The thousand star shadow gully is the first of the five dangerous places in Henghe star region.

It's a dangerous place. I don't know whether it was formed by nature or by the day after tomorrow. It is filled with countless cosmic gullies. Each of them contains infinite time and space. Even if the emperor is deeply involved in it, he will be completely lost.

Between the great gullies, there are many special stars. These stars seem to be condensed by shadows, but they have entities.

At this time, a warship, quietly came to the thousand star shadow gully.

On the warship, there were several heavenly kings, Li Fuchen, yinshou Tianjun, Huji Tianjun and Tiejun.

Yin hand emperor does not say, tiger extreme emperor is a demon family emperor, with tiger patterns on his body.

Tie Jun is a tall and handsome woman in black, with sharp edges and corners like an axe, smooth skin and no blemish.

Li Fuchen met all three at the party. This time, they came here to help Yin Shou Tian Jun catch the shadow stone monkey, a giant beast in the sky.

"Shadow stone monkeys generally live on the shadow stars, but once in danger, they will immediately flee to the nearest gap in the universe. Therefore, we have only one chance to find the shadow stone monkeys. If we miss them, we can only find a second one." In order to capture this time, yinshou Tianjun paid a great price. First of all, he had to pay three people and one person three hundred million yuan. After success, he had to pay another 200 million yuan.

"Yinshou Tianjun, you can rest assured that I tiger heaven will not take your best spirit stone in vain. I can't catch it this time. I will catch it for you again for free next time." The tiger king patted his chest.

"For this capture plan, I have prepared for many years, and I believe it will succeed," he said with a smile

Before long, the ship approached a shadowy star.

Landing on the stars, the four began to look for the shadow stone monkey.

There are too many shadow stars in the shadow gully of thousand stars. In fact, the number of stars can not be counted. Basically, there are many shadow stars around every big gully in the universe.

"This thousand star shadow gully is really not formed by nature."

Li Fuchen agreed to help the Yin hand emperor capture the shadow stone monkey, not for the sake of a mere 500 million of the best spirit stone. To tell the truth, although his wealth is not much, it is easy to earn 500 million of the best spirit stone if he is willing to. The reason why he agreed was mainly to understand the emperor's fighting methods and see the thousand star shadow valley.

In its view, the thousand star shadow gully is obviously formed by a battle between a Dao Dao power and a shadow Dao power. However, the breath left by the battle between the two gradually dissipates over the infinite years. Only those who are sensitive can detect the clues.

"I don't know what strength these two great powers are?"

Li Fuchen sighed.

This thousand star shadow gully, spanning thousands of light years, is certainly not possible for the star level heavenly king, and the demigods do not know whether they can do it.

After all, it's not the destruction of thousands of light-years, but the near permanent damage of thousands of light-years to the universe.

Six months later.


A faint ripple spread.

On a shadow star in the depth of the thousand star shadow gully, a huge shadow swept out and flew towards the nearby big gully of the universe.

"Where to go."

The tiger king's body became larger and turned into a black tiger with tens of thousands of miles in size. He roared, and the terrible sound waves roared to the huge shadow.


The huge shadow was hit by the sound wave, and the body was stunned, showing the real body.

This is a huge stone monkey with black body. Compared with it, tiger king is just a little bit small.

The shadow stone monkey is a powerful presence among the giant animals in the sky. Any shadow stone monkey has the power of emperor level.

"Bipolar array disk!"

Iron Jun, tall and strong, does not know when she will appear behind the shadow stone monkey. With a swing of her hand, an array plate is integrated into the void.


The shadow stone monkey turns into shadow again and wants to escape to the great Ravine of the universe.


In the void, an invisible barrier blocks the shadow stone monkey and bounces it back directly.

Seeing this, iron Jun's mouth floating sneer, two pole array plate but no upper array plate, can easily trap an ordinary emperor.

Bang Bang Bang

The shadow stone monkey was as mad as a madman, pounding the array barrier at the two poles. Gradually, there was a crack on the array barrier. Although the crack soon disappeared, it also made iron Jun's heart tense.

"Luo Ji Yin hand!"

The king of Yin hand came to the shadow stone monkey and hit the shadow stone monkey with one hand.

This seemingly real palm, but like a phantom, passed through the shadow stone monkey's body.

It can be found that the speed and strength of the shadow stone monkey are much slower.

The Luo Ji Yin hand of Yin hand is not a martial art, but a combat skill developed according to its own talent. The greatest effect of this combat skill is to absorb the opponent's strength and produce a weakening effect. Of course, if the enemy is weak, he will be directly injured or even killed.Roar!

The shadow stone monkey was angry. Its eyes were red with blood, and its strength broke out greatly. The array barrier was knocked out of the depression and almost broke.

"Not good."

Iron Jun's body covered with metal light, fit to the shadow stone monkey.


The two meet hard and share equally.

"I'll help you."

Tiger king joined the battle.

As for the Yin hand emperor, he constantly urged Luo Ji to weaken the shadow stone monkey.

"Yuanji Tianjun, you should also contribute to it!"

Although the three men were enough to suppress the shadow stone monkey, but seeing Li Fuchen's carefree appearance, the tiger extreme heavenly king was still somewhat unhappy.

Li Fuchen said: "sorry, I've been observing the flaws of the shadow stone monkey."

The shadow stone monkey is said to be immortal. It is very difficult to kill a shadow stone monkey even if it is a star level heavenly king. This is mainly because the shadow stone monkey can be shadowed and petrified. The former can ignore the attack, the latter can resist the attack, and the two are perfect.

Of course, there is no perfect existence in this world. There are still flaws in the shadow stone monkey. If we find the flaw, we can still kill the shadow stone monkey, but we can knock it out.

"There is only one flaw in the whole body of the shadow stone monkey, and this flaw is moving all the time. I advise you not to waste your time."

Iron Jun and shadow stone monkey shook a move, shaking the head.

If the flaw of the shadow stone monkey is so easy to find, they don't have to work so hard. Unfortunately, few people can find the flaw.

"Found it!"

There was a flash of light in Li Fuchen's eyes.

"No way."

Huji Tianjun and Tiejun don't believe it.

The Lord of Yin hands hesitated.

When the sword came out of the sheath, Li Fuchen's body flashed and crossed with the shadow stone monkey in an instant.


As if something cracked, the shadow stone monkey's huge body fell to the ground.

"Do you really find a flaw?"

Tiger king and iron king are shocked.

"It seems that what the emperor Jianfeng and Baihong have said is true. The emperor Yuanji is a unique genius."

Yinshou and Baihong are old friends, so I know the details of Li Fuchen.

The shadow stone monkey was knocked out, which did not mean the capture was successful. The king of Yin hand took out a metal token from the space ring.

"War beast order!"

Tie Jun's eyes brightened.

The star giant is almost untreatable. The ancestor of Yokogawa once captured a shadow stone monkey, but it was not domesticated at all, and could only be kept in captivity.

But there is no absolute, there are always some people, some means, can tame the giant star.

For example, war beast order.

It is said that the order of war beasts is a secret treasure refined by a royal beast billions of years ago. This treasure contains the space for war beasts. It can not only collect the giant beasts in the sky, but also transform them into war beasts.

Unfortunately, war beast orders are too rare, and a war beast order can only collect and transform into a star giant beast, the Lord of Yin hand. It is estimated that the war beast order was obtained from which relics.

"Master of Yin hand, no wonder you want to capture the shadow stone monkey. It turns out that there is a war beast order."

The tiger heaven King envies unceasingly.

The order of war beast can greatly increase the strength of the giant beast in the sky. From now on, the Lord of Yin hand is also a powerful man. Maybe he can break hands with the ordinary Lord of the city.

The Lord of Yin hand laughed. He poured his power into the order of war beasts and began to collect shadow stone monkeys.

Soon, the comatose shadow stone monkey is put into the war beast order.

"Three, thank you very much. This is 200 million spirit stone."

The emperor of Yin hand threw two hundred million high-quality spirit stones to three people.

After receiving the best spirit stone, the tiger king couldn't help but say, "the Lord of Yin hand, I'd like to ask you, where did you get this order from?"

"To tell you the truth, the order of war beasts was found in the forbidden grottoes of the ancient stone star region," said the emperor

"You dare to enter the forbidden grottoes. Forget it, it's too dangerous. I don't want to go in."

The tiger king shook his head.

Hearing this, Tiejun also gave up his plan to obtain the order of war beasts. The forbidden grottoes are not a good place, or the whole ancient stone star region is not a good place.

"Ancient stone star region, forbidden Grottoes?"

Li Fuchen raised his eyebrows.

He has not returned to the dark blue plane for a long time. Maybe he can travel to other star regions through the space-time passage of Donglin.

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