a month, go to Shenye city."

In the eyes of the essence of convergence, the werewolf Li Fushen returned to the house.


At the auction, Hanshi Tianjun's face was cloudy and sunny. He didn't expect that the other party would be promoted to Tianjun so soon.

It's not so easy to deal with a ruler.

"He has been promoted initially. His strength should not be so strong. Find someone to test him."

The cold stone emperor contacted a king in the city.

"Han Shi Tianjun, as the person in charge of the auction house, you actually cheat for personal gain. If you let people know, you can't eat good fruit." The emperor in contact with the cold stone emperor was called the iron horn emperor, and the other side laughed at him.

"Tiejiao Tianjun, if you don't do it or not, I'll ask others to do it."

Cold stone emperor cold voice.

To tell you the truth, in order to deal with the werewolf Li Fuchen, he did take a lot of risks.

The other party is not a fool. Once attacked on the road, he will surely think of himself.

But I'm short of the best spirit stone. I can't do it without taking risks.

"Do it, why not? It's still the old rule, five or five points."

Tiejiao Tianjun simply said.


The cold stone emperor put down his heart.

The iron horn emperor is not weak among ordinary emperors, especially in defense. Few emperors can break through.

There's a lot of hope from the other side.

A month later.

Li Fuchen, a werewolf, left Yinyue city.

In the dark starry sky, the wolf man Li Fu dust turned into a dark light and shadow, and disappeared at once.

"No, he wants to escape."

Not far away, a ray of light also flashed away.

"It's over 10000 times the speed of light."

Werewolf Li Fuchen felt that the whole body of time and space as a lubricant, lubrication incomparable, making his speed faster and faster.

When the speed reaches his level, he can no longer simply get up. As long as the speed is accelerated, it will inevitably affect space and time.

But seriously, once the speed exceeds the speed of light, it is not a simple speed.

To achieve the speed of light, it shows that their own power is extremely huge, and the extremely huge power will distort space-time, the greater the distortion, the faster the speed.

"It's so fast."

Tiejiao Tianjun is very hard to pursue.

At the same time, be alert.

Suddenly, Li turns and looks at the void.

In the void, a silver light appeared. It was a man with bright silver skin and a single horn on his head.

"What is your pursuit of me?"

The werewolf Li Fuchen is neither humble nor arrogant, and stares at the iron horn emperor.

"Iron horn heaven King hey hey a smile," nothing big, just want to compete one or two. "

With that, he made a fist and hit Li Fuchen, a werewolf.

One punch, gorgeous silver light, like the sunshine.

On a closer look, it is clear that there are countless silver fist shadows.

As soon as the iron horn emperor came up, he took out his housekeeping skills.

Seeing this, Li Fuchen, a werewolf, stood there motionless.

"Looking for death."

Tiejiao Tianjun sneers at him. Although it is difficult for him to kill him, he will still suffer a lot if he stands still and let the other party fight. What's more, he is only a preliminarily promoted emperor. I'm afraid that he is not familiar with his own strength.Between the electric light and flint, the silver fist shadow flashed on the werewolf Li Fuchen.

However, the effect expected by the iron horn emperor did not happen.

These fists, like a bullock into the sea, disappear when they touch Li Fuchen, a werewolf.

"Damn it, what a dark force."

The king of iron horn looks ugly.

With his eyesight, how can not see that his power is absorbed by the dark power, in other words, the power of the werewolf Li Fushen is still above him.


Without hesitation, the king of iron corner turned and left.

His goal is to test the strength of werewolf Li Fuzhen. If the opponent is weak, kill him. If he is strong, he will withdraw immediately.

"If you want to come, you can go. It's not so easy."

A wolf's paw flies to the sky.


The iron horn emperor is bright and silver, and his body is like a metal, which has been cut off, and there are black substances floating out.

See, iron angle emperor faster, in the heart already cold stone emperor hate to death.

"It's fast."

Werewolf Li Fuchen did not chase, he knew that it was difficult to kill each other when he caught up.

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