"Go on

The three men did not agree to different attacks on Li Fuchen.

"Well, it's time to test the immortal body." Li Fuzhen did not dodge, but resisted one attack of three people.

Li's sword could not be destroyed by the whirlwind of the sky. Unfortunately, the light whirled from the sky, which made Li's sword disappear.


Seeing this, the three took a breath.

You can resist the attack of the three by your body. The Lord of heaven who specializes in body training can't do it!

"Who are you?"

The king of light drinks.

"It doesn't matter who I am."

After confirming that the body of eternal calamity can ignore the attack of the Lord of heaven, Li Fuchen puts down a hundred hearts.

"You forced me, the light of creation!"

The light on the emperor of light is more and more powerful, and the scene of creation emerges.


The lightsaber in his hand became stronger and stronger a thousand times, and the emperor of light chopped Li Fuchen with a sword.

"Burning blood?"

Whirlpool and Lingyu were shocked. Burning blood would cause irreversible damage. No one would choose to do so until the moment of life and death.

Correspondingly, burning blood can make the emperor explode ten times of strength.


The lightsaber was cut hard on Li Fuchen's head, and sparks splashed everywhere.

"No harm in this way?"

Whirlpool emperor almost bit his tongue, and Lingyu emperor was also beautiful.

"Well, I don't have time to play with you. Goodbye."

Although Li Fuchen was not afraid of the three men's attack, he could not do anything about them.

The light Emperor didn't chase, but scattered the lightsaber in his hands.

He can't defend the other side even though he is so desperate.


"Prismatite mother, finally got it."

On the way, Li Fuchen took out the prismatite mother, a little curious.

As the most precious treasure of the universe, the value of prismatite mother is still the second, and its function can be called adverse weather.

According to legend, the mother of prismatite can reverse time and revive people who have just died.

If you match the array, you can control the time flow velocity in the array.

It can be said that a prismatic mother solved many of his worries.

"Maybe, we can do it together with time and space."

Together with the void, Li Fuchen has a deep foundation. With time, there is a prismatic mother. Li Fuchen believes that there is no problem in catching up with the void.

In the universe, many emperors will choose to cultivate both space and time.


"It's the mother of prismatite."

returned to the deep blue plane. Li Fuchen first took out the prismatic jewels, and then came to realize the source of time. After the slow progress, he took out the prismatic stone mother and realized the essence of the time.

In a short period of half a month, Li Fuzhen, along with his time, has reached a level equivalent to that of emptiness from the basic stage.


In front of a small tree, Li Fuchen waved his hand, and the time velocity increased wildly in the area where the small tree was located.

Hua Hua Hua

The small trees grew at an amazing speed, and soon grew from a small tree half a person high to a big tree several people high. However, at the same time, the surrounding land and vegetation withered up, as if all the nutrition had been absorbed by the small trees.


With another wave of Li's hand, the time flow velocity in the area where the tree is located dropped rapidly, and finally began to reverse, but the reversal amplitude was much lower.

Seeing several tall trees getting shorter and shorter, Li Fuchen sighed and took up the power of time.

Time together is too terrible, in ordinary people, at the moment of Li Fuchen, has no difference with God.

Of course, Li also knows that time has different effects on different objects.

Such ordinary small trees can easily control their growth rate, but it is difficult to control the growth rate of trees with high energy level.

For example, now Li Fuchen can easily make an ordinary person old or come back from the dead. But if the target is the emperor, I'm afraid that there is no effect at all. If the target is the emperor, he will be aging several hundred years and thousands of years at most, which is not fatal.

This is mainly because, along with the time of Li Fuzhen, he has not reached the supreme level. Only when he reaches the supreme level can he have an effect on the emperor.

"I don't know how terrible the ability of time of Shi Sha Tianjun is."

The time ability of shisha Tianjun is derived from the way of sand. It may be worse than the city Lord level Tianjun who specializes in time, but it must be quite terrifying."Time and space are not separated. If we want to go further together with time, we must combine it with space, that is, void together."

Li Fuchen's understanding goes against the sky, and easily combines the power of time and space together to form the force of time and space.

Li found that it was easier to control the growth of trees with the force of time and space, and the impact on the surrounding environment was relatively small.

"Now you can try the effect of prismatic mother."

Taking out the prismatite mother, Li Fuchen injects the force of space and time into it.

The next moment, Li Fuchen into a kaleidoscope of independent space, there is a dreamlike light in the diffuse interwoven.

"Speed up."

The time velocity in the independent space changed from 1:1 to 100:1.

"Speed up again."

And then it went from 100 to 1 to 1000 to 1.

In other words, one year for the outside world and one thousand years for the inside.

This is undoubtedly amazing. After all, Li Fuchen is a city Lord level emperor, not an ordinary person. He can speed up the time flow rate of the city Lord level heavenly king by 1000 times, but he is afraid that he can speed up the time flow rate of ordinary people by hundreds of millions of times.

Of course, ordinary people have a limited life span, so it doesn't make much sense to accelerate.

Only Li Fuchen, who has unlimited life span, can accelerate time have great significance.

"Keep accelerating."

Li Fuchen pushed the prismatite mother to the limit.


The independent space vibrated for a while, and the time velocity accelerated to ten thousand times that of the outside world.

Li Fuchen has a feeling that this is the limit of prismatite mother. After all, he is a city Lord level king of heaven, and his energy level is too high.

"I don't know the effect of cultivation."

Li Fuchen began to develop his brilliant sword technique.

Ten days outside, two hundred and seventy-three years inside.

"Supreme glory!"

With Li Fuchen's sword, the brilliant sword light rushed out, directly breaking through the independent space.

"This feeling."

Bathed in the sunshine of the outside world, Li Fuchen felt that a lot of the original power of the glorious Kendo fell from the sky and integrated into the blood of the glorious kendo.

apart from that, there are still a few brilliant brilliant sources of Kendo origin.

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