In the hall, there are only two witchcraft puppets.

The breath of these two sorcery puppets reached the level of emperor.


The werewolf Li Fuchen has a fight with the sorcery puppet.

Li felt that it was terrible to breathe the floating dust.

"It's slowed down a lot."

Li Fuchen frowned.

The two witchcraft puppets are covered with a strong static force field. Under the effect of the static force field, the attack speed of the werewolf Li Fuzhen is more than doubled, and the attack power is also reduced a lot.

"If there is no accident, this must be a top-level sorcery puppet."

Li Fuchen stood in the corner of the hall, watching the change.

Li Fuchen, a werewolf who was promoted to the emperor of heaven, is indeed very powerful. His dark power has the effect of absorbing attacks. However, everything has its advantages and disadvantages. When the dark forces absorb attacks, they are also increasing consumption. If no accident, this will be an unimaginable protracted war. It is the best result to solve the sorcery puppets in a year.

One month.

Three months.

Half a year.

One year.

The war continues.

Either of these two sorcery puppets is stronger than tiejiao Tianjun. Moreover, he is invulnerable and has no weakness. The battle of the werewolf Li Fushen is also very difficult.

A year and a half later, the power of the sorcerer puppet finally declined.

Seeing this, Li Fuzhen slightly relaxed.

Only the emperor can deal with this sorcery puppet.

Even if he had such strength, he could not insist on it even if he had no superior blood. He had to use up the sword yuan.

In two years and ten days, one of the witchcraft puppets scattered into a pile of witchcraft armor and witchcraft weapons.

In two years and 18 days, the second sorcerer puppet was also scattered into a pile of witchcraft armor and witchcraft weapons.

"I'll recover."

The werewolf Li Fuchen sat down with his knees crossed.

When the output is less than the output, the emperor's power is endless, but when the output is greater than the output, the emperor's power will be exhausted.

In more than two years, the power of the werewolf Li Fuzhen was almost exhausted. If it was delayed for another month or two, he would have to burn the original source to fight.

Li Fuchen nodded. Naturally, he was very clear about the situation of the werewolf Li Fuzhen. He was somewhat glad that the sorcerer puppet did not persist for one or two months, otherwise the cost of burning the original battle would be too high.

Picking up a set of magic armor, Li Fuchen's spiritual sense penetrates in.

Sure enough, this is a set of inferior top-notch witchcraft armor, and its value is not inferior to a complete set of top-notch witchcraft armor.

Li Fuchen estimated that if it was auctioned at the auction, how could it be sold for more than 1.2 billion yuan.

"Put on this set of magic armor, I should be able to fight with the weaker emperor!"

Li Fuchen's secret way.

So far, I haven't heard that there is a God who can defeat the emperor, not even the top God of the Protoss. This has nothing to do with the talent and understanding. After all, the God and the emperor are not the gap in cultivation, but the gap in the realm. The reason why genius can fight over the level is because of the high level of realm. But the emperor is the supreme realm. How can you fight over it 。

The victory of the Lord has never happened, but it has happened many times. It depends on whether the Lord has any powerful treasures, such as the supreme puppet or the magic scroll.

If there is not enough powerful treasure, it depends on whether there is any special ability.

There are thousands of races in the universe. Each race has its own characteristics, and each individual has its own characteristics.

For example, Lingguang people are the most difficult race to kill because they have no entity. The second red Spirit Lord on the list of Shacheng saints is from the Lingguang clan. It is said that the red spirit LORD fought with the heavenly king. Although they were defeated in the end, they were able to escape and survive.

Like the blood clan, they can become countless tiny bats. As long as one bat escapes, they can make a comeback.

Not to mention the other races, just the Terrans, some invincible lords who are proficient in the way of void, or even more powerful, those who are proficient in the way of time, are also likely to escape from the hands of the heavenly king.

In short, whether we can escape from the emperor depends not only on the strength, but also on whether there is a way to escape.

As a swordsman, Li Fuchen is good at fighting hard, so he is not good at escaping. His way of emptiness is not too high. If he is used in front of the emperor, it will only make people laugh and be useless.

Now he has a suit of supreme magic armor. Li Fuchen thinks that he can fight against the weak emperor. If there are more escape treasures, he and the Emperor may be able to retreat without any injury.

Next, Li Fuzhen picked up the magic weapon.

The value of the inferior Wushang weapon is much higher than that of the inferior Wushang weapon, but it is generally less than that of the intermediate Wushang weapon. It is estimated that it can sell one or two billion high-quality spirit stones."Unfortunately, there is no sword."

One is a knife and the other is an axe.

"By the way, I have the sword of killing the sky. Why do I want the magic sword?"

Li Fuchen laughed dumbly.

The sword of killing heaven is a superior weapon, and its value lies on a whole set of inferior Wushang magic armor. It is not comparable to a inferior Wushang weapon.

Finally, Li Fuchen's eyes fell on the bill.

There is a scroll on the bar.

Take a look. It's the scroll of the curse of the sun.

However, it is more advanced than the previous scroll of the sun mantra. It is estimated that it should be the supreme scroll of the middle class.

In the outside world, the inferior top-notch scroll corresponds to the ordinary emperor, the top-grade scroll corresponds to the city Lord level emperor, and the top-notch scroll corresponds to the star domain level emperor. In other words, the power of this scroll is almost the full blow of the high-end ordinary emperor.

If used well, it is enough to seriously injure the weak ordinary emperor.

"Not bad."

Li Fuchen is very satisfied. What he needs most is this kind of treasure which can set the world in one fell swoop.

After spending a lot of the best spirit stones, the werewolf Li Fuchen finally regained some strength. Next, the dark source will continue to pour out power, but it does not need to rely on the best spirit stone.

"You and I have our own set!"

Li Fuchen gives Li Fuchen a set of magic armor.

Although the werewolves have strong defense, and the dark forces can absorb attacks, who will think that their defense is too high, only think that the higher the better.


The werewolf Li Fuchen took the magic armor and put it on himself.

But after that, he couldn't change easily.

Of course, when it comes to the emperor level, there is no big gap between them.

Moreover, compared with the defense brought by wearing witchcraft armor, the strength increase brought by transformation is not too important.


"It's getting more and more dangerous."

Li Fuchen frowned. He felt that the werewolf Li Fuchen could not protect himself. If he had no soul power, he would have been killed by witchcraft several times.

"It's a good idea to seek wealth and wealth insurance, but no one should know enough."

Taking a breath, Li Fuchen decides to leave the Wuzu ruins.

He has gained enough. If he is not satisfied, he may be killed by his own greed.

Follow the original road, the two quickly return.

In a short time, I came near a conveyor.


The teleport station is activated, and the two teleport the remains of Wuzu.

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